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Before Ben stood Luke in his holographic form. The pad sat on the hand of the young Jedi as you stood to a side, listening in. "Someone is watching the princess. I've had my suspicions but I just saw someone and tried going after them."

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"I lost them in the darkness of the garden..." Ben sighed.

"Speak to the king and queen about this, they must know their daughter may be in danger. Report back to me when you do," Luke ordered as Ben nodded before ending the connection.

Taking in a deep breath as you held your arms together, Ben approached you, "I will speak to your parents first thing in the morning, it's been a long night and I want to make sure they've left the premises," Ben said as you nodded. "I will take you back to your chambers. Make sure your doors are locked and only answer the door if you recognize who it is, okay?"

"Okay," you nodded before taking Ben's arm, holding him close as he guided you back to your living quarters.

Morning had come rather quickly. Ben had done a round around the palace grounds and made sure there was no sense of intrusion. Whoever it was was long gone, which was good, but also frustrating. He wanted to find whoever it was that had been watching them.

Approaching the throne room as guards opened the doors, Ben walked in and bowed his head to the king and queen as he had stopped before them. "I have beliefs that someone is watching your daughter."

"What?" Your father spoke up.

"Last night I was on the balcony and your daughter came to join me, I sensed someone was watching and I followed them but lost track. I did a round to make sure no one suspicious was around the castle. They were nowhere in sight. I checked every corner and behind everyone bush, everywhere I could inside and out. Even after all the guests left..."

"Ben," your mother spoke.

"Pardon me, I just... I needed to make sure your daughter was safe. That you and your family didn't have an intruder..."

"We can tell you truly care for our daughter... for us. We appreciate it, young Jedi Knight. If someone is truly after her, we ask you stay closer to our princess and to not lose sight. I know you are not on top of her every hour of the day, but it would ease our worry if we knew she was safe with you," your father said as Ben nodded.

"Of course, I want nothing but the best," he said as your father thanked him before dismissing him. Ben immediately made his way out, searching for you. It was enough he was paranoid, but he didn't want to disappoint your parents... let alone, let anything happen to you.

Searching the grounds and finding you within the garden, sat on a blanket with your little brother, Ben took a seat beside you as you and your brother looked at him. "Hello."

"Hi," you smiled as your little brother waved. "How did it go?"

"I will be staying longer now that your parents want me to stay closer to you. I spent hours searching every bit of the palace grounds—"


"I need to make sure you are safe," he said as he looked you deep in the eyes.

Nodding, you gave him a small hug, "thank you."

"I wouldn't want anyone else watching over you, anyway," he confessed as you smiled.

Days passed since the incident and since Ben became your shadow. You did not mind, especially when you were in a secret relationship... it was just harder to hold back your urges when you were in public, especially when when you were sent on small missions around your planet. Of course, you snuck touches and kisses whenever you could... still, you wished it wasn't so hard to keep what you two shared a secret.

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