Fifteen (NSFW)

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The happiness that circled Ben slowly slipped away as his duties came back to mind. Now that the two of you had returned to Calidum, you were already in a meeting with your parents, discussing matters that related to your mission on Naboo. Ben was left to himself, just outside the throne room. He tried not to focus on his thoughts, simply focusing on your energy.

Then his instincts kicked in, he was near a window and something inside of him told him to look out. Just as he did, his eyes widened and he instantly broke into a sprint. He knew what he saw, he saw that shadowy figure and he wasn't about to let them go this time around.

He rushed through the gardens, following the figure as his ears began to ring. Ben felt the Force vibrating through his bones, knowing he couldn't let whoever it was keep on watching you. Yet... every turn he took, he felt more and more lost. It was like he couldn't actually see where he was, blinded by anger and rage, seeing what he wanted to see.

Gritting his teeth, Ben reached his hand out and used the Force, grabbing the figure he saw and choking them.

"Ben!" A voice called out, but he couldn't hear it. "Ben! Stop!"

Locked in his own mind of fury, he suddenly felt a hand wrap around his wrist and lowering it. Stepping into his view, you looked up at him as his focus suddenly snapped. The world around him fell back into place. Looking over to see who he had caught, Ben's heart plummeted.

"That's one of the gardeners, they make sure the garden is watered and and freshly trimmed!" You exclaimed, seeing the look in his eyes go from hatred to regret.

Eyeing the middle aged man on his knees, coughing, Ben watched as you rushed over and helped him up. You uttered your apologies and explained the situation at hand, trying to get Ben out of being seen as a threat.

Gulping, Ben took a few steps back before looking at his hands. He was in disbelief... but also disgusted. Disgusted in himself, disgusted in his actions. How he acted on anger and not thinking rationally.

His heart dropped as he looked back over to you and the old man, knowing very well he could have killed someone innocent if he had let his mind fall further into those deep and twisted thoughts.

Turning around, Ben fled the area, catching your attention as you noticed and quickly called out his name. Yet, he didn't stop, he just ran. He kept on running.

"I am so sorry, I truly am..." you said to the man as he shook his head. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"He is doing his duty," he said as you frowned. "It's alright, I will be fine, my lady."

Sighing, you eyed him before giving him a small smile and offering him the rest of the day off. Receiving his gratitude, you turned and made your way down the path Ben went on, hoping you could find him.

The sounds of the ocean brushing the shore filled the air as you approached the beach. Feeling the breeze against your skin as the wind blew your hair, you looked around before spotting Ben. He was standing there, staring out at the ocean. You approached him and he already sensed you, shoulders slowly dropping.

"I'm losing control," he said. "More and more every passing day. I don't think it's safe for me to stay."

Feeling your heart skip a beat, you shook your head, "you're wrong, you just need to express yourself more often. Don't hold in your fears. Just— Just talk to me, please..."

Turning, Ben looked down at you, studying your face. The look in your eyes, the sadness, the fear of losing him. "I fear you will die because of an unseen threat, or worse, myself."

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