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Calidum was a temperate, warm planet in the mid rim, that blossomed with green. Trees towered as mountains were coated with all sorts of plant-life and forests. With hot summers and warm winters, it held its beauty through its nature and large oceans. It was the only true beauty you had known all your life.

The sweet sounds of the animals hummed through the morning daylight. The early sun shone on you with its bright rays, delicately reflecting off of your skin as you soaked in its warmth. This would be the last you could appreciate heat like this. You never thought you'd ever see the day that you'd mess your home planet's year round summer weather.

The world of Calidum was known for its beautiful summers. The way the sun reflected off of the oceans waters with beautiful sparkles as soft breezes brought in the heartwarming, natural smells of the large bodies of water. Pure aqua, a smell you were fond of. It was what your home smelt like. A smell you'd never grow tired of.

Your gaze was out on the broad ocean your family's palace sat on, just at the edge of the water. Water crashed bellow and caused a soothing sound that drowned out the racing of your heart.

Today would be the last day of your freedom as the Princess of Calidum. Your last day of being a child. Or, truly, your last day of being independent. You were considered too old to be left single, but that wasn't the reason why you were soon to be married off. Sure, twenty-three was an old age to still be unwedded, but you were doing just fine. Weren't you?

At least... you were. Maybe not Calidum.

The royal city of Lux was in grave danger after a recent battle between the First Order and the Resistance. It had been rumored that the government of Calidum had considered reaching out and helping the Rebels, but it was just that—rumors.

Or so you believed.

The words reached out to the First Order—a military organization the people of Calidum were meant to support—and the response wasn't pleasant.

Threats were made. Very dangerous threats. As the First Order recovered and rebuilt their second base (a weapon just as destructive, if not more than, Starkiller), there was heavy fear that they'd test their weapon on the fine yet not so fine planet of Calidum.

The only way out was a compromise. A treaty.

A settlement.

And you, the dear Princess of Calidum, was the offer.

It made your insides turn. Your heart race. Your hands clamp and throat dry.

You weren't a pawn. You weren't a toy or matter of exchange. You weren't money or goods to be traded. You were a living, breathing, being. You were a person.

Yet... here you were, standing at the balcony of your living quarters, enjoying the last sunrise you'd ever experience on your home world of Calidum. Before you were shipped off... to be a bride.

A sadness overwhelmed you at the realization that, in a matter of minutes, you'd soon leave your bedroom (one you very much loved) for good.

It pained you, knowing you'd leave this life behind. Knowing you were being married off to someone you absolutely feared.

It hurt knowing your beloved parents would agree to such terms rather than think of another way out.

It terrified you knowing you would never feel at home again.

With a sharp intake of breath and a bat of your eyelashes to free the newfound tears that peaked, you heard metallic footsteps from behind you.

"My dear princess, the shuttle has arrived for your departure." J-1AE, your personal droid, informed. "They await your presence."

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