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Death weighed on Ben's shoulders as he held you in his arms, limp and lifeless with a hole in your chest. His lightsaber crashed on the floor as a scream left his throat, your Force signature slipping from his grip.

Suddenly, Ben jolted awake, drenched in his sweat and clutching onto his bare chest. His fingers dug into his skin, as if trying to reach for his heart. Tears stained his cheeks as streams trailed down to his jawline.

You can only save her if you succumb.

The only way to be free of this torture is to do what is right.

Abandoned the Jedi Order.

Join the darkness.

If you stay, you will kill her and lose her forever.

You must leave and never return.

Leave it all behind.

Leave her behind.

Waking up with a faint jump of your body, you reached over and frowned. "Ben?" You whispered, but getting nothing in return. Sitting up and eyeing your room, seeing he wasn't on your couch nor in your washroom, your heart skipped a beat.

Standing up and walking towards the balcony, you saw nothing, instantly turning around and rushing right out. You sprinted down the hall toward the tower, finding nothing and no one there. Your heart was racing as you made your way out and towards his bedroom, running as fast as you could, feeling your heart aching. Growing heavy. You feared your grip wasn't strong enough, that he had slipped away no matter how much you held on.

Hearing thunder rumble as lightening had lit up the dark halls, you entered his bedroom and searched every inch. You called out his name, beginning for him yet getting nothing in return. Feeling tears well up in your eyes as you ran around the castle in a panic, you made your way outside as the heavy winds kicked in. You looked over at the beach, finding no trace of him. Nowhere on the sand or near the water.

"Ben, please..." you begged, lips trembling and teeth chattering. Your tears slipped and your body shivered. The winds were heavy and the clouds roared as the storm rolled in. Ben was nowhere in sight and you were beyond worried.

Searching the gardens, you ran towards the waterfall, hoping he was there. Your heart was pounding in your ears as your bare feet raced along the grassy terrain. Slowing your pace suddenly as you spotted Ben standing before the waterfall, you panted. "Ben, please, come back to bed."

"I can't," he shook his head, turning around and looking at you.

"Ben, please," you begged, choking on your sobs. "Ben! Please! Don't leave me! I beg of you, we can make things work!"

"You and I both know we can't, no matter how hard we try, I will become worse. I won't be able to save you, I'll be the one to hurt you instead—"

"Don't say that! Please, don't!" You cried, shaking your head, rushing up to him and grabbing his hands. "Ben, don't— Don't go!"

"I must, it's for our own good," he said with a straight face, a lack of emotion that terrified you.

Hearing the thunder again as drops of rain became a downpour, your tears were no longer apparent. The rain dosed you and Ben, drenching you in seconds. "Please, please stay! Please, Ben, we can figure this out together—"

"We can't," without hesitation, Ben pulled his hands away from you before turning and walking away.

Chasing after him, you pleaded, "please— don't let me go! Ben, I beg of you! I love you so much! Don't go!" Reaching out to him, you cried, "Ben!"

Taking in a deep breath, Ben turned around and reached for you, pulling you into a passionate kiss. One you knew and feared would be your last. "I will never forget you, I will never forget what we had, but I must go. I must leave in order to keep you safe."

Turning and walking away, losing sight of him in the heavy rain as you sobbed, you suddenly felt light headed. Your mind growing fuzzy as your chest felt heavy. Suddenly, you felt lost... confused. You looked around, eyebrows narrowed, unsure as to how you got there.

Hearing footsteps as grass crunched, you turned and saw your mother approaching with a coat over her head. Eyeing her and giving her a look of confusion as you asked what happened, your mother softly smiled. "You must have been sleep walking, come, let's go back inside and get you clean and changed, you don't want to get sick."

Nodding, you joined your mother as you walked back to the castle, setting up a warm bath as she washed your hair bad made sure you were all dried up and dressed. Settling you under the sheets and kissing your head good night, your mother left you to rest before her smile dropped. She aimed for the room Ben was staying in, finding his holopad he left behind. Taking it and making her way towards the tower, your mother spent an hour or so cleaning up and hiding away all the calligraphy and paintings Ben had created and left in his wake. Shoving them in a cabinet with the holopad before locking it away, knowing no one would bother to even be in the tower including you.

This was to protect you. To keep you safe from the forgotten memory of your lost lover.

Years had passed since the disappearance of Ben Solo and your memory. The queen—your mother—was in private as she received a message from a secret ally. Leia Organa. "My son still has light in him... I just know it. Even after all that has happened after all these years... I can feel it."

"Perhaps it's time," your mother said. "We must step in and do something."

Nodding in agreement, Leia took in a deep breath, "the two must reunite. Your daughter has the potential to reach the light in him. To do something. Anything to make him realize who he really is."

Breathing in, the queen looked off for a moment, deep in thought, "it's a leap... but I have a proposal..."

"What is it?" Leia asked.

Gulping, the queen looked back at Leia's hologram, "An arranged marriage."

.。*゚+.*.。 • ゚+..。*゚+

A/N: You already know what happens from here on out! I am so happy to have been able to write a little prequel for this beloved story!Would you all want a sequel that follows the ending of the original story? Let me know in the comments!

Gentle reminder to checkout my other story "The Light is Coming," a take on the sequel era with my own twist and OC as the lead! It's been a few years in the making and it took a lot of courage to share when not many people read Kylo/Ben x OC content. Please, give it a try, I would be grateful for it!

Your comments and feedback are much appreciated! Don't forget to save this story in your library for update notifications! 🖤

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