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The ocean was a breathtaking sight. Ben Solo breathed it all in, gazing out to the endless view before him. It almost felt like all his fears and worries had evaporated into the air, leaving himself with a quiet mind and a light heart. Closing his eyes for a moment, listening to the sounds of the water flowing onto the shore, Ben felt your presence. The light within you. The joy you held in your heart for making a new friend.

He smiled.

The sensation made its way to his own heart. He couldn't quite recall anyone ever getting excited to befriend him other than the fact that he was the son of two war heroes...

"It seems I am not the only one who finds peace with this view," you spoke up, watching as Ben slowly opened his eyes. You studied the way he stood, his tense muscles relaxing as your eyes trailed his sharp features. He was very handsome and you wondered as to how he became a Jedi... if, instead, he wanted to do something else in his life. It was your mind running, it almost seemed as if being a Jedi wasn't as exciting as it seemed.

"It's rather calming," he spoke up, eyeing the distant clouds and the way the water sparkled from the bright sun. "I can only imagine how lovely it is to wake up to it everyday."

"You will," you smiled. "For however long you will be staying with us... I picked your room, I made sure you had a lovely one. It is the least I could give you for protecting us."

Looking over at you, eyeing how your skin practically glistened under the sun, Ben softly grinned. "Thank you, but I do not expect any sort of payment for doing my duty."

"Nonsense, if there is any way to show my gratitude towards your care, I will do so," you nodded as Ben felt his heart leap in his chest. The way you were so passionate about something so small as to being thankful... He had wished he met you sooner, maybe then his mind wouldn't be so cluttered and loud.

"As you please, princess," Ben slightly bowed his head before looking back out at the horizon. "I feel you will find me out here meditating when I am not watching over you."

Smiling again, you took a step closer and held onto his arm, "come, there is more to see. This view will be here for you whenever you desire."

Walking away from the beach and making your way back to the palace, you (properly) showed him the gardens of your home. The wonderful set up of plants and fountains, the gazebos and ponds. Ben swore he was living in a dream, a heavenly place such as this seemed like a figment of ones imagination.

But it was all real and he was living it.

Bringing him into the palace, showing him the endless rooms within the structure—from the kitchen to the dining room, the lounge, the library, the ballroom and so on—Ben felt it was almost endless. No matter where he went, there was somewhere new.

"What is this?" He suddenly asked as they walked the hall that lead to the east wing where the living quarters were.

Turning your head to see where he had been looking, you smiled, "that is where the artists work." Eyeing the bridge that lead to the tower that directly overlooked the ocean, you tugged Ben with you, out the door and across the way. "Whenever the king and queen want a new portrait or sculpture for the palace, the artists come here." Pushing past the door of the tower, Ben's lips parted at the sight.

The ceiling was high, a mural all across it as it lead to the center point. Lowering his focus and seeing all the easels, used and unused canvases, discarded sculptures and tables, Ben couldn't help but slip from your grip as he walked over to something in particular. "This is..."

Peeking over to see what he had been eyeing, you beamed, "that calligraphy set is absolutely gorgeous... though I hardly know how to use it so beautifully like my mother does..."

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