Thirty Four

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Just over eight months—nearly nine—had passed since your wedding on Starkiller II and honeymoon on Calidum. The news of the newly married Supreme Leader has spread throughout the galaxy like the stars in the night sky. Nearly everyone aware of the First Order now knew who you were, much more than those who had known you beforehand as a simple princess.

Your honeymoon was all that you could've asked for, simple and subtle. It was spent nearly like how the two of you were before Kylo had joined the First Order and left you behind to keep you safe. Except, of course, this time... there was no sneaking around. It was just the two of you, enjoying the beauty and warmth of your home planet.

Then, the big news had hit you a few weeks after your departure from Calidum and return to Starkiller II. With the symptoms that had fallen upon you and shined bright signals at you, you had visited the med bay to find out you had fallen pregnant. You couldn't say you were completely surprised—not with how you and Kylo were—but you still were. You were happy to know you were bringing life into the world. Although, you did have a few doubts with the galaxy you lived in, you knew your child would be fine under yours (and Kylo's) care.

After all, ever since his reunion with you, something within him snapped and made Kylo much more stable. He was on the path of becoming a great leader.

Of course... there was no easy way to tell Kylo. At the moment, you weren't entirely sure how he had felt about children. You knew he wasn't against the idea of heirs, but you didn't want him to have a child to just have a successor. You wanted him to love and care for them, to be there for them and to guide them along the way.

And when you had told him the big news that same day—a few hours later once he retired for the evening—there was a look in his eyes you had never seen on him before. A look that almost gestured how this was his life and you were truly his wife... and now you were giving him a child to call his own.

The months that passed were emotional and quite wild, the change in your body and all that you had been going through due to the pregnancy. It was a bit rough at first, but with the help of Kylo, Low, and even Phasma, you were able to get through it.

Standing before the crowd, with your protruding belly hidden underneath your gown, you listened to the words your husband had been reciting as you wore a smile. It was decided that they'd give you a proper position amongst the First Order rather than just being the Princess and the Supreme Leader's wife—the Empress.

Since the First Order had never seen an Empress before, Kylo had written his own dialogue that he had read out loud for the officers and stormtroopers to hear. It had taken him some time, when it was a collective decision to title you with a higher authority, Kylo took it in himself to—in a sense—crown you.

"I present to you, for the very first time in First Order history, your new Empress." Kylo declared as the crowd saluted. Moving closer to you and pressing a hand on your lower back, you had smiled to those before you as you held your head high, hearing him mutter in your ear, "My Princess is now my Empress."

"Don't worry," You said with a wink as you placed your hand on your belly. "You'll have a new princess soon."

Listening to the gentle sounds of music you were able to bring into Kylo's study—which he now named after you in your honor—you sat on a stool as you finished up a new painting. Both you and Kylo had filled the room up with new paintings and sheets upon sheets of letters and notes you both made with the calligraphy sets you had. What had been lost before was regained through new artworks. Kylo kept you as his muse, finding new ways to paint you each time as you did the same with him. Sometimes you'd paint one another as you painted together, other times you did it on your own.

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