Twenty Nine

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"I can't believe how Pooja got a gown this beautiful so quickly..." You said to Kylo as the two of you walked arm in arm around Varykino. "Although, she said it was a Naberrie's..."

Clearing his throat, Kylo spoke up. "That's because it belonged to my grandmother."

"Really?" Your eyebrows lifted.

"Mhm." He nodded. "They showed it to me when I was a child, amongst many other things that belonged to her. They were intended to be given to my mother but she wanted to keep them in tact." Kylo explained. "It only made sense as to why they brought it out for you to wear."

"It's gorgeous, I can't seem to get over it." You chuckled as Kylo smiled, leaning over and kissing the top of your head.

"Would you like to visit the Royal Palace?" He asked as you lifted your head, instantly nodding.

"Yes, of course! I don't think I've ever been..."

"Really?" Kylo furrowed his eyebrows. "I never brought you there?"

"No." You shook your head. "Which is fine, everything else you showed me was beautiful." You smiled.

"Then, let's visit Theed."

Standing before the vast steps, eyeing the palace before you in awe, you smiled. You always admired other palace's and their architecture, the way they looked completely different from your own, yet, just as beautiful. Feeling a hand on your hip, you turned your head up to look at Kylo with a smile. "Is everything in Naboo beautiful?" You chuckled as Kylo shrugged.

"Nearly. The Gungans aren't." He scoffed as your eyebrows furrowed. "You don't want to meet them."

"Oh... Okay." You nodded, Kylo gently pushing your back so the two of you could climb up the steps.

As soon as the two of you entered, Kylo guided you around, showing you some of the accessible rooms and opened areas. Walking down a hall and turning a corner, you had lost track of Kylo as you accidentally slipped from him, now searching for him and finding him standing before a painting.

"Is that her?" You asked, walking up to him and placing a hand on his arm.

Eyeing the painting, Kylo took in a deep breath before nodding. "Yes." Feeling you wrap your arm around his waist, Kylo lifted his own to place it across your back. "Padmé Amidala... Queen and Senator of Naboo."

"She's stunning." You smiled, eyeing the painting before you. "She must've had a lovely fashion taste... Her wedding gown and now this?" You pointed. "Your mother was the same... as far as I can remember."

Looking down at you, Kylo took in a small breath. "Did you ever meet her?"

"Not really, but, I've heard much about her. You had told me... others have spoken of her. She is a princess, after all... I was bound to learn about her greatness." You nodded as Kylo took in a deep breath, thinking about his mother. Had she still been alive? He was sure after what happened that day that she had died... but he never felt that loss... Not like how he did with his father.

Leaning in and leaving a long kiss against the top of your head, Kylo nuzzled his nose into your hair as he shut his eyes for a moment, breathing in your sweet scent before standing up straight. Spending the rest of the afternoon on Theed, walking the streets, sharing dinner at an intimate restaurant, the two of you then found yourselves near a cliff, overlooking the waterfall as the sun was setting.

Leaning against Kylo as he had his back resting against a large tree, you both looked up at the stars as the moons began to illuminate the sky. The natural sounds of the waterfalls and the wind, as well as the distant city, kept the two of you in a comfortable silence.

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