Five (NSFW)

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Small laughs echoed throughout the walls as you tried containing yourself. With a hand over your mouth and tears in your eyes, you trembled. You knew the palace was too quiet for a giggling princess like you, but, you couldn't help it... You had great company beside you.

"I don't know how you got snow in my armor." Daniel shook his head, helmet in his hand as his other banged against it. "I'm surprised the snowball didn't have a pebble in it."

"Oh, don't be so sensitive." You teased while shaking your head, waving a hand dismissively. "I'm even amazed I got you good! It pays to be distracted." You winked at him, looking ahead, only to stop.

"What—" Stopping in his tracks as well, Daniel quickly put his helmet back on and eyed the pair of Knights of Ren standing just before your chamber's door. "What is this about?"

"You are relieved from you duty. You will return to your previous post. The princess is under our watch now." One of the knights spoke as you blinked in disbelief.

"Wh— What's the matter? Why is—"

"It's the Supreme Leader's order's. You do not question the Supreme Leader." The other hissed as your heart sank. "You will be in your chambers and only in your chambers."

"I— I don't understand? Why am I being held in my room like a—"

"You do not question the Supreme Leader." The same knight repeated, agitated.

Sucking in a shaky breath, mood falling as your heart had, Daniel placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "All is well." He muttered to you as you watched the door to your room open.

Gulping, seeing the knights step to a side, you looked up at Daniel who gave you a nod before nudging his head. Giving him a small nod back, frowning, you turned and walked into your room, suddenly hearing the door shut behind you.

Turning to face it, you walked over and heard Daniel's footsteps descend.

So this was how it was going to be? Locked up in your chambers for, what? Days? Weeks? Until the wedding? Your stomach turned as you covered your mouth. Was he really going to keep you there like a hostage? What had you done now?

Kylo seethed. His throne was left to himself as he paced before it. No one else was allowed inside. How could you be so foolish to think you could go around having fun in his palace?! Let alone, brainwash a stormtrooper to join you?!

And how could you get so close to a trooper you had just met?!

He was raging. His face was on fire as his fists clenched and unclenched, heavy stomping echoing throughout the tall walls as he huffed. Why was he so upset about the situation? Why was he overreacting?

At least, to him it wasn't overreacting. It was how he normally reacted when things weren't going his way. Or... when things weren't going as they should.

Taking in deep breaths, jaw tight as his eyes squinted, almost as if he were watching the scene unravel before him, Kylo threw his head back and screamed as loud as his lungs allowed him to—nothing new, Kylo had the habit of yelling randomly at nothing. But this time, this time he was yelling over a princess and a stormtrooper. Something no one else knew about.

Swinging in his spot, feeling lightheaded as his veins nearly popped, Kylo held his face in his palms and breathed. Breathed loudly. He had no time to worry about a damn princess. No time to worry about a stromtroooer falling in love with his future wife. No time at all for foolish matters.

That's why he locked you away, right?

"Right." He hissed, dropping his hands and storming towards the steps of his throne. He was the Supreme Leader of the First Order, not the Supreme Leader of Keeping Horny Troopers and Flirtatious Princesses in Line!

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