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A pair of silhouettes stood underneath the bright moonlight. Soft murmurs echoed into the night sky as gentle touches and caresses were formed from the figures outlines.

"You're so beautiful under the moonlight... All the stars in the night sky can't possibly compare to those that coat your face." The angelic voice spoke. "My moondust."

"Moondust?" The deeper voice sniggered. "If I am your moondust then you must be my starlight."

"Do I bring out the light from within you?"

"You bring out all that is good, hidden within me, my dear starlight."

Watching the two figures lean into one another, the imagery faded into that of another one. Of you.

It played out before him, the moment he reached out and held the back of your head, pulling you to him as lips connected with your own. The softness of them, how they felt perfect against his. How his heart raced, how his face burned... how his chest ached. How something within him he had never felt before, or never knew he had, had awoken.

Forcing himself awake, Kylo lied there and stared at the ceiling before him, chest heaving as he thought about you. Your lips and eyes, your soft complexity and beauty. His heart ached at the fantasy of you, standing before him.

"Kriff!" Rubbing his face as he yelled into his palms, Kylo's breathing quickened at the thought of his movements. Of his mistake.

He shouldn't have kissed you, he should've done what he was meant to do. To reprimand you, to yell in your face for being so disobedient and childish.

Yet, the Supreme Leader of the First Order saw you—the Princess—swirl around amongst the rainfall like an angel. And he was livid by the matter, by the thought that his first action was to kiss you.

And now, all he wanted was to kiss you more.

It had been a few days since you, the knights, and Kylo Ren had returned from Eadu. Since then, you had hardly seen Kylo; even in the shuttle he made it his goal to avoid you in every since of the word. Not even eye contact. And as the days passed, the harder it seemed to get for you.

Things were going so well, it felt like it. As if he was trying his best to be nice to you. Yet, there you sat, alone in the dining hall with no one but the company of the occasional droid to serve you.

The days went on like this. Lonesome breakfasts and dinners, sitting at the head of the table with no one else to fill the empty spots. Your chewing being faint as the sounds of the utensils hitting the dishes echoed against the tall walls. There were even moments that you sipped at your wine or water and felt insanely bored that you studied the glass that held the liquid. Once you finished your meals, you always found yourself back in the study; reading, writing, or painting something now.

Before you knew it, two weeks had passed you by. Two very long weeks that made it seem as if you lived alone with nothing but droids. You had hardly even seen the knights, they were non existent to you like their master was. And so were the rest of the First Order officers and stormtroopers including Daniel. Maybe Kylo had rid him for good... Maybe Daniel no longer was on Starkiller II.

Disappointment struck you harshly on the fourteenth day as you leaned into a window, watching the snow fall from above. A frown took on your lips as you held your cloak together. You had wandered around the palace and couldn't seem to do anything but sulk. You thought Kylo had changed the least bit for you—in the sense that he'd try to be friendlier. Yet, he was nowhere to be found.

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