Twenty One

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"I wish my parents travelled more when I was a little girl..." You spoke up as you walked alongside Kylo, the two of you aimlessly strolling along the halls. "I knew the galaxy was vast... but I never knew it was so beautiful. Even if it were ugly, like Tatooine kind of was, I still find it beautiful."

Feeling a smile grow on his lips, Kylo eyed you for a moment before looking up ahead where either of you approached the doors of a balcony. "Then I have found my purpose in being your husband." He teased as you couldn't help but chuckle, gently tapping his stomach as either of you came to a stop.

"You would drop your duties as Supreme Leader to fulfill your wife's goal in traveling the galaxy?" You jokingly asked as you crossed your arms over the balcony.

"If it gives me a reason to get away from my duties more often, then, yes. My wife comes first." Kylo nodded as you couldn't help but smile, looking over at him and eyeing the way his eyes light up in the afternoon sun. "Also, I can just lie and say I have important meetings to attend off base."

Rolling your eyes, you grinned. "Sly." You shook your head, looking away from him. "I truly wonder how my parents are doing... If they worry about me. If they care at all." Turning his head to look at you, Kylo sucked in a small breath. "I miss Calidum. At least... the atmosphere of it. But, traveling like we are now, seeing the galaxy, I miss it less and less."

"I'm sure once we return to Starkiller II, you will miss it once again." Kylo said, but you shook your head.

"The palace is my home now. Although it may not have the beaches I adore, it has snow, and snow is quite lovely." You spoke lightheartedly as Kylo slowly nodded.

"Maybe... one day, you and I can visit those... lovely beaches of yours." He suggested, causing you to smile, leaning your head against his arm.

"I would love that."

Your eyes danced around the vast amount of life calmly sitting around you, lost in their own quiet conversations with small smiles. It was a much nicer sight to see and a much better atmosphere than that of Tatooine's cantina.

Paradise Cantina felt just like that, a paradise, with couches spread throughout and tables to sit at, there were windows all around to bring in natural lighting as well as offer a view of the outside city. It was relaxing, you were glad Kylo has brought you there and you couldn't help but wonder if he visited the Paradise Atrium often whenever he traveled to Bespin.

Kylo has told you the story of the minor history the lounge had in its past, but as decades past, it grew more and more open to guests and became a simple lounge than a meeting place.

"I have a place in mind for us to visit." Kylo spoke up as he lowered his glass from his lips, leaning back on the corner of the shared sofa with one arm draped over the back. "We could leave tonight or in the morning, whichever you prefer."

Taking a sip from your drink, you lowered it before looking over at him. "Where?" You asked, adjusting your legs from lying on the sofa's cushion rather than before you like Kylo had been sitting.

"A forest moon." He began. "In the Outer Rim. Humans don't live there, it was more of a base during the time of the Empire. It's nothing but forest and mountains... It's something different than what we have seen." Kylo explained as you eyed him in awe, already captivated. "I traveled there much as a kid. It's quite beautiful."

"I will take your word for it." You nodded with a smile, finishing your drink before standing up. "Why don't we go now?"

"Now?" Kylo questioned as you nodded.

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