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Time had seem like a foreign concept to you. How long was a minute, truly? Or an hour? It all felt the same. It blended and bled together. It felt like an eternity and, in reality, you couldn't quite measure eternity.

Your lungs ached from all the huffing, your eyes burned with the ever-flowing tears as your back ached from being hunched. You were only a day in and you were supposed to marry that? A man who didn't believe in love? A man who hated your entire being?

You were trying your damndest to keep your head held high, but he was the trigger that set you off. He had to have been, he truly was the only person you feared. No one else compared.

And now you were set to marry him in due time... You wouldn't survive your life much longer, you were positive he'd try anything to kill you once you gave him his heirs.

Too focused on your whimpering, footsteps echoed in the now barren room, stopping before you then crouching. "Princess?"

Hearing the altered voice, you quickly looked up and wiped your tears. It was a stormtrooper. No one else. "S— Sorry, I—"

"It's alright. It's me... uh— Daniel." He nodded as you softly smiled.

"Oh, hello..." You greeted, nodding, trying to collect yourself. "I am... I'm so sorry you had to see—"

"Don't apologize. It's alright, I've seen much worse." He confessed as you sucked in a small breath. "But, I will be honest... Nothin seems worse than a princess crying."

Sighing while lowering your focus down to your dress as it had puffed around you, you shook your head. "It's alright. I'm alright." You nodded, assuring him. "I'm... I'm okay." Looking back up and smiling, realizing the helmet limited you from seeing the man's emotions, you let out another sigh. "It's a shame you have to wear that helmet constantly... I could use a friend right now that has an actual face..." You muttered, looking back down at your dress.

Staring at you with furrowed eyebrows hidden behind his helmet, Daniel felt his shoulders drop as he watched you fiddle with your thumbs. He truly felt terrible for you. Although, stormtroopers surely didn't have sentimentality... it was hard to dismiss. You seemed so lonely. So sad. So afraid... And, in his mind and heart, you were too beautiful to feel such things.

Sitting there and wiping the few tears that continued to slip, you heard a small hiss of air before looking up and feeling your heart stop. You were more than positive that he was breaking protocol in doing such gesture. "Well, I may not be entirely what you need, but I've been told I have a friendly face." The man softly chuckled, dimples appearing with his smile as you smiled back. "A princess such as yourself deserves to smile. All will be alright." He assured, reaching his free hand out that wasn't occupied by his helmet.

Sucking in a small breath, looking into the man's crystal blue eyes that were the total opposite of the Supreme Leader's—far more welcoming—you reached your hand out and took his, standing up together. "Thank you, Daniel." You gently spoke, almost afraid that if your voice rose just a smidgen, it'd ruin the good you had going.

"Of course." He winked, giving you a bright smile before covering his face with his helmet once again. "I will walk you to your quarters. It is my duty, after all, but it is more of a want than a task." Daniel admitted as your heart fluttered.

"I appreciate it." You nodded as the two of you made your way out of the dining room, down the halls that lead to your quarters.

"I truly apologize about the Supreme Leader... He— He is... He— Well—"

"Has a temper?" You finished for him.

"Mhm." He nodded. "A temper, yes... But he has done a lot of good for the First Order. We have gained so many new alliances and made many improvements under his watch." Daniel confessed as you listened, breathing in and thinking about what the Supreme Leader had said not that long before. "I believe that... he lets it all get to him. His title and abilities. He allows the power and control to... control him."

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