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Five days had passed since you had been locked up in your own personal quarters... which left you with a week worth of you living in the palace of the Supreme Leader. The man you hadn't seen since he had barged into your room. You hadn't even heard word of him, almost as if he was non existent. You wondered if he was still the Supreme Leader... after all, how would you know? You were stuck in that wretched room for so long, only seeing the outside whenever the door was opened.

You needed to get out, all days blended together and it almost felt like you were there for months and not just one insanely long week. You ate your three meals in there, had to entertain yourself somehow, and the only company you had gotten was from Low. You hadn't even seen Daniel and you were wondering if you had been forgotten by him. He must've been put to a very busy task so he wouldn't dare try visiting you. As if the knights would allow him to.

Sitting once again on the window sill, watching the snow fall as you snuggled into your cloak, wondering whether or not to nap to make time pass by, your door was suddenly opened. "Princess."

Looking up, seeing one of the knights standing there, you stood from your spot and treaded over to them. "Yes?"

"You have been granted one hour out of your confines—" Gasping at that as you smiled, the knight cleared their throat, "with us watching closely behind."

"Really?" You nearly shrieked as they nodded. "Oh, how lovely! I would like to see the snow."

Standing silently for a moment, the knight breathed. "Are you sure about your request?"

"Mhm." You eagerly nodded.

"As you wish." Stepping to a side, you eyed them momentarily before walking right out, grinning and holding in your excitement. Finally, some freedom. You wondered how much longer you'd last in there.

Aiming towards the terrace as the pair of knights followed, a stormtrooper off in the distance halted as they spotted you. "Princess?"

Looking over, you tilted your head, only to grow wide eyed. "Daniel?!" You gasped, rushing over and engulfing him in a not so comfortable hug.

"You're alive." He teased, awkwardly patting your back, knowing very well the knights were watching.

"Of course I am, confinement cant kill me." You smirked, shaking your head. "Well... unless I lose my mind, but, so far... I'm doing fine." You smiled up at him, looking through the visor of his helmet where his eyes would be.

"You look fine and that's what matters." He nodded as you nodded back.

"Thank you." You lowly spoke, eyes trailing elsewhere only to look back up. "This is a very... odd question but, have you seen the Supreme Leader?"

Standing silently for moment, for you imagined the questioned had caught him off guard, Daniel spoke up, "Have you not?"

"No..." You shook your head. "Not for five days." Not since he had seen your bare chest.

"Where I'm stationed, he hardly comes around, so I really can't say yes... but I've heard of others speaking about him. Apparently his stomach has become very sensitive as of late? Rumor has it he's being slowly poisoned with how many times he had to walk out from meetings and other important matters because of his stomach..."

Blinking a few times as you listened in on Daniel, your lips parted. You weren't concerned, were you? No... you couldn't be. But, who would poison him? Surely you weren't that cruel even though you were forced to marry him... "Has— Has it been daily?"

"Supposedly." Daniel nodded. "Easily once a day. But, then again, rumors. I am not sure if it is true or not..."

Thinking about what Low had said the first day you were locked up, your lips parted. Maybe it was true, maybe that's why you hadn't seen him in so long. Was someone trying to kill him? "That— I... Thank you for telling me this."

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