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Jealousy was something you were sure Kylo Ren didn't feel. You were positive the look in his eyes was utter annoyance by the fact that the stormtrooper—Daniel—was still lingering about. Right?

Yeah... let's go with that.

Taking a small breath while swallowing, you lowered your focus to the food that was being served. A rather large plate mixed with all sorts of proteins and carbs. It almost looked as if it fed for four mouths than just one. But, you shouldn't have been surprised, dinner the night before was the same... if not, more.

You understood that the man to the right of you needed that much food. After all, he was massive and was full of muscles. But, you? You loved food but not that much.

Silently eating, keeping to yourself—as everyone else had, seeing it was too early in the morning—you filled yourself with as much food as you could before feeling stuffed.

Quietly exhaling in content, sitting back with your hands crossed on your lap (something that was very second nature of you), you felt eyes on you. As you always had the moment you arrived on Starkiller II.

Shifting the slightest, you watched as a service droid came in and cleared the dishes from before you, you subconsciously thanking it and not realizing it.

"Why do you feel the need to thank a droid for doing its job?" The voice to your right asked. The Supreme Leader.

It caught you off guard.

Did he just verbally acknowledge your presence? This meant you were getting somewhere... right? Even if you were sure what he was hinting at was offensive.

"It's second nature of me to thank those who do their duties correctly. Just like it's second nature of you to judge those you don't know." You simply answered, unsure of where that bold statement had come from. All you knew was that you didn't even shiver when you had said it, not an ounce of regret was felt when the words slipped your tongue. You just knew it wasn't going to sit well with Kylo. At all.

The way his eyes grew in size, how his jaw tightened and fists bawled up on the tables surface, you knew you struck a nerve. And you knew you were right.

He knew your were right.

Breakfast had reached its end as Kylo decided to stand up suddenly. He was the one to dismiss the guests. Usually, if it wasn't spoken, or a wave of a hand—as you had learned from the previous night—it was him getting up. Everyone knew in that moment they were pardoned.

Little did they knew he had done it as an outburst.

Watching him as you took in deep breaths, trying to keep your calm as he stared—glared—at you, you stood up and patted down your gown. "Thank you for breakfast, Supreme Leader." You bowed your head. "It was an honor." This was your chance to leave. Although you were proud, you weren't willing to see the aftermath if there was going to be one.

Watching your figure descend from his vision, disappearing from the doors as the officers had reported to their duties, Kylo bit his tongue. You had no right to say such a thing, to have the guts to spit those words out at him!

Yet, here was, utterly dumbfounded at how casually you had said it. How calmly it was spoken. Maybe that's why it hadn't hit him the way it should have... Maybe that's why he was so stunned at your sudden boost of courage.

So the princess had wit on her? She wasn't just some damsel he could cast aside... She was sharper than he thought.


He couldn't help but smirk.

"So be it."

Turning a few corners and nearly rushing down halls, you leaned your back against a wall with a small huff. Resting your head back and shutting your eyes, you clutched your chest and sighed in relief. Had you truly said that to the Supreme Leader? There was no way that this man hadn't sent anyone to go after you.

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