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It was a new day, Ben's breakdown would be one of many he'd face... for now, he tried to keep in mind that he had you and that he still needed to make sure you were safe from whoever was following you. Although his night terrors made him out to be your adversary, the little bit of sanity he still clung onto told him otherwise.

Today you embarked on a diplomatic mission to Naboo, meeting with the queen and representing not only the royal family but also your people. Ben stayed close by, knowing you would be safe within the throne room. He wasn't too far off, near the double staircase that lead to where you were. He couldn't quite recall if and when he last visited Naboo... the possibility that he had gone with his mother was there, but the memory wasn't.

Deciding to pace for a bit as to not be so stagnant, Ben walked along one of the neighboring halls. Eyeing the few scattered portraits of previous royalty, Ben came to a stop before one. Looking up at it and seeing a young woman who looked all too familiar, his eyes slightly widened. Lifting his hand and gently tracing the tips of his fingers against the canvas, a soft voice was suddenly heard, "everything will be alright in due time..."

Not realizing he had closed his eyes, Ben opened them and heard light footsteps. Looking to the left, he spotted an older woman approach him. "That is Padmé Amidala, the most believed queen and senator Naboo has ever seen," she said as Ben nodded.

"I know," he breathed before looking back up at the portrait. "She is very important to my mother."

"Is that so?" The old woman asked with a sweet smile. "She is the idol of many... She has a mausoleum should you want to visit and pay respect."

Walking down the steps after you had said your goodbyes to those around you—including the queen—you reached the end of the hallway and turned left, only to see Ben. He was now alone as the older woman beside him had walked away, leaving him standing before the painting. Approaching him, you looked over to the portrait and eyed it, "do you know her?"

Breathing in, Ben nodded, "she is my grandmother." Turning his focus down to you, Ben let out a small breath, "I would like for us to visit her mausoleum if you do not mind."

"Oh, of course I don't," you shook your head before placing your hand on his arm. Ben gave you a kind smile before folding his arm for you to take, leading the way as he remembered the location the old woman had given him.

Finding yourselves standing before Padmé's casket, your eyes lifted towards the mosaic before you that illuminated a rainbow of light. It was beautiful and it was clear how much the beloved senator meant to the people of Naboo.

"I learned many stories about Padmé through my mother. Her father—adopted father—knew everything about her. The adventures and wars they had been through together... She was kind and beautiful with a big heart. I had seen images of her and even my mother has most of her wardrobe as it was handed down to her."

Looking over at Ben and smiling at the sight of the glow around him whenever he spoke about her, you leaned your head against his arm. "Tell me more," you softly sighed, thinking about how happy he was in that moment at the simple thought of a woman he never met.

"Well... I have never told many people except my mother. I had seen her in my dreams as a child. A woman in blue with flowers in her hair, watching over me and protecting me." Looking up at the mosaic as he breathed in, you did the same before hugging his side. "She passed while giving birth to my mother and uncle. I wish I could have met her, at least once... I feel I would have gotten along with her so well. I just know it."

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