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Tight arms were wrapped around you, almost like a sarlacc encasing your body. Your face contorted as your body found consciousness. The sun was out and your body felt well rested, but there was this odd pressure that lingered. Opening your arms and finding your husband clinging onto you, though still dead asleep, you gently lifted yourself from him.

Seeing him shift as his eyebrows furrowed, Kylo's eyes were squeezed shut as an instant distressed look plastered his face. Gently touching his face and kissing his cheek, you whispered in his ear, "my love, you are safe... I am here, I love you. When you wake up, you will know that all is well. I will be here, by your side, forever."

Squirming and opening his eyes as tears instantly stained his cheeks, you wiped them away with your thumbs before giving his forehead, nose, and chin sweet kisses. "My queen?" His hoarse voice spoke as you smiled.

"It's me, it's alright." Touching his face and letting him feel your hands against him, you watched him. "It was just a night terror, your PTSD kicking in."

For years Kylo had suffered from night terrors of his past—mainly that of killing his own father—an image that would forever haunt him. Something he could never take back and forever regret. You had learned of his struggle a bit into your relationship when he had more time to think rather than be busy. It was nice at first, having his focus set on you... but he had been so accustomed to sleeping very little and avoiding any nightmares. But after you stepped into his life and helped get him back into a much healthier routine, it was almost as if life still found a way to punish him.

The first time it ever happened, you were gentle—extremely gentle—not wanting to wake him in an upsetting way. Not wanting to startle him. You knew you had to do it carefully, a way for him to hear you in his unconscious state to know it was just a thing of the past, a memory that haunted him. You had to remind him that he had you and that you would stay by his side forever.

And that became a common occurrence for you.

Reaching out and touching your face, making sure you were truly real, he sighed. Turning his head to kiss one of your palms, you moved your hand into his hair, gently brushing your fingers through it. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Breathing in and looking at you with teary eyes, Kylo huffed, "darkness... the unknown... a taunting laughter that strikes me."

Lowering your hand to his bare chest, you caressed it before leaving small kisses against it. "It could be a metaphor..."

"I truly hope," he sighed, enjoying your affection—something you did extra of after his night terrors.

Sitting up together, you hugged him tight from behind and proceeded to kiss his back scars. Kylo's eyes grew heavy at your soft affection, letting out a small breath before visions showered him.

It wasn't bad ones that taunted him, no... it was good memories. Of when you two went on your getaways, of nights you made sweet love... of the day your children were born... of the moment you two first met. Those memories brought him ease. They kept him stable, a way to recover and heal from all that tormented him.

You gently tugged him along with you, into the refresher for a nice morning shower. The two of you shared plenty of these in the early hours and in the evening—solely because Kylo could never seem to keep himself away from you when you were alone. He needed to feel you, to be near you, to know you were there. Alive. Breathing. Loving him. It was all he asked for, really, just to have you forever.

It was always sweet and tender, gentle kisses and touches here and there as you helped clean one another up. Sleepy looks with pleasant smiles exchanged. One guiding the other out, drying up, more shared kisses, more touches of gentle (wet) skin. Then you'd dress. Kylo in his usual Supreme Leader garb, you in your gowns—for the most part. He always insisted you never needed handmaidens when he was there to help. You agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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