Chapter 37 pt1: The Devil's Vengeance

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Taehyung yawned loudly, stretching his legs out like a starfish as he rolled over onto Jungkook, who groaned in response. "Excuse me mister. You can't use my body as rolling ground" he whined groggily and Taehyung giggled. He nuzzled his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, his entire body splayed over the latter's torso. Jungkook smiled as he caressed Taehyung's hair, running his fingers through the soft curls. They lay there for a good 15 minutes and Taehyung had started to doze off again when Jungkook's phone buzzed as if it had had a seizure. "Ughhh make it stop! Jungkook-aaahhh" Taehyung whined as Jungkook pushed him off, trying to reach his phone. "Aah fuck it's 9 am! I had to go train with Yoongi like 2 hours ago. He is going to kill me" Jungkook huffed and hurried off into the bathroom. Taehyung lay in bed, a goofy smile creeping onto his lips as he recalled the amazing night he had with Jungkook. He touched his lips sub-consciously, reliving the feeling of Jungkook's lips caressing his own. He got up and pulled open the blinds, the warm sunshine hitting his face. He took his clothes and sat on the bed, waiting for Jungkook to finish showering. After about a minute of waiting, Taehyung walked up to the bathroom door and started banging on it. "Hurry up Jungkook! Who the hell takes this long to shower!" he yelled. He raised his hand to bang again when the door swung open, revealing a messy-haired Jungkook, a bathrobe loosely draped around him. Taehyung took a step back, his gaze averting shyly. Jungkook walked upto Taehyung, towering over him. "I took so long because I was hoping you would join me in there" he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Taehyung looked up at Jungkook as a hint of red crept onto his cheeks. "Haha very funny" Taehyung muttered, trying to maintain composure as he bumped Jungkook aside and he hurried into the bathroom.

 "Haha very funny" Taehyung muttered, trying to maintain composure as he bumped Jungkook aside and he hurried into the bathroom

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(taekook sleeping together: an adorable saga)

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(taekook sleeping together: an adorable saga)

"I am starving" Jimin announced as they sat down at the table, the maids bustling in with delicious- smelling breakfast. As everyone sat at the table, they looked like a normal group of 7 friends who were like family. They almost concealed the fact that 4 of them were murderous mafias who killed with no regrets and 3 of them were innocent victims of kidnapping who were slowly falling for these devil spawned men. "You missed training today, Jungkook" Yoongi said in a tone that would send a chill down your spine. "I'm sorry Hyung, I overslept. It won't happen again" Jungkook replied, making eye-contact with Yoongi. "I don't expect this kind of flakiness from you" Yoongi said and the air around the room tensed. Before Jungkook could answer, Jimin giggled, causing everyone to stare at him in horror except Yoongi whose expression wasunreadable. "Stop being such a disciplinary douche bag. He was comforting
Taehyung last night and being a decent human for once. Don't ruin it" he said,
looking sideways at Yoongi, who remained unreadable. Everyone stayed quiet,
no one daring to speak. "Oh come on! Someone had to say it. Yoongi hyung,
stop being such a kill-joy. No one likes that" Jimin added, chewing on some
buttered bread. Yoongi finally looked at Jimin, a murderous glint in his eyes. "I
get what you're saying but don't you ever use that tone with me again" he said. "Oh please. I am not afraid of you! You are a bad person and you need to
know that" Jimin replied, raising an eyebrow. "You think-" Yoongi was
interrupted by Taehyung who thumped the table loudly. "Okay we get it, you
two hate each other. Now, I have something I need to announce" he declared, standing up confidently. "Oh no oh no he's going to announce that we are
together and my father is going to get to know and he is going to kill me,
unless Yoongi hyung ends up killing me first" Jungkook thought as he panicked.
He pinched Taehyung's hand lightly. "What the hell are you doing?" he
whispered urgently, but Taehyung just shooed his hand away before
continuing. "I am so screwed" Jungkook thought. His spiral was interrupted
when he heard Taehyung say "Mafia family." "Wait what did you just say
Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, confused. "I said I want to join your mafia family"
Taehyung repeated, sighing. "Oh that. That's cool" Jungkook answered and
breathed out a sigh of relief. "Wait, you are OKAY with this?" Yoongi
exclaimed, standing up too. "Yes, I am. I think if Taehyung wants to seek
revenge, he would need training and we happen to have the means to train
him. Plus, he would stay kidnapped this way" Jungkook replied calmly. Hobi
and Namjoon looked at Yoongi. "I don't think this is a good idea" Hobi said and
Namjoon nodded. "Jungkook-" Yoongi was interrupted again by Jin's yelling.
"Tae, are you crazy? You are my little brother and I am not going to let these
people turn you into one of them. I can't let that happen. I owe that much to your parents" Jin said, lowering his pitch as he held Taehyung's shoulders. "Well, none of that matters because Taehyung cannot join the mafia family" Yoongi
said with finality. He started to walk away when Jungkook stopped him.
"Hyung, I will go over your head if I need to but I need you to let Taehyung do
this" he said. "Jungkook-ah you aren't thinking straight. You are letting some
dumb boy with a revenge fantasy mess with your logic and reasoning. I want
him to get revenge but that will be done by us, not by him." Yoongi said,
perplexed. "Hyung, you know this is something he has to do. He deserves
revenge. And if we don't help him and stand by him, he will look someplace else and probably get himself killed and tortured. Give him a chance hyung, please" Jungkook said with an urgent look in his eyes. Yoongi sighed, rubbing his temples. "Jungkook, I think I need to have a chat with you. Privately." Yoongi said and walked towards to office in the corner, not bothering to wait for an answer. "Namjoon, Hobi, you two also join us" he said and entered the office, the 3 following him instantly. "Taehyungie, I think we should talk too" Jin said and Taehyung nodded. "I'll get myself a drink and umm walk around...this house" Jimin muttered awkwardly and left.

sorry about the messy schedule we are on lately. just figuring out how to do the whole college thing hhehe. we purple you all and wish you a very happy, safe new year. take care of yourselves loves and protect your peace☮️
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