Chapter 24: Observation with a little bit of common sense

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Yoongi drove in silence. They had now crossed Seoul and were in the countryside. The sudden change of scenery was rather pleasant. Jimin stared out the window, the winding roads and rows of trees bringing back fond childhood memories. “Life used to be so much easier” he thought to himself. Hobi was listening to music in the back, not really bothered about anything. “Yoongi hyung, this hill is where Tae and I would go to play and find different insects” Jimin said excitedly. Yoongi smiled. “Take a right here and drive uphill for a mile” Jimin told Yoongi. As they drove, a building with colourful graffiti on its walls came into view. “That’s our school!” Jimin clapped his hands in excitement which startled Hobi. “Are we here?” Hobi asked, annoyed at the interruption. Yoongi parked the jeep and they stepped out. He looked at Jimin, who was smiling, excitement tinting his cheeks. Yoongi smiled and walked towards the school. Kids were running around in the play area. The three made their way inside. Jimin sighed, nostalgia hitting him with every step he took. Yoongi saw a woman standing near the kids and figured she was the teacher. They approached her. “Excuse me. Sorry for the inconvenience but could you direct us to the principal’s office?” Yoongi asked the woman. She smiled and nodded. “Are you parents or guardians?” she asked as they entered the building. “Umm…” Hobi trailed off. “We are part of the alumni association. I was a student here a few years back” Jimin interrupted. The woman nodded and pointed them towards a door. “This is the principal’s office” she informed and left promptly. Jimin nodded and Yoongi knocked on the glass door. “Come in”. They entered the office. “It is just like I remember” Jimin said excitedly. “Good day gentlemen. How can I help you?” the woman behind the table asked, her voice kind yet stern. She looked quite old. “Good afternoon ma’am. I am Min Yoongi and these are my friends Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin” Yoongi said and shook her hand. “We are here-” Yoongi was interrupted. “Park Jimin? I have heard this name before.” The principal said and narrowed her eyes at Jimin. “I was a student here a few years ago, ma’am. I made frequent trips to your office” Jimin said with a fond smile. The principal laughed. “Okay that explains the familiarity. Anyway, Mr. Yoongi, you were saying…?” Yoongi nodded and continued. “We actually wanted to get some information about another one of your ex-student, Kim Taehyung.” The principal looked at Jimin. “Your best friend, right? You two always got into trouble” she said with a chuckle. Jimin nodded. “Ma’am, did anyone come down to the school in the past few months to pick up Kim Taehyung’s old yearbook?” Yoongi asked. “Let me think. Any idea how this person might have looked?” she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. “None” Yoongi responded. Suddenly the door to the office swung open and aboy walked in. “Sorry to interrupt your meeting but the Annual Meet committee
has requested your presence as soon as possible” the boy said. “Yes. I will be
there shortly” the principal replied. The boy took a quick bow and started to
leave. “Wait. Soobin, did anyone come down to the school archives’ office to
ask for an old student’s yearbooks?” the principal asked. The boy looked at
Jimin, Yoongi and Hobi. “No, ma’am” he replied quickly and left. “Sorry
gentlemen but I can’t help you” the principal said. Jimin sighed, discouraged
and the three left after a quick thank you. They stood in the hallway. “Yoongi,
call Taehyung and tell him this lead didn’t pan out. Let’s head back before night
falls” Hobi said. “Hobi, take Jimin and wait by the jeep. Also, if anyone asks
tell them that I am using the facilities. I will be back in a few minutes” Yoongi
instructed and quickly walked away. Jimin looked at Hobi with indignation and
curiosity but the latter just walked away, pulling Jimin with him.
Yoongi looked around; making sure no one was around and quickly entered the
main building. He saw a map of the building and its exits put up on a bulletin
board and sighed in relief. That map just saved him a lot of trouble. He looked
at the directions to the archives’ office and made his way there. All the doors
looked similar so it took him a while. Plus, not seeking anyone’s attention was a
whole other ordeal. He finally found the damn office and he turned the knob
slowly. The door was left unlocked and the lights inside were on. He entered
stealthily, gun in one hand. “I’m sorry, who exactly are you?” a voice came
from the inside. Yoongi slowly turned around, shutting the door behind him, his
eyes cold and dark. “I believe we have already met” Yoongi responded with a
slight smirk. “You are one of the three guys from the principal’s office.” “Yes, I
am. And you are the guy who lied to our faces. Soobin, right?” Yoongi replied
as the colour drained from Soobin’s face. He gulped, wiping his palms on his
jeans. Yoongi sighed. “Now, either one of two things can happen. Either I will
ask you politely to which you will answer respectfully, or I will torture you until
the answer spills out of you” Yoongi said, examining his own gun. “Please let
me go. I don’t know anything” Soobin whimpered. “You have a lot of guts
lying to my face” Yoongi replied. “Now, I am asking you nicely- Who came in
this office to take Kim Taehyung’s old yearbook?” Soobin sat down in a heap.
“If I tell you they will kill me” he said softly. “If you don’t tell me, I will kill
you” Yoongi said, threateningly. “Please sir, don’t make me tell you” Soobin
begged. “I am in a hurry and have near to zero patience, young man. Spill. Now.
” Soobin sighed, giving up. “A few weeks ago a man came into the office,
claiming to be an ex-student’s aka Kim Taehyung’s uncle. He demanded I hand
over his nephew’s middle school yearbook. When I refused and asked for ID, he
pulled out a gun and threatened to kill me and my entire family if I didn’t handover what he needed. He also told me to and I quote ‘shut my trap’ and not tell anyone he had been here” Soobin ranted, his hands trembling. “Can you describe how the man looked?” Yoongi said, bored already. “He was quite tall, well built, middle aged, wore sunglasses and a mask” Soobin said timidly. Yoongi got up and looked around the room. He sighed in exasperation when he saw no CCTV cameras. “Anything else peculiar or odd about this man?” he asked Soobin. “Not really. He wore all black clothes and had a bull shaped tattoo” Soobin said. “A tattoo?” Yoongi asked. Suddenly the door to the archives swung open and a girl walked in. “Soobin hyung you are late for the meeting” she said and walked out, giving Yoongi a quick bow. Yoongi rolled his eyes at Soobin, who looked down. “You are free to leave. If you tell anyone about our interaction, I will skin you alive” Yoongi said. Soobin nodded, not knowing whether the other was joking or was serious. Yoongi pocketed his gun and exited the office.
Yoongi left the building, successfully avoiding eye contact with anyone. He saw Jimin and Hobi standing near the jeep, looking bored. “Our job is done” Yoongi announced proudly. Jimin looked at him in awe and admiration. “Damn. How exactly did that happen?” Hobi asked. “Well turns out that kid Soobin had a lot of information, all of which was useful to us” Yoongi explained with a smirk. Jimin still looked very much awestruck. “How did you know he was the guy we needed?” Jimin asked. “Observation and a little bit of common sense” Yoongi replied. Hobi rolled his eyes. “Hyung, you should call Jungkook and tell him what you found out” Hobi said. “Yeah. Also what exactly did you find?” Yoongi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he removed his phone to dial Jungkook. “Well, apparently our suspect claimed to be Taehyung’s uncle” he replied. Jimin looked at him, shocked. “Hyung, Taehyung’s only uncle is none other than Jin hyung’s as in Kim Seokjin’s father”

A/N WoOhOo suspenseee lmao. hey guyssss hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. We are now gonna post 3 chapters for every two weeks:) purple you all💜
shamkoo25 taetaenu1524

 We are now gonna post 3 chapters for every two weeks:) purple you all💜shamkoo25 taetaenu1524

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