Chapter 34: Something under the moonlight

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(A/N: please listen to the song inserted above for the best experience while reading)

Taehyung practically ran out of the building, with Jungkook right behind him. It was now close to evening and Seoul looked more beautiful than ever. The skies were a mix of orange, purple and yellow; with pink tinting them with a lover's blush. Taehyung walked down the streets, with Jungkook next to him. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, worried about the latter. Taehyung looked so serene and dull, his eyes devoid of tears or pain. He looked...empty. The sound of jazz music twirled through the air as a couple of musicians performed in the street, attracting a crowd. "Taehyung, come on. Let's go watch them perform" Jungkook said and tugged at Taehyung's arm. But Taehyung didn't budge. He freed his arm from Jungkook's grasp, looking annoyed and continued walking ahead. Jungkook sighed; he hated seeing Taehyung so lifeless and unenthusiastic. He wanted to cheer him up, but he had no idea what to do. He was the mafia leader after all; he didn't know how to cheer someone up. They continued walking silently. Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted suddenly when a bunch of kids ran into him and Taehyung. They giggled and continued running. Jungkook smiled when he saw a cotton candy seller a few blocks away . Before Taehyung could protest, Jungkook ran towards the cotton candy stand, dragging Taehyung along with him. "Jungkook-ah, I don't want cotton candy" Taehyung whined with a pout. "Who said I was buying you cotton candy?" Jungkook replied with a wink. "Sir, please give all these kids two cotton candy packets each. It's on me" Jungkook said and smiled at the kids who attacked him with a hug. Taehyung stared at Jungkook with a soft smile creeping onto his lips. "Oh and give me one more cotton candy please" Jungkook requested the seller who nodded happily and handed Jungkook the fluffy, sweet ball of goodness. Jungkook broke off a piece and offered it to Taehyung, who opened his mouth shyly and let Jungkook feed him. They bid goodbye to the kids and continued walking down the beautiful streets. Jungkook quietly laced his fingers with Taehyung's. Taehyung felt a wave of affection and for a moment he felt like everything was going to be okay. He felt happy despite the terrible circumstances. He realised what matters is not the past; but the present- his present with Jungkook. Taehyung munched on the cotton candy, occasionally letting Jungkook steal a bite. Jungkook didn't really like cotton candy, but seeing the smile on Taehyung's face when he stole a bite made it worth it. Taehyung stopped all of a sudden. "This is my favourite ice-cream place. Jina, Jin hyung and I would come here every weekend after dinner" he said with a sad smile, pointing at the quaint little parlour. He paused for a wistful second but then continue walking, but Jungkook pulled him back. "Come on! I want ice -cream" Jungkook declared and walked into the parlour. It was the cutest placeever, with the coziest interioe. The walls were decorated with photographs of happy families who came to the parlour. "Taehyung! It is so
good to see you" the old lady behind the counter said with a wide smile. "You
too!" Taehyung said with a small smile and gave the lady a hug. "And who is
this handsome gentleman with you?" she said with a crinkly smile. Jungkook smiled
and introduced himself. "So what can I get you two kids today?" she asked.
"Dark chocolate chip for me" Taehyung said immediately. "I would like the coconut, pleas" Jungkook said and the lady nodded. Jungkook saw Taehyung
walk up to the wall and stare at a photograph. Jungkook went closer and saw that it was Taehyung, Jin Hyung and a young girl, who he assumed was Jina.
"Look how cute you look, Taehyung" Jungkook teased and nudged Taehyung
playfully. Taehyung blushed and slapped Jungkook's hand away. The kind old
lady returned with their delicious looking ice-creams. Jungkook paid her and
gave a generous tip along with his number. "Call me if you need anything.
Think of me as your son" he told her and she smiled happily, kissing both the
boys on the forehead. They walked out of the shop, Taehyung using every
ounce of power to not hug Jungkook. He had never seen this side of Jungkook;
this soft, sweet side. Little did Taehyung know that no one had seen that side of

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