Chapter 17: What lurks in the shadows

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*later in the night*

Yoongi ran his hand through his hair, sighing with exhaustion. After Jungkook had informed him about the vodka disaster, Yoongi just couldn’t sleep. Anger had left his body and frustration had set in. Suddenly Yoongi heard a thud from downstairs. He didn’t think much of it but decided to check the CCTV feed anyway. His office was on the same floor so he didn’t carry his gun. He went into his office and quickly accessed the CCTV footage from downstairs. It was mostly pitch black. However none of the cameras showed any guard or movement whatsoever. “That is strange” Yoongi thought, slightly concerned. He decided to go downstairs and check on the guards. He picked up his favourite dagger and admired its beauty before walking down the stairs, trying not to make any sound. Yoongi reached the ground floor. The light in the porch was on. He tried to turn on the light in the kitchen but failed. “The power inside the house must be out” he thought. It was eerily quiet, almost as if some danger was lurking in the shadows. Yoongi looked outside through a window, but there wasn’t one guard in sight. The air smelled kind of funny, as in some chemical had been sprayed recently. Yoongi decided it would be best to alert Jungkook and turned to go upstairs when he sensed movement near the kitchen. *Meanwhile
Taehyung tossed and turned in bed, thoughts clouding his mind. He checked the time, noticing it was well passed 2 am. He rolled over in bed, looking down at the sleeping Jungkook. Taehyung was exhausted. Plus the hangover from the day before was starting to set in. He decided to go downstairs to the kitchen and get a glass of milk. His aunt always gave him warm milk when he would have nightmares as a child. Taehyung got up to leave but then he hesitated. He wasn’t allowed to leave the bedroom until it was morning and he had already gotten into trouble. So he quickly scribbled that he was going downstairs for some milk and kept the note next to Jungkook, in case he woke up and noticed that Taehyung was gone. Taehyung quietly exited the room and made his way downstairs. He could now figure out his way in this mansion without getting lost, even when he was hung-over and it was 2:30 am. Taehyung made his way into the kitchen. The house was pitch black, the only light source was the one in the porch. Taehyung loved darkness since he was a child and found it oddly peaceful. He shuffled around in the dark, trying to find a carton of milk. He was looking for a glass when he felt movement behind him. Suddenly a flashlight was pointed at him for behind. He turned around, expecting to find an annoyed Jungkook there. To his horror, there stood a man he had never seen before. Theman wore a black mask, a black hoodie and jeans. Taehyung was about to scream when the man grabbed him. Taehyung pulled away, trying to run. But the man held Taehyung tightly, one hand covering his mouth. “Do not make a sound or I will make sure you die as painfully as possible” the man said, his voice cruel and hoarse. Taehyung whimpered, trying to escape as the man raised a dagger with his other hand. Taehyung closed his eyes. Suddenly he heard someone yell as the man brought down his dagger into Taehyung’s stomach. There was momentary chaos as someone pushed the man. The man missed and Taehyung fell on the floor, the side of his waist grazed and bleeding. “Taehyung -ah run” someone yelled. Taehyung knew who it was. It was Yoongi Hyung. The man lunged at Yoongi. Yoongi tackled the man to the floor. The man was trained and rolled over, pinning Yoongi down. The man raised his dagger and was about to plunge it into Yoongi’s heart. Suddenly he went limp and collapsed onto Yoongi. Taehyung stood behind the man, a metal bat in his hand. Taehyung helped Yoongi up. The man lay next to them, a pool of blood around his head, his scalp cracked open. Suddenly the lights turned on in the kitchen. Jungkook rushed in. “What happened? Are you okay? Where are the guards? And who the hell is this man?” Jungkook shouted frantically. “Someone broke in and almost killed us” Yoongi said, his voice faint. Taehyung sat on the floor heavily, his breath caught in his lungs. “Taehyung-ah you are bleeding” Yoongi yelled. “Shit” Jungkook exclaimed. “Is that man…dead?” Taehyung whispered, his words wavering. Jungkook sat down and checked the man’s pulse. “Yes. He is dead” “I killed him!” Taehyung said, tears streaming down his face. Jungkook knelt down, picking Taehyung up bridal style. “Hyung, check the man for any clues as to who he was. Then dispose off the body” Jungkook instructed. He carried Taehyung to the elevator. They went upstairs to their room. Jungkook laid Taehyung down on the bed and turned around to leave. “Don’t leave me. I know you don’t care about me and you probably think I am just a liability but please don’t leave me.” Taehyung said faintly. “I am not leaving you, Taehyung. I just need to get the first aid kit” Jungkook said with a soft smile and left the room.

A/N hey loves hope you enjoyed this action filled chapter! Keep smiling and have a lovely week:)
We purple you all💜
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