Chapter 23: A new side

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Yoongi dispatched two of his men to go find out some information about the attacks and then went to find Hobi, Namjoon and Jimin who were looking into Taehyung’s connection to the attacks. He found them all in the common study on the 5th floor. “Did you manage to find anything?” Yoongi asked upon seeing their bored faces. “Nope. Nothing” Hobi said and spun around in the chair. “Okay I have a new game plan” Yoongi said and stopped Hobi’s chair from spinning. “We will go to Taehyung’s childhood town and visit his school there and hopefully get some information about the leaked yearbook. Since Jimin attended the same school, he can take us there” Yoongi said with an authoritarian voice. “Yoongi, why do you care so much about that kid all of a sudden? I thought you couldn’t care less if he was alive or dead” Hobi asked, his eyebrows raised. “Because… he saved my life” Yoongi replied and left the room. Hobi and Jimin started to leave but Namjoon didn’t. “Aren’t you coming, hyung?” Jimin asked. “Umm no. I have some other…lead to follow” Namjoon muttered and left the room. Hobi and Jimin looked at each other confused but quickly left, following Yoongi.

 Hobi and Jimin looked at each other confused but quickly left, following Yoongi

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They all gathered in the hall. “So where exactly are we going and what is the shortest route there?” Yoongi asked, looking at Jimin. Jimin took a piece of paper and drew a small map, to help Yoongi and Hobi understand the roads and routes in the countryside outside of Seoul. Yoongi nodded and they made their way to the garage. Yoongi unlocked the Mercedes and was about to get in when Jimin tapped on his shoulder. “You might want to take the jeep. It’s pretty muddy out there” he said with a slight smile. Yoongi rolled his eyes but quickly made his way to the jeep. Hobi was about to sit in the front seat next to Yoongi but Yoongi stopped him. “Let Jimin sit here. He needs to show the way” he said and Hobi nodded. The tension in the jeep was thickening with the minute. Jimin slid in without a word and they drove off. It was going to be a long ride. They sat in silence as the world sped past them and concrete buildings turned into meadows and green stretches. They had to cross the entire city of Seoul in order to enter the countryside. “Okay I am going to stop here for some gas. Hobi, stay with Jimin and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid” Yoongi instructed. “Hey!” Jimin protested with a pout. Yoongi smiled, looking away and left. Hobi and Jimin, once again, sat in awkward silence, not knowing how to break the ice. “Let’s step outside for a minute, I hate sitting here being all cooped up” Jimin said. Hobi nodded and they got out of the car. “I am going to go get a Gatorade. Stay here and do not do anything stupid” Hobi said rather sternly and left. Jimin nodded slightly, wondering why everyone kept saying that and watched Hobi leave. He looked around and decided to go find Yoongi. He walked inside the gas station storeand found Yoongi paying the owner. Hobi was still trying to choose which drink to get. Jimin went and stood next to Yoongi. “Hyung can you buy me a chocolate-” Jimin’s words were cut off when a little boy entered the store. He looked about 5 years old and wore a pair of old shorts and a slightly torn and dirty tshirt. The boy was very skinny and looked rather pale. “Hey you little rat! Get out of the store” the owner of the store shouted and started to shoo the kid away. “Please give me some food. I haven’t eaten in days” the kid said, his eyes sparkling and hopeful. Yoongi didn’t pay attention to this and took out money to pay the owner. Hobi and Jimin stood there. Jimin wanted to help the kid but he didn’t have any money on him. “Get out before I smack you” the owner shouted. “Please. I don’t have anyone. I don’t have parents or a family” the kid said, tears pooling in his eyes. The owner, his eyes devoid of empathy, got up to kick the kid out. Yoongi held the owner’s arm tightly, his eyes blazing. “One more step towards the kid and you would regret it forever” Yoongi said coldly. He let go of the owner’s arm and knelt down before the kid. “Where do you live” he asked softly. “I don't have a place to live” the kid replied timidly. Yoongi got up. “Get me a pack of crisps and two donuts” he said to the owner. The owner hesitated. Yoongi slowly pulled out his gun and clicked it. The color drained from the owner’s face as he scrammed to get the food. He handed the food over to Yoongi. Yoongi took the kid’s small hand in his and led him outside to a bench. They sat down and Yoongi gave the kid the food along with a bottle of water. The kid munched hungrily, his eyes joyful. Jimin stared at Yoongi in disbelief, a feeling of warmth settling in his heart. “Hobi…” Yoongi said and Hobi nodded and went off to make a few calls. Jimin removed his jacket and put it over the kid’s shoulders. Yoongi smiled at Jimin. “Hyung we can’t just leave the kid here” Jimin said, concerned. “We aren’t going to. One of my men will come and take the kid to a good boarding school.” Yoongi replied. “What about his fees?” Jimin asked, confused. “Don’t worry about it” Yoongi said and patted the kid on the head. Hobi returned and gave a thumbs up to Yoongi, who nodded. “Hobi, you and Jimin should wait in the car.” Yoongi said. Hobi and Jimin nodded and walked towards the car. Jimin saw as a car arrived in 20 minutes. Two men walked out and talked to Yoongi, then left with the kid. Yoongi came back to the car and they continued on their journey, driving in content silence.

 Yoongi came back to the car and they continued on their journey, driving in content silence

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*Hi guys, how is everyone doing? Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It wasn't very dramatic but we all love Yoonminseok, don't we? Keep streaming Dynamite and BWL. Purple you💗
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