Chapter 26: This is a work gathering

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Namjoon parked his Mercedes and walked into the building, its familiarity making the situation slightly less uncomfortable. He walked up to the reception. “Good afternoon. I am here to see Mr. Kim Seokjin” he said, his voice bold yet calm. The receptionist looked a bit unsure, and checked her computer. “I’m sorry sir, but you don’t have an appointment with him” she said. Namjoon cleared his throat. “With all due respect Miss, do I look like I have time for some dumb appointment? I need to see Mr. Kim Seokjin right now. If you don’t take me to him, I assure you, you would not have a job to come to next week” he said with authority. The receptionist gulped and nodded. She told him the directions to Seokjin’s office quickly, quite intimidated by the man standing before her. Namjoon smirked and muttered a quick thank you before walking away.
He stopped in front of an office, eyeing the name plate on the door. He knocked on the door. “Come in” a voice came from inside. Namjoon entered cautiously. To his rather unpleasant surprise, Jin wasn’t alone. Next to him stood a beautiful woman, dressed in a suit. Jin looked surprised and motioned Namjoon to take a seat. “Julie, that would be all. Also, cancel all my other appointments for today, will you? I have some urgent matters to tend to” Jin said to the woman. The woman (Julie) nodded and left. “Mr. Kim Namjoon, isn’t it? How come you came down to the office? Is Taehyung okay?” Jin asked, his voice raising with anxiety. Namjoon chuckled. “Yes. He is fine. Although, I do need to discuss a few things with you” he said. Jin nodded. “Sit. I’ll ask Julie to not let anyone disturb us” he said. “Well, I had something else in mind” Namjoon said. “What?” Jin asked, confused. “I was wondering if you would go out for a bite with me” Namjoon said, showing off his dimples. “For professional purposes only” he added with a smirk. Jin’s ears grew red. “Uhh yeah sure” he said, visibly flustered. “Come on” Namjoon said, opening the door. Jin nodded and started to leave. “Mr. Kim Seokjin, I hope we can now move to the first name basis” Namjoon said with a smile. Jin chuckled and the two of them walked out.
*At the restaurant*
Namjoon and Jin sat down at the table. The restaurant had the perfect ambiancewith fairy lights, fancy silverware and candles. Namjoon couldn’t look away from Jin’s face, which glowed in the candlelight and looked even more beautiful. He sighed in content. “So, why this ‘date’? Jin asked. “First of all, this is a work gathering” Namjoon said with a grin. “Secondly, we met briefly the other day and I figured I should come here and get to know you better sincewe have technically kidnapped your brother” he rambled. Jin laughed. “If you don’t mind, can I ask you something?” he said and Namjoon nodded. “Go ahead” he said. Jin continued, “How did you get involved with the Jeon family? Like it’s not every day that you get an offer to work for a mafia, is it?” Namjoon smiled and Jin noticed his adorable dimples. “The story of how I started working for the Jeons is rather long” he said. “Well I have a lot of time and nowhere to be!” Jin said. “Okay then. The thing is my parents worked for the Jeons. But I was never involved in their business. Unfortunately, my parents died in a car accident when I was 5 years old. After their passing, my younger sister and I were alone with no known blood relatives. The Jeon family was kind enough to take us in and treat us like family. They never forced me to work for them. They sent my sister to America to pursue further education, and offered to do the same for me. But I refused, choosing to work with them and help the business instead. So, I basically grew up with Jungkook so I think of him as a younger brother” Namjoon said, smiling fondly while talking about Jungkook. “Wow. Must be tough losing parents so young” Jin said with a sad smile. “It was. Taehyung went through it too, didn’t he? What exactly happened to his parents?” Namjoon asked, taking a sip of his wine. Jin looked a bit surprised at the question but quickly composed himself. “They died in a car accident” he said, his face expressionless. “A car accident? What exactly happened?” Namjoon asked. Jin looked at him and then cleared his throat. “Waiter!” he said loudly and motioned the waiter to come take their order. Namjoon decided not to pry more into that topic since judging by Jin’s reaction, it was a sensitive one. After giving their orders, they talked about hobbies and funny memories. The food arrived in a bit and there was silence for a few minutes. “Taehyung suffered head trauma after the accident” Jin suddenly said. “He did? I didn’t know he was in the car when the accident occurred” Namjoon said, setting down his fork and trying hard to speak without spitting out the mouthful of pasta. “Yes. He doesn’t remember anything from that night. Him and his sister got out of the accident without much harm, except for the blow on his head” Jin explained. Namjoon nodded. “Namjoon, you have sauce on your cheek” Jin said with a smile and offered Namjoon a tissue. Namjoon laughed and wiped his cheek as Jin stared at him endearingly.
Namjoon realised soon that he didn’t want to keep anything from the man who sat before him. “Jin hyung, I need to tell you something that happened a few nights ago” he said. Jin nodded, slightly worried. Namjoon took Jin’s hand in his own and told him about the attack on Taehyung a few nights back. The colour drained from Jin’s face and his voice trembled as he tried to form words. “Do you…do you know who attacked him?” he finally asked. “No, not yet. Ipromise, we will get to the bottom of this soon. Till then, we will keep Taehyung safe” Namjoon said, not letting go of Jin’s hand. “Yeah you kept him safe alright” Jin said sarcastically, his voice raised. “I understand your anger. But if there is anything you know about who might have attacked Taehyung, please tell me” Namjoon said softly. Jin took a deep breath and was about to say something but then refrained. “I don’t know” he said, his eyes dark with sorrow. “Namjoon-ah, please let me come back with you. I know you all are mafias but as long as Taehyung is there, I need to be there to take care of him. Because, as much as I hate to say it, right now he is the safest with you all. I take that the mafia leader Jungkook himself is looking after my brother, right? ” Jin said, looking at Namjoon expectantly. Namjoon nodded with a small smile and sighed. “I will see what I can do. Until then, I will make sure we protect Taehyung” he assured Jin and they got up to leave. It was past midnight and the restaurant was about to close. Namjoon drove Jin back to his apartment. They got out of the car and stood on the pavement, the moonlight shining down upon them, the chill in the air was rather beautiful. “I will come visit you in a few days with updates on the situation” Namjoon said and turned to leave. “Hey Namjoon? Here’s my number. Let’s go out again, shall we? And not just for official business” Jin said with a smile, pink tinting his cheeks as he handed the piece of paper to Namjoon. Namjoon grinned and left, but not before giving Jin a quick hug.

 Namjoon grinned and left, but not before giving Jin a quick hug

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The Cafe

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The Cafe

A/N: Hey lovelies hope you are enjoying the story

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A/N: Hey lovelies hope you are enjoying the story. We all loveeee Namjin don't we? Their friendship is so pure, so supportive and amazing❤️
Hope everyone is happy, healthy and safe. Take care of yourselves, take a day off for your own sake. Love yourself:)
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