Oh no

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It's been 3 weeks, three horrible weeks. She still hasn't shown any signs of waking up and I know it is getting to us all. She was moved back to the UK last week once her other injuries were stable enough. It's good to have her back here as we can all visit more often. Charles didn't leave her side as we had a two week gap in the calendar but this weekend he needs to be back in the car in Monaco. It's his home GP so there is already more pressure but not having Mols here is going to hit him really hard. Pulling my jumper over my head it's time to go see Mols, this is the best and worst part of the day. We have a routine where I arrive and Charles drives home to shower and eat something before returning. The roads are quiet as the UK is fighting Covid-19, 11.15 shows on the car clock and I know I'm right on time to reach Mols room for the 12pm visiting hours.

The hospital corridors look familiar now she has been here for a week. Hospitals freak me out but I'm more comfortable here now than I was before. My feet carry me into the room and I see Charles sat holding her hand whilst reading a book "Morning mate" he looks up at me "hey Lando you okay?" He manages a small smile "I'm alright, you gonna go home for a bit today?" I ask and he nods "I will be longer than usual as I need to sort my stuff to fly home tomorrow" "she will be okay, my mum and her mum are staying with her whilst we are away" I'm trying to make him feel better "I don't want to miss her waking up" I don't want to tell him that I'm starting to think that won't happen "I know mate, let's just hope she wakes up whenever that might be" he nods before grabbing his jacket and phone "see you later" he tells me as he leaves the room. "Hi Mols, still missing your silly jokes and dorky comments" I tell her and I take her hand "it's the Monaco GP this weekend so we won't be here for a few days but I promise we will be home as soon as we can" I squeeze her hand and I find myself hoping she will react, but there is nothing.


My foot pushes down on the throttle as I turn the 3rd corner. It's always odd driving round my home town in this situation "okay Charles that's it, box next lap" it's the end of practise 3 we have been in Monaco for 2 days now but my heart is back in the UK with Mols. I don't want to take an risks this weekend, I need to get home. I drive the car into the pit box and the boys wheel me back into the garage. I jump out and pass my helmet over "how did the car feel today?" Francesco asks me "really good" I mutter "your times were great, quali later looks like we might make second row at least" he tells me but I can't find my enthusiasm "cool, let's get it then" and I wander into my drivers room. I check my phone and see a message from Mols Mum

Just to let you know nothing has changed today, her brain scan shows some brain activity which is a good sign. They still don't know when she will wake up. Call if you need anything x

She has been sending me daily updates and I'm really grateful she keeps me in the loop. She took this hard especially without Mols dad to support her. I feel awful that I can't be there but a good result this weekend would mean I can dedicate it to her.


I'm walking through the paddock with Sam after FP3. It's been horrible going through this weekend knowing Mol is stuck in that hospital bed, she belongs in the paddock. I haven't seen James yet but I can imagine he will be lurking around for some news. The police in Spain weren't helpful and said without CCTV footage they couldn't charge him. Charles saw it happen but they have discredited his statement. We were all furious and this man that potentially might end up having killed our Molly is walking around the F1 paddock with no emotion. I can see the back of Lando and Daniel further down the paddock "NORRIS" I yell and he turns to see me as I get closer "Hey George" I send him a weak smile "are you okay?" Shaking his head "it's wrong, we can't be with her and that's so wrong" I place my arm on his shoulder "let's go out and get the best result for her"


Q3 is about to begin and so far me and Charles are battling for P4. It's been decent sessions just need to make it stick. George managed P11 which is amazing in his Williams. Charles has been off all weekend but he seemed to really step it up today, must be thinking the same as us, do it for Mols. "Right Lando, you can head out, head down let's get this" I pull out of the garage and down the pitlane ready to start my warm up lap. The session goes past in a blur as I cross the Line for my last timed lap "P4 lando P4!" Will shouts over the radio "DECENT!" I respond "It's Lewis P1, Leclerc P2, Carlos P3 then you then Verstappen P5" I was glad Charles managed a decent lap, he wants to win this.


P2 start tomorrow, if we have the right strategy we could win this. I jump out of the car and see Lando "Well done mate P4!" I tell him "P2 is immense Charles proud of you mate" we have a hug "any news today" he nods "same as yesterday, no changes" frowning we go to get weighed and go to speak with the team before tomorrow's race.

I spent my whole evening in the garage with the team discuss strategy and set up for the car. It's been information overload and I know how important tomorrow is. This is the only GP where I actually get to stay in my own house, in my own bed but it feels empty. Thinking of how we ended up together makes me smile. I never thought I would get her back and I'm sure as hell not giving up on her. I have to believe she will wake up. I'm about to head out of the paddock when Pierre stops me "Charles, I meant to come see you after Quali, well done today" he claps me on the back "thank man, mega P9 from you!" He grins before looking much more serious "how's Mols doing?" I shake my head "no better but no worse" I choke out "want to walk down to the beach? We can talk about everything?" I find myself agreeing. Pierre is one of my oldest friends and we haven't been as close this season but we both know we are always here.

Once we make it to the beach we sit near the water "how are you really feeling?" He asks me after a few minutes "broken, she is more than half of me" he frowns "I know you have experienced more loss than is fair for anyone" he starts and I'm aware he is speaking about My dad, Jules and Antoine. "People seem to leave me" I mutter "this is different, she is alive and she isn't getting worse" he reassures me "win the race for her tomorrow" we end up sitting in silence for an hour before we wander back to my apartment.

Race day

This is it, race day! Time for us to go out and get the best result for Mols. We are currently set up on the grid with 10 minutes before race start. Lando and George have come to find me "how are you feeling?" Lando asks "I need to win this for Her" I tell them and they both agree "this race is for Mols"

Once it's time for lights out everyone rushes off of the grid and I can feel the usual adrenaline rush. It's lights out and I get an amazing start overtaking Lewis in the first stretch "great work, head down" my engineer says. I enjoyed a near race-long battle with the Red Bull of Max Verstappen, as he struggled to extend the life of medium tyres put on during a Safety Car period caused by a puncture for Carlos that would eventually force Ferrari's driver intro retirement on Lap 18.
Despite finishing just behind me on the road, Verstappen was eventually classified fourth, having been given a five second penalty for an unsafe release earlier in the race. McLaren's Lando drove a fantastic race to finish ahead of Max after his penalty. The top 5 ended up being Me P1, Lewis P2, Lando P3, Max P4 and Daniel P5. It was a super intense race and I really struggled to keep the lead. I felt for Carlos' retirement on lap 18 and wished for a better result for him. But I got the win, I won my home GP for the first time "YES BOYS! FINALLY! AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I shout over the radio "well done Charles, congrats on the home win" as I pull up into Parc Ferme I see Lewis being interviewed. I jump out of the car standing and waiving before landing on the ground. This feeling is incredible and without thinking I search the crowd for Mon Ange and it hits me that she isn't here.

I walk over to David Coulthard for my interview "well done today Charles, supreme drive" I smile "thank you, It feels amazing to win my home GP for the first time! I had to win today" David looks confused "more to race for?" I nod "my girlfriend had an accident at the Spanish GP and is currently in a coma" he frowns "we heard there was in incident, I'm so sorry to hear" I nod "this win is for her, Lando's P3 is for her and George's P10 is for her. We all said this race today was for her" I finish my interview and go to the podium.

Lando is already in the cool down room "well done mate! She would be really proud!" I nod my head "of all of us" we step out on to the podium in order and I see the team cheering and I hits me, it just won the Monaco GP.

Best friends to PR - lando Norris Where stories live. Discover now