The final straw

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I just finished my phone call with the police and they said they would be here in 5 minutes, I'm currently waiting at the top of the driveway. Mols and George are waiting in the car as I requested, I can't let her see. I'm still in shock as to what he has done. I couldn't believe that he had the audacity to do this. To think we were at my house just on a fluke, if my washing machine hadn't broken I would've resisted the urge to call her till later once George has arrived. Now either he waited till she wasn't home and is watching us or he hoped she was home and this was plan B. Either way he is more sick and twisted than I ever realised. I keep reflexively looking at George's car, I'm worried about her. She has already been through so much and I could kill him for putting her through more. As I look back towards the road I see the police car pulling up, here we go. "Hello Sir, did you call us?" I nod my head gesturing towards the house "is this your house sir?" I shake my head and point towards George's car "Molly owns this house but this attack was aimed at her so I haven't let her near" they both nod "can we take a look inside" I nod my head feeling sick at what they are about to see. We walk towards the front door which is smashed in, looks like he destroyed the door. "Oh my" the police officer gasps and I can't look again "this was as is when you arrived" I nod again "I haven't touched anything" he nods at me turning back to look at the scene set up in the hallway, there is a full sized doll dressed in a Ferrari shirt and jeans with a wig matching Molly hair colour, sprawled out on the floor. In the dolls hand is a heart and written in blood on the floor "you are next" with the initial J below. It's absolutely sick. "My colleague will check the rest of the house" I hadn't thought there might be more "right can I speak to Molly?" I turn and lead them towards the car.


The police walk over, I haven't said a word to George the fear is just eating away at me. I don't even know what's going on properly but the look on Lando's face was enough to tell me all I needed to know. The police officer knocks on my window causing me to jump, I open the door and he gives me a small smile "Hello Molly, you're lucky you have your friends with you" I slightly nod "can you stay with one of them tonight?" Again I slightly nod "perfect, we are going to seal off the house before our forensic team arrive. Would you like us to grab you some items from inside?" Again I nod but can't find the words "just essentials, she normally would borrow Lando's clothes anyway" the police officer nods "can you also get a sweatshirt from the wardrobe beside the window, a Ferrari one please" the police officer smiles gently "do you live alone?" I shake my head "Charles" the police officer looks to George for confirmation "her boyfriend is in Italy at the moment, he is due home in 4 days" they continue to fill George in with the details. And then he disappears into the house, Lando stopped him at the door as asked him something I couldn't make out. Once the police officer arrived back at my car door with my suitcase in hand, we were free to go to Lando's house but before we did I needed to see what had happened. I find myself stepping out of the car and walking towards my front door "Mols don't" I hear Lando shout but it's too late. I have never felt more horrified in my entire life, it looks like me dead on the floor with my heart in my hand. He really is a sick man. I stagger my way back to the car "let's go" both boys look at me with concern as I walk myself down the street with Lando jogging behind me and George driving his car across the road.


This is awful and Molly has barely said 3 words to me or Lando. She has already been through so much I just wish James would leave her alone. Lando and Mols are already seated in the living room, "George" Lando speaks as I arrive "Lando, Mols are you guys doing okay?" He shakes his head "I vote we order pizza" I quickly agree and Mols just shrugs "where is my bag?" Lando jumps up and goes into the hallway "here you go" she unzips it straight away and finds a Ferrari jumper a pulls it over her head, settling back on the sofa. She looks around "I need to call Charles" she starts to panic "I need to call him" Lando places his hand on her arm "here use my phone" she nods as the face recognition unlocks the phone as Lando saves her Face ID as well. She finds his number and I hear the phone start to ring "Lando? What is it? I'm busy?" He didn't sound pleased "something has happened at the house" she sounds so broken "Molly? oh what now? Why can't I catch a break?" He sounded beyond annoyed and I couldn't stop myself from grabbing the phone "Hello it's George, James broke into your house and left a horrible life sized Molly doll in your hallway covered in blood with a actual heart in its hand, I implore you to have more sympathy right now" I felt all my anger over flowing at this specific moment "put her back on the phone" he demands and I thrust it at her before slumping down next to her on the sofa "sorry about that, everyone is on edge" she holds back her tears "are you okay?" I hear him ask and She confirms "I'm beyond done with this" he mutters "and you think I'm not? And you also think that I don't know you aren't in Italy but you are in Monaco?" I hear him take in a sharp breath "leaving me in our home alone with that insane man around. I know I have been difficult, but I never expected this of you" she didn't let him respond "I just thought you should know the home you share with me has been broken into and vandalised, tell Charlotte I say hello" she hangs up immediately afterwards "wanker" she mutters "what just happened?" Lando questions "I saw a photo of him and Charlotte earlier and I chose to ignore it, however his reaction then was enough to confirm my suspicions" I couldn't believe it, he has cheated on Mols again. "That fucking idiot, he needs to treat you much better" Mols scoffs "he won't have a chance to treat me any which way" Lando looks at me before speaking "move back in" he blurts without hesitation "this has always been your home, I'm sorry about Charles I really am but I want to keep you safe and I don't want you back in that house" Mols looks up "if you will have me back home, I would love to Lands"

4 weeks later

I'm running beyond late for my flight out to Monaco for the GP weekend. I insisted on flying out with George and ended up late to Heathrow. I should've been in Monaco with Charles if life went the way it was supposed to but unfortunately we drifted apart and he found himself back with Charlotte. I was briefly angry but now I'm just upset. I know a few weeks ago I admitted to still being in love with my best friend but that didn't mean that I didn't want to be with Charles. We haven't spoken since the phone call about the house and I have refused to answer his calls or respond to his messages. Lando spoke to him the other day about collecting my belongings from the apartment and Charles agreed to this evening. Lando also found out that I was correct about him dating Charlotte now. He saw this picture yesterday and asked him about it and he confirmed

I knew from that moment I had lost Charles but I had been willing to fight for him until he reacted badly to me being in even more danger

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I knew from that moment I had lost Charles but I had been willing to fight for him until he reacted badly to me being in even more danger. That's when it hit me that we aren't supposed to be together. I loved him with as much as I could give, but that was never enough for him, even the first time. I should never have expected it to work again and I felt like an absolute idiot.

I couldn't blame him though our life had been beyond difficult in the last few months and I wouldn't choose me either. I started going to see a psychologist after the incident at my house and since I've opened up I'm becoming much more myself as the days go on, I've also been prescribed some medication for my anxiety which has recently begun to make a slight difference.

It turned out the blood James used in my hallway was his own, not only creepy but also his biggest mistake. I've managed to obtain an restraining order which the officer who attended my house helped me attain and I feel better for it. It's clear that James is mentally unstable and he needs to be looked after. However none of this is my current concern. I start sprinting through Heathrow Terminal 2 in my attempt to get to the flight on time, as I rounded the corner before my gate I saw George waiting at the desk "Thank god" he yelled once he saw me "I thought I was going without you" I rolled my eyes before following him down onto the plane.

For the whole flight I was worried, worried about getting my belongings and about the reaction in the paddock. I know I need to be single and focus on myself. Me and Lando are living together again as best friends and I actually finally felt like I was where I was supposed to be. Once we landed in Nice I went with George to his car for this weekend. We drive along the costal road which I usually find beautiful but I can't focus today. We drive through Monaco, the familiar route to Charles apartment. George looks over at me "want me to wait outside for you" he asks as we pull up on Charles' road and I see his apartment. My heart sinks and I felt sick, I hadn't spoken to him and I somewhat regretted that now. "Yes please I won't be long" he grins at me "take your time" he squeezes my arm as I climb out of the car.

I knock on the apartment door and it swings open to reveal Charles "Hello Molly" he says making eye contact and I manage to muster a small smile "Charles" I bluntly say "can we talk?" I shake my head "George is waiting for me" he looks confused "not Lando?" I shake my head "don't make assumptions" he rolls his eyes. He grabs a suitcase and a couple of bags "I believe this is everything" he tells me "can I just ask why?" He looks sad "I suppose she was always the one" I shake my head "why did you chase me when you clearly always had feelings for her?" He looks at his feet "I guess I wanted it to be you with all my heart" I felt a little better hearing that "good luck this weekend" he smiles sadly "thank you, I really am sorry" I shake my head "I know I've been a lot to deal with and I'm sorry for that. I need my people in my life but you couldn't be that for me. I'm sorry we didn't work but I truly hope you are happy" and with that I took my bags and walked away.

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