Last race

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Molly POV

We are here in Abu Dhabi finally leaving Bahrain after just over two weeks. I'm happy to finally see the end of the season it has been intense to say the least! We all know Yas Marina is usually a straight forward race so we aren't expecting much drama just hoping for a good qualifying. Charles has a 3 place grid penalty due to his crash last weekend so he needs to push as hard as he can.

The quarantine rules are strict here so we are confined to our hotel rooms till we get a negative test result. It's all fair enough but annoying. Luckily me and Charles decided to quarantine together. I'm just unpacking my stuff when he wanders into the bedroom "This won't be too bad for 24 hours" he looks at me appreciatively. "This room is crazy nice!" I tell him smiling. I walk over to the window looking over the track, the sun is starting to set and it's a beautiful view "this is stunning" I say as Charles reaches me putting his hand on my back "it's beautiful" he agrees.

We have a chilled evening eating room service provided by the hotel. I feel myself relaxing as the prospect of being away from the paddock for a few months fills my thoughts. The media are relentless and I'm finding getting back with Charles is making me worry about what they will say. We have popped on the new Spider-Man movie and I find myself crying at the scene where Happy puts on AC/DC whilst Peter Parker is using the technology. "The world hasn't been the same since we lost Tony Stark" I tell Charles and he laughs "2020 is his fault? Fair enough" he shrugs sending me a smile. I notice my phone going crazy and see it's the group chat

Alex - dinner Thursday?

Lando- if we all get a negative test? Sure

George - it will be good to hangout especially after last weekend

Lando - let's make it fun then, picnic on a boat in the harbour

Alex - you have a boat?!

Lando - noooooo I'm sure we can ask around

Charles - Ferrari has one I'm sure we can borrow?


George - deal! Sounds good! What you think squirt?

Me - sounds good to me!

I pop my phone away "Ferrari have a boat?" Charles shakes his head "Lewis does and he said I could borrow it this weekend for a date but this is probably better!" My eyes widen "you told Lewis?" He holds his hands up "nope, just told him I had a date to plan, I wanted to spoil you" I give him a soft smile "being with you is more than enough" he grins "I still get to spoil my girlfriend" I'm still not used to hearing him call me that again.


We are finally free from quarantine and I'm excited to get to work. I walk down the paddock next to Charles, we draw a couple of glances but it's not unusual for us to be together now we work together. We arrive at the garage for a short while before his first interview of his last media day this year. I go and have a chat with Andrea "Ciao Andrea, how are you?" He grins up at me "Ciao Mols, I'm good, sad the season is over?" I shake my head "I'm happy for the break! I love my job but it's been intense" he smiles "christmas should be even nicer this year!" I smile at him just as Viviana storms past me "what's her problem?" I quickly ask "no idea!" I feel a hand on my shoulder "Mols we need to go" Charles says with an urgent expression "yep let's get a move on" I walk out of the garage with him and he stops me by the side of the garage wall "viviana just tried to kiss me! Out of nowhere!" I feel myself getting angry "she what?!" I couldn't believe it "your serious?!" Charles face falls "she didn't manage I saw it coming" that didn't make me feel any better.

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