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It's the Start of the season, Australia here we come! There have been rumours that Covid-19 is starting to spread globally but so far the event isn't cancelled. The flight out was difficult as there was turbulence but I was seated with Lando so he tried his best to keep me calm. We are having pizza night tomorrow and I'm excited to see the boys.

We walk through the arrivals terminal at Melbourne international hand in hand "you did really well Mols, I know that was hard for you!" he says squeezing my hand. It's seem like media and fans have taken more interest in me now as Lando's girlfriend than when I was with Charles. I'm adjusting to all the added attention, Ferrari were good at keeping everything under the radar but McLaren have always been very open. I look up at Lando as we make it to the car "let's see what this season brings!" I say excitedly as we head towards the hotel.

Once we are checked in we head up to the room, this season we have decided to just share a room as I'm sure I would stay with Lands anyway. He pops the keycard into the lock "welcome to our house!" He shouts as he flings the door open. I can't help but giggle at him, i wheel my case in and have a quick look around. Lando's room is always nicer than the general team rooms due to his status in the team but this one was exceptional! The view outside was over Melbourne and I couldn't believe we were finally here together. Lando walks over to me "want to watch a movie together?" He questions wrapping his arms round my waist "of course I do!" I say turning round to kiss him. We haven't taken the next physical step in relationship yet but I can feel we are getting close to that point. For some reason I'm nervous and I pull away from Lands "I'm just gonna get into my PJs" I say and I hurry to the bathroom. After a few minutes he knocks on the door "Mols are you okay?" He asks me and I freeze, am I okay? I don't think I am, if we take things further there is no going back from that. What if I'm not good enough for him. I start sobbing and he hammers on the door "let me in Mols, Please!" He begs me from the other side. I turn the lock and he pulls the door open. He takes in my appearance for a second before pulling me into his arms "what's happening? What's wrong?" He questions me. I can't find the words to explain. He scoops me into his arms and carries me to the bed.

He sits with me in his arms till I calm down enough to speak. "What if I'm not good enough for you?" I say looking down at my hands. He tilts my face up "you are already too good for me, I don't know who I am without you anymore" I look at him "is that a good thing?" I question, he expression hardens "I accepted the fact that I am completely and utterly in love with you Molly. I have been for longer than I want to admit. You are all I want and will want for the rest of my life now where has this talk come from?" I feel my heart speed up at his words and I feel silly already for what I'm about to say "I just know we haven't been intimate and I know once we have we can never go back to being just friends again. I'm worried you don't want me like that due to possibly changing your mind" he pulls away from me and I can see he is annoyed "Molly Elizabeth Lanes you need to accept that we are in this for the long run. I haven't tried to be intimate with you for two reasons, I don't want to rush you into anything and I'm worried that I'm not very good." I pull him back into our previous position "Thank you for giving me my own time but also I want to say that I don't care about how good you are as we will learn each other together" I start worrying about him instead of me "I have found it beyond difficult to keep my hands off of you especially knowing that Leclerc has had the honour" I roll my eyes "please don't compare to Leclerc, everything is different with you in the best way" he sighs "I know but that doesn't stop me from feeling jealous"
We wake up the next morning for media day,
Last night we finally moved past everything and it was fucking incredible. I've never had someone take so much time to appreciate me and love me. I kiss Lando's cheeks, nose and finally his lips. He pulls me down on top of him "Wanna shower with me?" I feel my cheeks heat up as I nod. He heads into the bathroom and switches on the shower, I join just as he steps under the water. I can't help but stare at this beautiful man. I strip off and join him "hello there" he says and I appear in front of him. He switches with me and I wet my hair and reach for the shampoo but he beats me to it "let me please" he whispers in my ear. I rubs the soap into my scalp and hair and I can't resist letting out a moan "if you make noises like that we will be repeating last night" he says huskily. I turn to wash the soap out and see the look on Lando's face. He lifts my chin up and places his lips against my own. We turn so I can rest my back against the glass and he starts kiss me harder. His hands move slowly down my sides and he scoops me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He moves his lips down my neck and lower to my chest where he continues his almost torturous assault on my nipples. I can't help the noises coming from my throat. I pop one leg back down onto the shower floor and he takes this as an invitation to explore further. Once he reaches his target I find it difficult to breathe with the tingles coursing through me. He keeps moving his fingers till I can feel myself close to the edge. He then pulls my leg round his waist and thrusts inside me. I gasp at the motion and he takes everything really slow whilst peppering any skin he can reach with kisses. "Mols I'm close" he mutters huskily in my ear and I pull his lips to mine and we finish together.

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