My best friend

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It's race day, I managed to stay within Williams hospitality all day yesterday. I've felt on edge all weekend so far even though Charlotte and Lando keep messaging me with updates about his whereabouts. Charles was angry yesterday once he actually saw him walking with the McLaren team in the paddock. We were leaving to go to the hotel when we spotted them walking ahead. Charles pulled me into the Sauber hospitality earning us a few strange looks.

I take a deep breath as I enter the paddock with George "right today you give your all and do your best and we will have an easy day" I tell him earning a laugh "that's what I always do!" He does try really hard, I just need to make sure I have a break from media scrutiny. We enter the garage and Jimmy steals George immediately "I'm going to nip across to the hospitality building till pre-race interviews" I tell them both of whom nod whilst focusing on the race ahead. Holding my laptop close to my chest I step out into the busy paddock attempting to avoid everyone I dash across "Molly" I hear his voice and my heart sinks, what is he doing here? I pull my phone out immediately and call George but he doesn't answer by this point James is stood across from me "don't talk to me" I say quickly attempting to get closer to the hospitality building. He grabs my wrist "you should've died, it would've been better for you" he tells me darkly before I spot Max Verstappen storming down the paddock "MAX" I shout as loudly as I can. His eyes find me immediately and a look of recognition crosses his face and he sprints over "I think you should back away" he tells James blocking my body with his "NOW" he shouts firmly as he notices him not moving. James sneers "as I said you should wish you died" he finally drops my arm and storms down the paddock. I can't breathe, I feel like I'm suffocating "look at me Mols" Max's voice cuts through my haziness. He shakes my shoulders and I snap back into the present "we need to get you inside" he tells me wrapping his arm around my waist "who do I need to get for you? Charles?" I shake my head "Lando, I need Lando" I manage to quietly say. He nods before grabbing a random team member "sit with her till I come back" he demands before rushing out of the door.

"Hi I'm Michael" he tells me but I can't focus, I'm just watching the door for Lando to appear. "I know you are Molly, you work with George?" I manage to nod but my eyes don't leave the door. Michael seems to get the hint and stay quiet. I'm not sure how much time has passed but I know it shouldn't take this long. 20 minutes pass and I'm hyperventilating with Michael panicking next to me "what do I do?" He asks and I try to focus on my breathing but I can't manage. He jumps up and grabs a coffee girl "help me help her" she drops to her knees in front of me "breathe with me, in 2,3 out 2,3" she exaggerates her breathing for me to see. I mimick her breathing and feel my heart rate slowing. She looks into my eyes and can see my panic drifting away "can you go find George" I choke out "which George?" She questions "Russell" I manage and she seems surprised "in the garage" I nod before Michael interjects "tell him that Max Verstappen bought Molly into hospitality 25 minutes ago and she isn't okay" the kind girl nods and dashes out to the garage.

I sit waiting for anyone of my best friends to appear and help me feel better. Minutes tick by and there is no sign of George or the girl. I close my eyes and the tears start to fall. Michael reaches out to comfort me but I flinch away and his eyes widen, he has realised that something has happened to me. He stands up "I will find him" he tells me before running out of the doors. I'm starting to worry that something has happened. A few minutes later the girl returns to me "he is coming as soon as he can" she tells me and my heart calms down.
I still can't believe he got to me, I've tried all weekend to avoid him and I nip across the paddock and there he is. I start shaking my head in disbelief "I'm Alice, I'm a great listener if you need" and I try to smile at her "MOLLY" I flinch and look up to see George coming over "what happened? I'm sorry I missed your call I was in the car for set up" I shake my head and breakdown into tears again "James" is the only word I manage and he freezes "he got to you?" I nod "son of a bitch" he mutters "Max bought you here?" Again I nod "where did he go?" I shrug "to get Lando" he turns to Alice "how long ago?" He asks her "about 40 minutes now" as she says this Michael comes through the doors with Lando Norris. The relief I feel when I set my eyes on him is like nothing else "Mols" he rushes to me and pulls me into his arms "Max got dragged into an interview and never managed to get me" he strokes my hair "I didn't know he was gone from the garage, I'm sorry" I shake my head "not your fault Lando, you can't protect me forever" he winces "I want to, where is Charles?" He frowns "I wanted you" he smiles "can I call him?" I nod my head before burying it into his side "Want me to get Sam to do my Pre-race interviews?" George asks and I shake my head "no I'm at work I need to be more professional" he sends me a sad smile "none of this is your fault" Lando squeezes my hand "he is in the media pen, does George need his interviews done?" I nod my head before pulling myself up "let's go!" Lando wraps his arm around my shoulders "call me later" Lando mutters as we reach the media pen and Charles clocks me.

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