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After two uneventful race weekends for McLaren at the Canadian and French Grand Prixs we were heading off to the Red Bull Ring in Austria. Charles had two good weekends leading up to this one sitting 5th in the drivers championship. He took me on a couple of dates over the weekends but I decided to have my own hotel room still. Things are going well but I still can't fully shake my feelings for Lando.

I'm sat in my office finalising some interviews for the upcoming weekend one with Ziggo sport when there is a knock "Molly? Are you here?" I sit up straight in my seat "yes Andreas please come in" he enter my office and my stomach drops "Hello, we need to discuss Mr Leclerc" I take a second to process his words "okay what would you like to discuss?" I questioned "well you said you would tell me if you were anything more than friends and I overheard Lando talking about you and Charles dating" oh my god I could kill that boy right about now "yes we have been on a couple of dates but we are still only friends" Andreas gives me a look that says he doesn't believe me "okay I will give you the benefit of the doubt this time but please inform me when things progress and there are some steps we need to take" I just nod my head as he lets himself out of my office.

I decide to go for lunch and head down to the cafeteria. I pick up a pasta pot and a banana and sit at an empty table and start playing a podcast. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Lando "Hey Mols" he says once I take my earphones out "Hi Lands, you okay?" I have barely seen him this last week as he has been at Amelie's house most evenings. He smiles "I'm good, got a lot of good work done on the sim, feeling quite confident about this weekend" I smile at him "I'm really glad Lands! You deserve a podium soon!" He gives me a hug "thanks for always supporting me, I don't know what I would do without you" I smile at him "you know I'm not going anywhere" he laughs "well we do live together so that would be rather difficult!" We chat for a little longer before I need to head back to my office and finish off his schedule "Lands do you need me to sort anything for you? Anything for the weekend?" He thinks for a second "keep the first night free for our dinner" he winks at me and walks away. I sit quite confused for a second, was that flirting?


I just can't help myself around her, it's almost like every part of me needs to be near her all the time. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with Amelie but my feelings for her haven't gone away much. I've tried to keep away and that isn't working so I'm going to try the opposite to be as close as we were before. I'm planning on us spending our evening together so I head home early and make sure there is stuff in the fridge for dinner.

I hear her car pull up on the driveway and pop my favourite playlist on. I hear her keys in the door "Lando?" She calls out. I head towards the front door "Hey Mols" and give her a hug which she returns. "What's going on in here?" She questions me, I laugh "I thought we could spend the evening together? You will have to make dinner though so I don't burn our house down" that statement makes her laugh "sounds lovely, let me go and get changed" as she walks away I watch her, she truly is stunning. Shaking my thoughts away I go to the fridge and pull out all of the ingredients for pork loins with a kale salad and boiled potatoes. About 10 minutes later she enters the kitchen and my breath catches in my throat she is only in work out leggings and a sweatshirt but she looks amazing "Right then, what am I cooking?" She questions pulling up her sleeves and I tell her what I planned. We both get to work me helping by prepping the veg. It feels nice to just hangout and catch up after a few days of not seeing each other. We sit down and eat dinner discussing the upcoming weekend. Just as we are finishing up her phone rings and I see that it's Charles, she ignores it "I will call him back later" I smile "it's okay" she gathers all the plates and fills the dishwasher "did you want to watch a movie?" She asks and I can't help but say yes, I want all her time today. We go and pick Black Panther and sit together on the sofa.

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