Where to begin?

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Molly POV

I've made the decision that I don't want to just slip back into how we were together. It's been a difficult year and we didn't end things easily. It would be simple to just slip back into what our old relationship was but I don't think that's the right way. I'm heading to Maranello today before the Turkish GP. I'm going to fly home to Woking and see Lando and travel with him to Turkey. Charles gets it but I know he isn't overly happy about it. I roll out of my bed, which I've insisted on using much to his dismay.

I shuffle my way to the kitchen and notice Charles sat on his iPad at the breakfast bar "morning" I mumble and I earn a laugh "oh Mon Amour I forgot you are terrible in the morning" he says continuing to laugh at me as I make a coffee. I can feel him staring at me so I walk over and place myself between his legs on the stool. He smiles down at me as I wrap my arms around his waist. We stay in this position for a few minutes just enjoying the feeling of each other. I pull back and see the loving expression on his face when he looks down at me.

"Can we have a talk before we fly to Maranello?" He asks me and I know what's coming "sure thing" I hop up on the stool and wait for him to begin "I know in my heart that you are it for me, but I don't know where to begin In making you mine again" I sigh "I don't want to slip back into what we had before I want to properly start over and give us the best chance" he smiles at me "so first dates?" I nod my head "and just getting to know each other again, we have had a lot of time apart" he frowns "much has happened I know so I'm happy to do it this way" I lean in and kiss him gently "you are my person Charles, let's make sure we do this right this time" he grins and pulls me back in for a more passionate kiss.


We landed about 2 hours ago and we headed straight to the factory. I'm currently walking to the press office to make sure everything is perfect for this weekend. It's a lot more pressure than I'm used to from McLaren but I'm adjusting. We decided on the flight to keep our new relationship to ourselves till we feel secure and I'm happy about that. I wander through the door my thoughts purely on Charles and spot Viviana sat at one of the desks "Bongiorno Viv" I say from behind my mask "Ciao Mol, how are you?" I smile even though she can see "I'm great! Decided to move to Monaco for the rest of the season and for next season" she congratulates me "how does Lando feel about it?" She asks "he actually suggested it" I tell her and her eyebrows raise. We continue chatting as we both get on with work till lunchtime rolls around. "Ciao Viviana, Ciao Mon Ange" I hear from my favourite Monegasque leaning in the doorway "Ciao Charles come stai?" Viv asks and his eyes lock with mine "molto bene, posso rubare il mio addetto stampa? (Really well, can I steal my press officer?) Viv smiles and nods her head "certo che si (of course yes)" she tells him. He walks into the room "come have lunch with me?" He mutter close to my ear and I grab my bag "see you later Viv" I smile at her as she waves me away.

We take a seat in the canteen "I have missed you today Mon Amour" Charles tells me and my heart skips "I've missed you, turns out I quite enjoy having you around" he scoffs "of course you do! Was there ever any doubt?" I laugh "not at all! But don't let your ego get too big" he grins "how could I not just look at you!" I laugh and we continue to enjoy each other's company throughout lunch.

Charles POV

I'm currently driving Mols to the airport to fly back to the UK for a couple of days before Turkey. She said she wanted to see Lando and get some of her things she wants for the weekend and beyond. I know I will miss her as it's become so normal to spend my time with her. I get that she is going home but I want my home to become hers also.

I pull up outside the terminal and turn to talk to her "I'm going to miss you" she smiles "I will miss you but it's only 2 days and then you have to put up with me in Turkey" I laugh "I can't wait" I kiss her gently as a car beeps it's horn behind us. She pulls back "I suppose i should go now" she frowns "see you soon Mon Amour"

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