Sharing is caring

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I'm sat waiting for Mols in the living room, after her phone call I'm worried. She sounded detached from herself, this is horrible news and I know she will need me and potentially the guys but I don't know what she wants. I decide to wait till she gets home as I know she is a private person. I feel myself getting nervous to see her, what do I say?

I hear the front door open "Mols?" I shout and she responds with a yeah. I can hear her feet padding to the living room "I'm gonna ask even though it's a stupid question but are you okay?" I quickly ask already feeling stupid. She looks at me and starts sobbing, I rush over to her and pull her into my arms. After a few minutes she starts to calm down and I find myself running my fingers through her hair. She pulls away slightly "why me?" I don't have the answer and she knows I don't "I don't know Mols, but there are options right?" She nods "but it isn't the same and it's much more difficult" I nod not really understanding "are you going to speak to Charles?" She nods "he needs to know because it might change everything" she starts crying again "it won't, he loves you with all he has and this won't change that" she shakes her head "he wants children and I can't give him that" I put my arms on her shoulders "you won't know until you try" I say and she smiles weakly at me "I thought my lack of a job was my biggest issue" she scoffs "you don't have a job?" She didn't tell me this "oh Ferrari weren't happy with the media attention around me and Charles so I handed my notice in but that still isn't enough as you know" she doesn't have a job?! I'm sure a team in the paddock will want her, perhaps even Williams or Red Bull again.

We sit quietly on the sofa, I have put a movie on but neither of us are really watching. "I'm gonna go up to my room" she tells me suddenly and I can't help but worry "okay Mols, just shout if you need anything" I tell her.


I couldn't sit there and pretend to be okay anymore. I need Charles but I'm terrified of loosing him again. He is the love of my life and I know that I can't be me without him anymore. Just as I have these thoughts he is calling me. I hesitate as he will know I'm not okay from the moment I start speaking but I answer "Hey Baby" I say quietly into the phone "Mon Ange, I've missed your voice" he tells me and my heart sinks, I can't loose this. "How's Dubai?" I ask "it's been great, really impressed with my team! We need to get you into a kart soon!" I laugh "I'm not sure that's the best idea!" He giggles on the other end sending my heart into flutters "how have you been?" I take a deep breath "I've actually had some bad news but I can't talk to you about it over the phone" I say and he draws in a sharp breath "are you okay?! I thought you didn't sound like yourself" He hurriedly asks "kind of, you will understand when I tell you" he sighs "Can you come to Monaco?" I shake my head "Charles you know we aren't supposed to seeing each other" he sounds annoyed "I'm in Maranello tomorrow I will speak with Mattia, I'm not loosing you" his words calm me but I know his opinion could change. We continue chatting "Covid is getting worse here, we are only allowed to meet people on Christmas Day now" I tell him "oh that's shit" I laugh "2020 strikes again! Your Christmas present will be arriving on Christmas Eve" he laughs "if you were planning on surprising me with your arrival you shouldn't tell me" I scoff "I'm afraid it isn't me but you will need to be home" he is confused "hmmmm okay sure, Lando has your gifts from me" I'm beyond glad that we can all still get along with everything that has happened "you didn't need to get me anything" I tell him "I know but I wanted to!" We chat for a bit longer before saying I love yous and he is going to bed.

I walk out of my room and see Lands in his gaming room "you streaming?" I ask and he shakes his head "just the quadrant gang, wanna come say hi?" I feel a bit happier "sure! hey guys!" Everyone mumbles a hello expect Niran who I am already making good friends with "Mols! Your back?!" I nod my head "for now!" He grins "we will have to get you to play something with us!" lando turns to me "that would be a pretty funny video actually" I shrug "let me know! See you guys later!" Everyone says their goodbyes and I walk downstairs. I hear footsteps behind me "how are you doing?" I shrug "I feel like a failure, I've told Charles I have something to tell him but it needs to be in person" Lands nods "okay, I'm glad you are telling him" I agree "yeah he will have a choice to make though" Lands eyes widen "he won't leave you, please don't worry about more things" he hugs me again before saying he will be finished in about half an hour but I've decided I'm going to bed.

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