3 months later

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March 2022, Australia

This is it, finally back in Australia for the first time since 2020! Feels good to see Melbourne again! After how chaotic last year was it's nice for things to feel slightly more normal! Still following covid rules and wearing masks but that's become expected now! This is Daniel's home race so the team is buzzing, I did promise I would meet up with the guys in the paddock so I'm just getting into my McLaren team shirt.


I'm walking down the paddock now looking for the gang! It's been a few months since we got to properly see each other. Winter testing was cut short due to covid so we only had two running days. I keep my eyes peeled for glimpses of papaya or white and suddenly I see George as he is sooo tall "George!" I shout and he spins around grabbing the person next to him as he headed towards me. That's when I see her, the love of my life, my person. She makes a beeline for me and launches herself into my arms "Charles" she breaths out. We haven't seen each other in a few weeks due to preparations for this first F1 race. George makes his way over "Hey mate, how you been?" He asks me and I smile "really good, although I've been missing my housemate" I nudge Mols earning myself a giggle "well she is on my team now" she rolls her eyes "I'm your PO, I'm not exactly just yours I have to work with The team  as well" he laughs "I know, it's just nice to have you around" I'm really grateful to George for helping her get a job at Williams for this season, I told her she didn't need to work but she enjoys it too much.


I see Lando walking over "LANDS" I scream earning a few looks "MOLS" he jogs over giving her a hug "George treating you right?" I laugh "of course, he is my other best friend" Lands rolls he eyes "come on you know I'm your favourite" I glance at Charles who is smirking knowing full well that he is my favourite but I won't say "you are all equal, stop making me choose!" I say indignantly. Charles chuckles and moves himself to my side "how have you guys been" George asks "sickeningly cute" Lando states making a gagging noise. We decided to get our own place in the UK then use Monaco in the breaks and for Charles' trips to Maranello. We live across the road from Lands, I didn't want to go far.

We stand chatting til Charles makes a comment "Is Alex not here this weekend?" He asks and I feel really upset for him "he didn't deserve what happened" I say quietly "he is but Red Bull are having a team meeting" George tells us and I know it hit him the hardest. When the news broke I was angry, Red Bull haven't been supporting him and the car is purely designed for Max. He was broken about especially as he didn't even get the Alpha Tauri seat that went to an academy driver Yuki Tsunoda and Alex is now Red Bulls test and reserve driver. We have all said he needs to get out from Red Bull and try to get a seat at a new team. He is a hugely talented driver and he deserves a seat. I was well chuffed for Sergio though as he is performing so well and he shouldn't leave the sport!

We decide to go grab some dinner before we go back to our rooms. We wander the streets of Melbourne together and I feel like I am at home. 2021 was a terrible year personally as well as globally. I am trying to put the bad memories and news in the past and look forward to the future. Me and Charles have settled into a routine that's really working for us and Lando's still my best mate and life seems to be looking up! Alex joins us once we get to the restaurant and I see how sad he is "Hey Alex, I've missed your face" I tell him and he pulls me in for a hug "missed you Mols, how's things with Lechair?" I laugh "really good!" He smiles "something good needed to come out of 2021" he nudges me.

Once we are back at the hotel Charles pulls me in for kisses and I melt into him. We are content right now, it still gets me that we tried to be apart for so long! What idiots we were. "Mon amour, what are you thinking about?" He asks me "how amazing you are, how happy I am" he grins at me "things have been pretty amazing!" He agrees. He has been a bit nervous and touchy this week but I'm sure it's due to being back racing. I go and take a shower popping my hair in french braids "you always look adorable like that" he says snapping a picture of the two of us, we look so happy.

Media day

I'm running late as Charles insisted on distracting me this morning. I rush down the paddock to Williams seeing George waiting for me outside "what's first Squirt?" He asks and I pull out my iPad "let's go, you have a ziggo interview" we wander down the paddock and o spot the usual orange microphone and lead George over. It's different working the George he is so calm and composed most of the time and takes his job super seriously! He is hoping for the Mercedes seat next year and has promised to take me with him. I really enjoy working with George. The day goes quickly and I spot my Monegasque lounging on the wall of the hospitality building "looks like he couldn't wait to see you" George says "I will see you tomorrow" he nods ruffling my hair.

"Lechair?" I question and he looks up at me "Mon amour, I've missed you" he tells me pulling me in for a kiss "I loved having you I my garage and it feels wrong without you" I hug him "I'm sure having Mia back has helped" he nods "but it isn't the same" he takes my hand and we walk out of the paddock together. I can tell he is nervous still "you worried about this weekend?" He jumps a little "no why would you say this?" He asks very defensively at me "okay you have just seemed a little off thats all" I say holding my hands up. He wraps his arms around my shoulders "I'm sorry, I guess I am a bit worried" I nod my head "I'm always here if you want to talk" he nods. Looking quite shifty and I start to feel concerned.

Race day

It's been a fair expected weekend, George is still Mr Saturday managing P11 which is his best qualifying with Williams. We are currently waiting for the pre race routine to start and I spot George and Charles having a chat and snap a picture

 We are currently waiting for the pre race routine to start and I spot George and Charles having a chat and snap a picture

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@mollylanesF1 feels good to be back! Let's goooo racing!

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