Spanish GP

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The season seems to be going extremely fast. The Chinese GP was pretty much the same result as Bahrain and then Baku was more fun being a street circuit the boys came home p5 and p6 so that was something to celebrate and now we are preparing for the Spanish GP - Carlos' home Grand Prix. There is a lot of excitement this weekend as the car performed well at this track during winter testing giving the team some hope for the upcoming race.

I've been working long hours at the MTC mainly due to the fact I don't want to be at my house at the moment. Lando has been out at his girlfriends most of the time and I hate being home alone, pretty much the point of us living together. He seems really happy though although she seems to control his schedule out of work as much as I do at work which is irritating as I feel I need to make an appointment with her to see my best mate. He told me he is coming in for some work on the sim this afternoon so would stop by my office. We have mainly been communicating through emails making life much harder.

I head down to the cafeteria for lunch and pick up and chicken salad wrap and a banana. I decide to go and sit with Charlotte and some of the other PR team as I haven't seen them for a while. Charlotte spots me approaching "Hello Molly, please come join us" I smile and take a seat "we were just discussing how well you handled Lando's relationship becoming official" I want to grimace but I keep a straight face "yeah we decided something more personal would work best as he is quite often on socials so an official statement wouldn't fit who he is as a person" Charlotte follows what I'm saying "exactly, I think F1 in general needs to become more personal" I nod my head in agreement and sit and enjoy their company till it's time for me to head back to my office. This afternoon I need to finalise Lando's schedule for the weekend, it's been tricky as a lot of interviewers want to ask questions about his relationship more than his job but that's where I come in. I spend another 45 minutes on the phone with Channel 4 who are planning a segment on Lando which should be really good for his image. There is a knock at the door and as I look up I see Lando's head creeping round the corner "Hey Mols, just wanted to check in" I look down at my laptop "Hey Lands, I just need to finalise some details for the weekend if you have 20 minutes?" He walks over and takes a seat at my desk "sure, what do you need?" I explain the interviews wanting information about his new relationship and how to handle it. I also explain timings and email across the final schedule. In fairness to him he pays attention even though I can feel his phone buzzing.

He sighs "I wanted to catch up with you, I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages" I resist the urge to roll my eyes "well you have become a busy guy, although I am finding doing my job harder because you are never home" he looks surprised at my words as I never usually call him out on his behaviour "of course, you are used to having me home but things change. We will need to figure out a new way to plan things as I don't think my life is changing anytime soon" I can hear the annoyed tone he is using "I'm not asking you to change your life Lando. Perhaps I shouldn't have taken this job" he snaps his eyes to mine "don't say that you are incredible at your job, I'm sorry I'm making it harder for you" I smile at him "let's plan to have your weekends finalised on a Wednesday meaning that you don't have to worry about it and you know what you are doing so you can tell Amelie" he nods "also does she need a pass this weekend, please let me know her attendance at the race when you know" I add "oh yeah please and she will share my room as normal now" I nod knowing he was going to say that it's what he asks next that surprises me "how's things with Charles?" My breath catches in my throat "going as they always have been" I don't want to share too much information. Lando shrugs "just seemed like you are getting close, he seems to pretty much stay with you at race weekends now" I resist the urge to shout "well perhaps that's because my best mate has no time for me anymore" he eyebrows raise "are you having a laugh Mols, I always have time for you just race weekends are busy." I interrupt him "actually we haven't had our usual first night dinner tradition since Australia. My job is to be with you over a race weekend but I seem to spend more time with Jon than you at the moment. I get you are happy in your new relationship just don't forget about the people you had before" I stand up grabbing my laptop not wanting to be in the room with him right now, he stops me "Mols, I'm sorry I didn't realise how important our tradition is to you, but you need to understand that I need to put my girlfriend first" that's when my anger rises "if it was important to you then you would've known, as for putting your girlfriend first I believed you when you said I would always be your number one. But this friendship has become one sided and I'm not here for that. I will be your PR manager and that is all now Lando" and I walk out of the room before he can respond.

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