Bahrain 2020

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We step off the flight to Bahrain to be greeted with warm air and excitement. F1 fans have filled the arrivals hall meaning a few signings take place as Lando and I make our way through the terminal. By the time we made it to the car to take all of the team to the hotel I felt like falling asleep. I really do struggle with flying, it makes me anxious and that drains me.

"Hey Mols, you okay?" Lando asks as he nudges my arm, I nod my head "just tired, I hate travelling" he knows this so leaves it at that but does give my hand a reassuring squeeze. We arrive at the hotel and Lando asks if I want to watch a movie but I decline not feeling to great and just wanting to get some sleep.

The next morning my alarm wakes me early so that I can go for a quick run before meeting Lando and Jon and going for breakfast. I change into my running gear and head down to the lobby. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice call my name, I turn and see Charles walking towards me "morning mon amour, what are you doing up already?" I smile at his nickname "I'm heading on a run what about you?" Charles grins "me too, want to go together?" I nod and we both set off on our way. We end up running 10k before arriving back at the hotel. "I'm so glad I bumped into you" I say, as it genuinely made my morning, the smile on Charles face was blinding "I'm always glad to see you mon amour, I will call you later" I agree and head up to shower and get ready. By 10am Lando is knocking on the door and we head down for breakfast. "Have you had a good morning?" Lando asks clearly knowing there is a reason for my good mood I nod "I bumped into Charles and we went on a run together. It was lovely to have some company" his brows furrow "I will always join you, just ask" I roll my eyes "I know not to get you up at 6am for a run on media day" he laughs but says "I will always do anything for you Mols"

The day goes by in a blur, all of Lando's interviews went really well and he seemed to enjoy them too. Tomorrow him and Carlos have a quiz to film for the McLaren socials so he should have fun with that. I'm sat outside McLaren hospitality when Alex and George wander over "Heys Mols" I look up from my laptop and smile "Hey boys you okay?" They both smile and tell me they have had a good day "are you and Lando okay? He seemed off earlier something about Charles?" Oh really? "Hmmmm I think we are as far as I know! I went for a run with Charles this morning purely because we bumped into each other, he seemed annoyed that I hadn't asked him but you know what he is like in the mornings" both boys nod having been on the receiving end of Lando's grumpy morning moods. George speaks up "you know he loves you right?" I laugh out loud "and do you George Russell know he is dating someone? Lets just leave him to be happy" It's Alex this time who disagrees "you make him happy Mols not some new girl, we want you guys to be together" I roll my eyes "not gonna happen Albon" they give up trying to convince me but ask me to join them for dinner tomorrow which I agree to as I felt like we hadn't hung out properly in forever! I went off to find Lando after saying goodbye to the boys and found him with Amelie in the hospitality, I didn't know he invited her along. As I approach Lando spots me and waves "Hey Mols come meet Mills" I go over "Hi there Amelie, Lando has told me a lot about you" complete bullshit as I haven't spoken more than 3 words to Lando about her. She smiles "Hello Molly, Lando speaks highly of you as well, his best friend" I want to roll my eyes at how territorial she is being, I can tell she doesn't like me being his friend but tough I'm not going anywhere. The conversation stays friendly and light as we discuss her modelling career and how me and Lando work together as well as live together in the UK. "We need to head off Mols, for our dinner reservation! Message if you need anything but otherwise see you tomorrow" Lando gives me a quick hug and heads off with his date. There goes my evening plans as I was gonna hang out with my best friend! I contemplate calling Charles to see if he is free but don't want to bother him so I head back to the hotel.

There is nothing better than getting back after a long day working. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, looking at the caller ID I see it's Charles and I answer immediately with a grin on my face "Hey Charles you okay?" He laughs "I'm fine mon amour, I said I would call you! How has your day been?" I laugh "I forgot you said that this morning, it's been good pretty straight forward, met Lando's new girl, she seems lovely!" I hear Charles scoff on the other end of the line "you hate her I can hear it in your voice" I know he is speaking the truth "okay you caught me she just seems really fake to me but if Lando is happy then I support it" Charles takes a minute to respond "so wait if Lando is with his girlfriend who are you with?" I sigh "I'm not, it's tradition we have dinner together on the first night of the race weekend but his plans clearly changed" I am upset about it "I'm on my way to your room, what number is it?" I'm relieved as I didn't want to spend the evening alone "345 bring some spare clothes in case you end up staying" I decide to say as it's more than likely "okay mon amour see you in 5"
I quickly jump up and pop my leggings and sweatshirt on and tie my hair back. I'm just walking out of the bathroom when I hear a knock at the door. I practically skip over and see Charles as I open the door! "Mon amour you look beautiful as always" he walks in looking absolutely adorable in his joggers and Ferrari team hoodie "you look great as well although please remember you are in McLaren territory now" he laughs at my statement and takes a seat on the bed "wanna order some dinner or have you already eaten?" he offers "nope! I'm starving!" I say. We order room service both going for a chicken salad. After eating we decide to pop on A Disney classic - Mulan. We both settle to watch the movie when suddenly there is a knock at my door. Charles stands up with me not letting me go alone. I open the door to reveal Lando on the other side "hey Lands you okay?" I ask in surprise. He nods immediately "yeah I'm okay, Mills just forgot her make up remover and I thought you might have something she could use" I do have a spare pack of wipes I take for emergencies so I go rummage through my case to find them.

Charles POV

I stand by the door waiting for Molly to return with the make up wipes and I can't help myself from speaking "don't you think it's a bit much for her asking for help for your new girlfriend when you know her feelings" I mutter so she can't hear me. Lando goes tense "none of your concern Leclerc" is the response I get "actually Lando I see Molly's well-being as my greatest concern now so please think about her feelings" just as I finish talking Molly walks back with the wipes "here you go! Let me know if you need anything else, just call" she says and Lando nods and thanks her. Molly shuts the door and takes a deep breath "you okay mon amour?" I ask she looks at me "I don't know, I just want him to be happy but not at my expense, I need some distance but it's impossible with our jobs" I fully get what she means "I know, keep things professional if that's what you need right now" I say and she sighs again "I didn't want to lose my best friend but I think it's inevitable" I pull her into a hug "let's go and watch the movie" she nods and we resume Mulan. An hour into the film I turn and find her asleep on my shoulder. I can't help looking at her, I am so in love with this girl I just need to make her fall for me. I get us comfortable and switch off the lights.

Molly POV

I wake up to a warm arm around my waist and I panic till I realise it's Charles and I'm oddly comfortable with it. I turn to wake him as it is free practise at 10am and he stirs as I move. "Good morning mon amour" he says in a husky morning voice that makes my tummy flutter. Perhaps I can fall for Charles if I let myself. I smile at it him "good morning Charles - I need to work out a nickname for you really!" He laughs "Charles works absolutely fine"

We both get up and ready for the day, just as we are getting ready to leave there is a knock at my door. I answer and see Lando and Jon on the other side with Amelie. My heart sinks but I push through it "good morning guys, sorry I'm running a couple of minutes behind, Charles was hogging the shower" I state "I didn't you are just slow" he laughs walking up to me "hello guys, see you later mon amour" and he kisses my forehead as he goes. Lando was glaring at the back of Charles' head. "Let's go" he states as we all follow him down the hallways.

Practice went okay with quali going better on Saturday with Carlos p5 and Lando p7. Charles did incredibly and took pole position hoping to add to his victories from last season. I've kept my distance from the new couple as I can't handle it right now. I ensured Lando has everything he needs every second of the day through coordinating others.

Sunday came and the race wasn't great for McLaren DNF for Lando and p10 for Carlos. Engine failure ended Lando's race and he didn't take it well. Keeping him calm during interviews was difficult but we managed. Charles won the race so I did feel happy about that especially as he came to tell me himself in the pit lane, I felt really proud!

The flight home was horrible as Lando sat with Amelie so I suffered through my anxiety alone which is never good. He seems to have forgotten all about me and I'm not here for it! Zak was really pleased with my work performance again this weekend which made me happy after a difficult weekend. I finally feel more settled let's hope it continues.

Once we arrived home Lando went upstairs and started streaming. I unpacked my case and started some laundry. My phone starts to ring but Lando enters the room "hey can you keep Tuesday night free for me I'm going to see Amelie?" I nod "no problem you will just have to go in early for sim work" he nods and heads back out of the room. Something was off between us and I wanted it gone so we can get along!
I miss Charles so so much.

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