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It's time to go see Mols, it's not just me. George, Charles, Alex and Max are here with me as well! Everyone is desperate to see her as they have missed her. Seb and Kimi have said they will come visit before the race weekend. I feel horrendously nervous, what if she really doesn't remember the last couple of years? Her mum says she knows I'm her best friend but has no idea we're together and dating. I just hope seeing me in person will help her memory, I cant lose her again. We've both made mistakes and been through too much for this to be the reason we aren't together. I love her so much it hurts. Seeing her hurt in a hospital bed over and over again has just reinforced the fact that I can't be without her anymore. "Lando mate it's going to be okay" George says wrapping his arm over my shoulders "I'm just scared" he nods "I think we all are Lands, it will be okay though" we walk through the doors of the hospital Max, Alex and Charles following behind us. I follow the familiar route towards her room and I feel my heart wanting to leap out of my chest. I get to the door and my hand hesitates on the handle "come on Lands let's see your girl" George says and I force the handle down stepping into the room.

I spot Mrs Lanes in the chair and she smiles as she spots us walking in. My eyes go straight to Mols and she is sat up in bed "LANDO?" She practically screams and I grin and rush towards her pulling her in for a hug, holding back the urge to kiss her as I'm not too sure how much she actually remembers "I've missed you Mols" I say as I pull away and she holds out her hand and I grasp it "I've missed you Lands, You did a great job at the race, I watched everything!" I smile "The guys are here as well" I gesture to the door and George steps in followed by Max then Alex and then Charles. Her whole face lights up "GEORGE!" She shouts and he rushes over pulling her into a gentle hug, "Hey Squirt, we've missed you" she grins "haven't messed up any interviews?" She asks and I realise she remembers her job before the accident. "Max! Alex! Charles?" She seems confused "Hey Mol" Alex steps forward and gives her free hand a squeeze "Gave us quite a scare" he jokes and she looks up at me "the kitchen must have been such a state!" She looks panicked "I got someone in to clean it while I was here" I explain and she looks calmer "we've been keeping an eye on him Mols" Max tells her and earns a giggle "he can be quite the handful" she jokes and I can't help but retort "coming from you" I gesture at the hospital room and I earn and laugh. She has this beautiful way of making you feel so special "Charles?" She asks again, he has been stood in the corner of the room looking rather sheepish "Hey Mon Ange" she grins and he makes his way closer to the bed "have you been keeping Lando company? If so I'm really sorry! " She jokes and he laughs "he wasn't that bad! Lands called us all when things weren't looking promising" he explains and she grimaces "wait all of you came?" Everyone nods "oh guys" she starts tearing up


I can't believe they were all here, Lando called them and they came. I've never felt this loved in my life, I'm lucky to have them all. "You mean the world to us Mols" George says and I can't believe I'm lucky enough to call him my best friend. "I was worried you wouldn't remember us" Alex chimes in "I can't forget you lot" I giggle before turning my gaze to Lando who looks lost in thought "You okay?" I ask him and his eyes meet mine "I'm the best I've been in weeks, your mum said you didn't remember we were together so I was worried" I pull a confused face "together?" I ask and his face falls, I'm really confused "sorry I don't get it" he looks devastated and all of the boys look at one another "you've been dating for months" Max comments looking over at Lando "Mum said we were more than friends but I didn't understand what she was talking about" Lando let's go of my hand "you really don't remember?" I shake my head "last I remember I had broken up with Charles after he was with Charlotte"I look over and he is sheepish "I don't remember much that happened after that" I explain and then it hits me "have they caught James?" They all look at one another " well this time they have the evidence but the police can't find him" George explains as I notice Lando seems to be gazing out of the window "okay well that's all that they can do" I tell the room "they will, we should've got him before, I'm sorry" Lando answers and I squeeze his hand "could I have a moment in private with Lands please?" I ask and everyone nods and makes their way out of the room "you okay Mols?" I turn my gaze to him "I'm really sorry that I can't remember that we got back together, but I want you to know that my feelings are still very much there" his face lights up "really?" I nod my head "I had them not long after me and Charles broke up and obviously before the attack I had strong feelings for you" I looks overjoyed "I thought I had lost you" I shake my head "even when I was dating Charles I still focused on the fact that you were my best friend, I'm not going anywhere Lands" he smiles "can you not remember anything?" I try really hard to bring anything up and it just feels rather fuzzy "it's like I know how I feel about you I just can't bring the memories to the surface" I explain "well we just need to make new memories" he explains and my mother knocks on the door "we are cluttering up the hallway! Can we come in again?" She asks us and I nod as Lands gives me a kiss on the cheek.

The boys are all discussing over me about what's going to happen once I leave hospital and I find myself clearing my throat "well firstly it's completely my choice, secondly I will be back at Williams, doesn't matter if I'm working or not apparently" they all look and me and I can see the grin on George's face and Lando looking concerned "you want to work?" George asks and I nod my head and he cheers "it's been awful without you!" I know it has, what a compliment though that he can't wait for me to be back "are you certain Mols? Lando questions and I can see the concern in his eyes "we will be careful Lands" I turn and look at Charles "I'm sure you can all keep an eye out for him" he smiles at me noticing my unsaid forgiveness about the past "none of this was ever your fault Charles and I'm really sorry I blamed you whether I wanted to or not" he walks over "Mon Ange, I completely understood but I'm glad we can move forward, I was terrified I was going to lose you" I smile "apparently it takes a lot to take me out" I joke and turn to my mum "when can I go home?" I ask her and she puts her magazine down "well, now we know your memory is pretty much as it should be then today I reckon, once the doctor clears you, I will go ask" she gets up going to speak to the nurses at the desk "you can come home?" Lando ask and I nod "well all of the boys are staying at our for the next 3 nights" Lando tells me and my first thought is "pizza night?" He nods "also Seb and Kimi said they would come visit this weekend so they will be about as well" awwww I can't believe they want to visit "that's really lovely!" He grins "they ask about you everyday it's been strange to see Kimi care this much" he explains "me and Kimi have a special bond" I explain and he laughs "can anyone have a bond with Kimi" Max questions and earns laughs from everyone.

Mum sorted out the discharge papers and I'm now allowed to go home. Back to mine and Lando's for the first time since the attack. I'm actually worried but I have all of my boys here and I couldn't be more grateful. I move to get out of bed and all of them move towards me "I'm going to the bathroom to get changed, I don't fancy changing in front of you all" Max blushes whist George makes a gagging sound, Lando steps forward and holds my arm to keep me steady "thanks" I feel really awkward as he is used to how close we clearly were before the attack and I'm still feeling like this is a brand new thing, I know we dated before but this is a new start! I stare at myself in the mirror and I almost don't recognise the woman looking back at me. I look so gaunt, my skin looks almost translucent. The doctor who checked me over explained that I would need to only eat soft foods that are plain for a few weeks as my stomach is badly damaged from one of the stab wounds. How am I going to even go back to life as normal? I start sobbing, I felt so confident earlier and now I'm terrified to enter my own house and go back to work. I need to pull myself together or he wins and I can't let him win.

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