My people

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Lando pulls up in front of the house and I can feel my stomach churning. I haven't been here since James attacked me and I'm feel sick at the thought of seeing him again. I know he won't be here but I can't shake the feelings washing over me "you okay Mols?" Lands asks and I see him reaching for my hand before stopping himself "I don't think I can do this Lands" I explain as Charles pulls up behind us with George, Alex and Max in the car. I see a thought cross over Lando's face as they climb out of the car, he winds the window down "Charles?" He calls and I see him walk over to Lando "why are you guys still in the car?" He asks seemingly confused "would you guys mind checking the house?" Charles makes eye contact with me and his expression softens "of course we can" he nods, taking the key Lando offers and turns to grab the others. "Come on guys let's check the house" I watch worriedly as they enter the house almost waiting to hear a scream but nothing comes and after a few minutes Charles walks back over "all good, let's get you inside Mols" he opens my door as Lando steps out his side before supporting my waist as we walk in. I look around and I can feel my anxiety spike and Charles notices "mon ange, it's okay we have checked everywhere and we are all here" I nod my head trying to let his words sink in "we got you" Lando says looking quite annoyed at Charles.

Once I take a seat in the living room on the sofa Lando fusses about bringing me blankets "did everyone want a tea?" He asks and we all say yes "Max you drink tea?" I ask and his face lights up "it's Lando's fault, is it a British thing to offer tea when someone's upset?" I nod my head "or for any bad event really" he nods "well I've grown used to it" it feels strange sitting in the living room, it isn't quite as I remember it being with quite a few new plants and the sofas have moved "you okay Squirt?" George asks taking a seat next to me on the sofa "it's just really weird having stuff in different places from where I remember" I'm struggling more than I thought I would "it will be okay Squirt" he rubs my arm and I make eye contact with Charles "so when did we start speaking again?" I question and he starts explaining "it took a little while but we are finally good" he ends just as Lando brings in the tea "took you long enough" Alex jokes from his position sat on the floor next to my legs "alright! I didn't put enough water in the kettle" he explains passing out mugs of tea to everyone. I notice mine is my favourite mug "thanks Lando" he takes the seat next to me and I notice all of them are sat as close to me as possible. Charles was right they won't let anything happen.

"So let me get this straight, Charles is happy with Charlotte, Alex is still with Lilly, George is now dating Carmen and Max is dating Kelly who is Kyvat's ex?" I ask Lando and all of them burst out laughing "that's about it" Max answers "so everyone is happy?" I ask and I notice Charles look away "I suppose we all are!" George responds "well I'm going to need to meet Carmen and Kelly" I say "I'm sure we can arrange that" Max tells me. I've missed too much and I don't remember a lot "so Cyril got fired?" I double check after the boys spent the afternoon talking me through the paddock and the changes I can't remember "yeah like dramatically, oh! And in drive to survive season 3 it looked like he had broken up with Daniel! It was quite embarrassing" Charles informs me "that explains a lot thought dont you think?" I ask and they all look at me "well he pinned his personal future on Daniel success and he left" I say and they all go silent "well shit" Max says "never thought of it like that!" I shrug "what can I say I'm the best" that earns me some laughs "and I can't remember you winning monza?" I turn towards Lando "I guess not, it was when we got back together! I mentioned how much I love you in my interview" he blushes and I try to imagine, suddenly the door bell goes and I let out an involuntary squeal "it's okay Mol, it will just be the pizza" Alex says jumping up to answer the door. My heart rate calms down when I see him walk back in with 4 boxes "you know what sucks the most is that I can't have pizza" I complain looking down at my bowl of plain porridge oats with a grimace "I'm sorry, you will though!" I nod whilst still glaring at my bowl.

"Thank you all so much for today! Seriously I cannot explain how much it means" I say as Alex, George and Max are getting ready to go home. "Dont be so silly Mols, there isn't anywhere else we would rather be!" George says and Alex and Max agree "it's really great to see you home" I get smothered in cuddles from the 3 of them before the head out of the door and on their way home! "See you in Mexico Mols" Max shouts climbing into Alex's car and I watch them drive away. It was difficult to hear all of the stuff I should know but I can't remember, my head starts to ache "I need to sit down" I tell Lando and make my way towards the sofa. I stumble but his arms catch my waist "you okay baby?" My head suddenly starts splitting "I will grab some water" I hear Charles faintly say as I feel the softness of the sofa beneath me. And suddenly everything goes black before I start seeing images, Lando running towards me in Monza, George laughing with me at the top of Eau Rouge, having a coffee with Charles, being in the Williams garage, coming home to James. It all hits me at once but it feels like a dream.


I rush back into the lounge and see Mols asleep? "What happened?" I quickly ask Lando "she was complaining about her headache and then passed out, she is breathing so hopefully she will come round soon!" He tells me and I look at how peaceful she looks "she has been through too much" I say "it's been really unfair" Lando comments taking a seat with her legs over his lap "she will remember you know" I tell him, this must be really difficult for him, it was hard enough with her thinking we still didn't get along. "I need her Charles, like oxygen to breath I need her to be able to function" I can hear how much he loves her, he always has, even when he pushed her to be with me he did it out of love. It's been a rough couple of months for all of us but especially him "I get that Lando, she will be okay" I excuse myself and head upstairs to call Charlotte.


Ouch, my head is absolutely pounding. I try opening my eyes but the light is hurting "Mols?" I hear Lando's voice and I feel myself calming down "could I have some water and a paracetamol?" I Manage to get out "I will get it" I hear a Monegasque accent say. "You okay? You've been out for a few hours" Lando tells me "I'm okay baby" he gasps "you remember?" I try to sit up to see him "kind of, although I'm not sure what is real and what's a dream" Charles comes over with my water and two paracetamol in his palm "thanks Lechair" I say and his whole face lights up "is your memory back?" He asks and I shrug "I'm not sure it all felt like a bad dream" I look at Lando "did James actually attack me in our kitchen" he nods "sadly yeah, I got it all cleaned up" I laugh "I should hope so, I was in hospital for a few months" and suddenly I can see me and Lando in the kitchen laughing cooking Spanish inspired rice before flying to the race weekend "did I cook rice before Monza?" He thinks for a second then nods "you do remember!" I smile "and you told Martin Brundle you loved me straight after your P1 finish" he grins "I did! Oh thank fuck you remember!" He wraps his arms around me and for the first time since I woke up it feels like coming home "I love you" I tell him noticing Charles wince. "How's Charlotte?" I ask and he seems surprised at my question "doing okay, busy releasing her sneaker collection" I nod my head "isn't she annoyed you are here?" He shrugs "we haven't really spoken much recently, mainly arguments" I frown "oh Charles, what's going on?" I quickly ask "we are both just very busy, it's difficult dating someone outside of F1" I feel some annoyance bubble in me "you chose her Charles, you need to make it work" he shakes his head "I'm worried she just wants to be with me for my fame, even when I am free she doesn't have time for me" this hurts my heart "then I think you need to think quite hard about what you want Charles, you are a driver for Scuderia Ferrari, you are special and you deserve someone who knows that!" I say and he smiles at me "you did, you do even more with Lando" I smile at my boy "sometimes you find some bumps in the road, and sometimes the person who you really need has been right there all along" I say spouting words of wisdom I didn't know I had "it's good to have you back Mols" he shoots me a smile and Lando squeezes my hand. "I had better call George and the guys and let them know your memory is coming back" Lando tells me before leaning in to kiss me.

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