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Jimin and Jungkook scurry out of the bathroom after having an embarrassing encounter with Namjoon who was screaming in disgust.

They both walk out the room with towels hanging against their bodies. Jungkook turns to Jimin.

"Well i have to get ready for a mission, you stay here, wouldn't want you fucking shit up" Jungkook snickers and then walks into the closet. Jimin turns around and sighs.

'What are you doing to yourself park jimin?'

Why was he hurting himself? honestly you tell him. It hurts so much.. so damn much but jimin just can't seem to stop himself. He doesn't even want to have sex but the way jungkook pleases him makes him feel loved. Jimin knows it's not real love because real love is when you both treat each other right. Jimin needs it, he just needs something, anything to stop him from ending it all. It's the closest jimin can get to love.

Jungkook walks out the closet in his usual all black attire he wears for missions. Jimin turns around with expressionless eyes. 

Jungkook is in the midst of putting his black gloves on and he looks at Jimin who's looking at him.

"If you get hungry the food is in the fridge." Jungkook says, jimin doesn't say anything and walks over to the bed sitting on it.

"What? not gonna give me a goodbye kiss?" Jungkook walks up to the bed leaning into Jimin. Jimin stops jungkook by putting his hand on his broad chest.

"I think you should go now.." Jimin says in barely a whisper.

Jungkook scoffs, "fine" he turns around and walks out, making sure to slam the door to show jimin how much that pissed him off.

Jimin lays back on the bed and stares at the chandelier. Why am i here? why are any of us here?why can't i be loved? trusted? appreciated? why does my heart hurt? why does it hurt so goddamn much. Please make it stop, please.

Jimin chokes on a sob and covers his mouth with his hand. Why does it hurt so much..

He wants his mom, the only person who ever loved her, the person who made him feel whole, the person who taught him everything he knows, the person who never gave up on him. Why can't anyone else be like that? or maybe he just isn't looking in the right places? free, he wants to be free, free from all of this. Escape.


Jimin gasps and shoots up from the bed. He looks around the room.

a window.

He runs out the room and looks into the hallways.

Their all gone.

Jimin grins and dashes back into the bedroom, he quickly puts on the clothes he brought in the bathroom and puts his shoes on. He looks at his phone but decides to leave it, who knows? they might have put a damn tracker on it.

He runs into the hallways and into the main room. He chuckles to himself looking back to the house.

What idiots.

He opens the door and runs outside into the forest, it's night outside, a bit chilly as the trees rustle against each other, he runs on the dirt and wood, the heavy steps of his feet thumping on the dirt echoes in his head, his heart beat accelerates in his chest, his eyes light up in joy.

He escaped. He did it. 

They didn't really think Jimin would stay now would they?

Jimin laughs while his legs wander him farther and farther away from the big house.


The sound of a gun loading stops Jimin in his tracks. His eyes dialect and he slowly turns around in fear.

"and where do you think your going?"

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