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A pillow being plunged at his face awakens jimin, he jumps from his slumber and looks around, ready to kill.

A cackle fills his ears, a light hearted cackle. He glances to the side and sees jungkook with a smile on his face.

What's gotten to him today? And why the hell is he smiling? Jimin raises his eyebrow at the man and watches as his laughter dies down.

"Come on sleepy head we're going to the mall today. Thought you might wanna go outside and catch some fresh air for a bit." Jungkook explains while dragging a half-asleep jimin out of the covers.

"Mmph" Jimin mumbles in agreement, following jungkook out of bed. This is going to be a long day.


They both set down in the black car, jungkook in the driving seat and jimin in the passenger seat. Jungkook suddenly grabs jimin's chin, bringing his face closer to his.

"And i swear to god jimin, if you try and escape from me again i wont hesitate to trap you in that room for fucking months. Understood?"

Jimin's jaw clenches up, still having jungkook firm hand gripping on to his chin, firm enough to leave marks. He thought he had changed? Last night he said sorry and that he wanted him to come back and now he's acting like this?

Jimin he doesn't know if he's over jungkook's spell or whatever yet. He still feels confused and just dazed.. as if he hates jungkook but he also feels like he's still his puppet, he's still under his control, that he's useless and just a good fuck. He needs to get out. He needs to get away from jungkook and find his own heart, find his reason to live, find the love that he used to have for himself but now is long gone.

Jimin nods slowly and jungkook release his grip.

Today is the day he's going to escape. And there's nothing jungkook can do about it.

The drive there was silent, not the awkward type of silent.. the 'let's just drive in silent because why not' type of silence.

They arrived at the mall and both of them walked out of the car, walking to the big doors leading to the entrance of the mall.

The moment they both stepped in the mall was the moment the fresh smell of new shoes and fancy coffee hit their noses. The fancy stores, with the shiny spotless glass windows and the high end fonts and interiors of the mini stores and coffee shops. It was indeed an elaborate mall, he wonders how wealthy jungkook really is..

Jimin looks around at the expensive looking plants in the corners of the shops to make the whole atmosphere all the more pleasing, he looks at the big bold letters of the clothing stores, the chocolate markets, the food court, the fitting rooms. All of it looked like your every day mall.

"What do you wanna buy doll?" Jungkook swings a shoulder around jimin's waist and pulls him closer. Jimin looks up at jungkook with his mouth partly parted. Jungkook quickly plants an open kiss on jimin's lips and jimin freezes out of shock. Jungkook pulls back and smiles at jimin's expression. "C'mon let's go try on some clothes."

Jimin nods and they both head store to store looking for some interesting things to buy.

They enter a clothing store and as soon as jimin sets foot into the area he giggles and runs off to buy some clothes, jungkook chuckles at his behavior and walks behind him.


this ending sucks I know, I just edited what I could at the moment but hopefully I'll write more tomorrow!!

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