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Trigger warning, this includes rape and sexual assault , if you are not comfortable with these scenes I suggest you skip.

The sound of loud sobs and whips slashing against my skin is bouncing off the walls. My head is filled with numerous thoughts as he brings down the whip on my now red skin. The contact against my skin stings so fucking bad as my body jolts and wiggles side to side as he keeps on slashing the whip down on my stomach.

I feel my stomach starting to bruise as I throw my head back and groan in pain. A few slashes against my thighs and ass start to bruise as well.

"P-please S-st-stop" I choke out in sobs.

He hits me with the whip on my nipples as I let out a cry and arch my back.

"Shh, your doing so well baby."

After a few more slashes, the feeling of the thick rope against my bruised skin stops.

I sigh and throw my head back in the pillows once again.

I sob louder. "P-please jungkook yo-your hurting m-me."

"We're only getting started my beloved." He smiles at me. An evil smile.

He reaches over to the drawer again and gets out a black vibrater.

Jungkook strips off his clothes and then throws them somewhere across the floor.

I struggle and wiggle in my spot trying to do something, anything to get me out of the ropes
And cuffs.

I hear a deep chuckle and look in the direction of the evil seeming sound.

"Oh darling stop trying, your not going anywhere."

He then turns on the vibrater and turns it on at a medium pace as I try and move my body sideways away from the toy.

"Shh" He caresses my waist smoothly and hovers above me.

He then takes the vibrater and smoothly glides it around my left nipple. I arch my back at the sensitivity and let out a quiet whimper. I don't wanna show him that I enjoy this when I really don't.

A series of sobs and moans leave my mouth as he trails the vibrater down my nipples down to my waist and abdomen. He then glides it over my smooth thighs. My legs shake as he grips my waist tightly so they don't move.

"S-Stop jungkook! Please s-Stop!"


The pain lingers down my thigh as he slaps it harshly.

Without warning he shoves the vibrater in my gaping hole without lube or preparation as I cry out in pain.

"AH" I scream and arch my back so it's hovering above the bed.

"Your talking it so well, good boy." He shushes me and slides his hand down my whole entire body which makes me shiver

My legs shake as he starts thrusting it in and out at a speedy pace.

The vibrater brushes past my prostate as I gasp and my body jolts. He was quick to push my hips back down to keep them steady as he increases his speed.

He's hovering on top of me while his hand is pressing my body to the bed, and other hand repeatedly slamming the vibrater in my sore hole.

"F-fuck Stop p-please" I beg as I try and lift my hips but he restrains then.

"I know your enjoying this beloved."

I shake my head rapidly as I continue to sob and whimper.

After a few thrusts he takes the vibrater out and I sigh in relief.

I pant and sink my head into the pillows. I feel his stare lingering on my body but I choose to ignore it. His face gets closer to mine and he pulls my jaw up to look at mines. My jaw is clenched. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Who does he think he is and why is he acting so different. Anger spirals through my mind as I do the thing I regretted the moment after.

I spit in his face. It lands on his right check. He flings my head to the side harshly and wipes the spit off his face. A intimidating chuckle bounces off the walls.

"Y'know I was going to stop right there and untie you, on second thought, let's do this all night." He looks at me with his dark orbs.

My eyes widen. Fuck.

"N-no ple-Please I'm sorry I-I'm so so s-sorry" I let out in sobs.

He laughs a little.

"Your not getting out of this that easy princess."

He sits in between my legs and immediately shoved his tongue in my aching hole.

I moan rather loudly and arch my back. He continues destroying me with his wet muscle and licks seductively around the rim. He then kisses the hole and sucks around it.

With each flick of his tongue I whimper and my body jolts. I don't wanna enjoy this.

The warm feeling in the pit of my stomach increases as well as the pleasure.

He then shoves two of his fingers inside as he continue thrusting his tongue in and out. His finger and mouth penetrate my hole and my whimpers and moans become high-pitched. My legs shake as he keeps a grip on them to stop them. I pant and moan as I throw my head back.

"F-fuck" I let out.

I feel him chuckle and the vibration tingles around my body as I moan loudly and finally release. The tingles in my abdomen and stomach travel all the way down to my dick as I shoot white ropes of sperm up into the air.

He takes his tongue and fingers out and looks at my exhausted face.

He rubs over the bruises on my thigh as I hiss out in pain. He then slaps my thigh and I sob.

"I knew you we're enjoying it you filthy slut. Nothing more then just a toy and a hole for me. Useless your fucking useless, only a good fuck is what your good for."

Tears wither down my damp cheeks, he's right.

I really am useless. I'm going to be getting used for the rest of my life.

Out of nowhere he I feel his dick thrust into my hole as I cry more.

"N-no more" I plead but he ignores me.

He thrusts like a fucking animal and I shake and jolt at the over sensitivity from my previous orgasm. His tip slams into my prostate as I jolt and arch my back. He continues to slam his cock into the bundle of nerves as I let out cries and whimpers the whole time.

He strokes my dick harshly as he continues destroying my lower part. I cum once again.


And that's how the night went. Him calling me useless and slapping me on my face, thighs or ass. I cummed a total of 6 times but I lost count because I passed out due to over sensitivity. A few minutes after I woke up I feel him still thrusting into me. I don't dare to open my eyes as I pass out again. I only hope I could die and not see what tomorrow brings.

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