My beloved

449 14 3

Warning⚠️ : Smut

And off goes the sprinklers.

Fire literally everywhere.


"No I will not sleep with you, there is a perfectly fine bed right here."
Jungkook scowls and then walks into a room and takes out a lighter,
"Uh, what are you doing?" Jimin asks concerned.
Jungkook didn't answer and turns the lighter on send sets the bed on FIRE.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! JUNGKOOK!!" The shorter one said and grabbed the lighter from Jungkook.


Jungkook turns around and smiles,

The fuck he smiling about?

"Well on the bright side.." jungkook walks forward and shoves me into the hallway and shuts the door behind him, "You can sleep with me now since you have no room."

I groan lazily as the black- haired man shoves me into his expensive looking room.
I stumble in the room and wipe my clothes off.
"Rude" I mumbled underneath my breath.

Then scaring the living shit out of me, a loud knock echoes through the room as one of jungkook's workers we're panicking on the other side.  

"I-uh sir, there's a big fire in the guest room!"
The terrified employer said.
Jungkook hummed at this,

"Yes, yes I know, put it out would ya?"

"Yes sir" the mans footsteps fade in the corridor.

I roll my eyes annoyed and sit on the edge of the bed with my arms crossed.

Jungkook turns back around and smiles at me, while I scowl back.

"Awh," the taller male said as he went into his closet and got out red and black striped pyjama pants and a plain black shirt and throw them on my lap. "Here ya go, princess"

I clench my jaw and grab the clothes while walking into the bathroom. After a few minutes I get out the bathroom and see a half naked Jungkook, I get flustered as I scan his body and see his toned abs with his built figure. I cant deny, he looks like a fucking snack.

"W-why is your shirt off?" I say, turning the taller male to look directly at my small figure with a light blush appearing on my cheeks.

He grins, "well because my beloved, I sleep like this." He turns around and lays on the bed and taps the spot next to him, motioning me to lay beside me.
I groan and sit beside the annoying man and then laying my head back on the soft pillow while I throw my legs on too the mattress. I pull the covers up to my hips as I stare at the man who hasn't kept his eyes off of me.

"What?" I say not impressed.

"Nothing.." the muscular man ran his hand down my hip bones, sending a shiver down my spine from the touch. It felt oddly, relaxing?

"Your just really beautiful." My eyes widen in shock, beautiful? He thinks I'm beautiful?

"R-really?" I stutter feeling the bright shade of pink appearing back on my cheeks.

He chuckles lightly. "Yes.." that smile quickly turns into a frown as I furrow my eye brows.

He then starts to talk, "listen angel.. I'm really sorry for having sex with you without your consent, I've been thinking about it lately and i was in the wrong and I-"
He didn't get to finish as I press my lips onto his, our lips morphing into a deep and passionate kiss. I pull back, "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't h-hav-" now it was his turn to cut me off as he crashes his lips onto mine once again, our lips colliding with each other.

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