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Nothing, I said absolutely nothing, I stayed quite as I didn't know what the hell i was gonna say. Have I ever murdered someone? Of course not, what was he thinking, then again maybe he's a murderer.

After a few moments of silence he silently chuckles. "I'll take that as a no." He got off of me and put his clothes on while he passed me mines. We both put her clothes on in silence as for me it was kinda hard since I was still in pain. After we both got changed he stands at the door and tells me to follow him. I hesitantly get up from the bed and limp over to where he was taking me.

We walk into this room with tons of computers and chairs and people walking everywhere. I look around and someone catches my eye. "T-taehyung?" The man looks behind him and sees me. His eyes widen.

 "Jimin? What are you doing here?" Tae asks. The mystery man who brought me here looks at both of us. 

"Do you two know each other?" He looks rather annoyed.

 "Uh, can me and Tae talk in private?" "W-" I cut him off "thanks" I grab tae's arm and rush out the room still half limping. We get into some sort of closet as I look at Tae in fear, it was dark so I couldn't really see the expression on his face.

"Jimin what are you doing here?!" He whispers shouts.

 "I could ask you the same question Tae, what is this place? Do you work for him too?" 

"Who? Jungkook? Oh yeah I work for him." So that's his name, jungkook. 

"But why are you here? Did he force you? Threaten you? Offer you a deal" Jimin asks Tae raises an eyebrow, or at least that's what it looked like he did.

 "What do you mean? It's a well-paying job and rather fun."

 "Fun? W-what's the job?" I ask 

"Jimin is he forcing you to take this job?"

I was about to speak when the door opened and two large men looked at us, one of the men dragged Tae out the room and told him to get back to work. The other man picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as if I was a lifeless doll. "Hey!" I hiss and smack guys arm, "put me down!" He puts me down in this room with a big table and chairs at the sides. 

I look at him and he walks away and turns the lights off behind him. And now it's completely dark, it's completely black and I don't dare to move. I feel an arm over my shoulder and I flinch. "It's okay babe it's just me."

I recognize his deep yet calming voice. He walks over to the side of the table as I can see his silhouette. "Is your name.. jungkook?" I ask hesitantly. He caresses my cheek.

 "Yes" I nod and move his hand away from my face. Then I feel his lips against mine in a soft in gentle kiss. I feel him smile into the kiss and then he pulls away.

 "F-for this job you cant just hire me right? You need to interview me first." i stutter out.

 He chuckles.

"No need for that park." He says as he sits in one of the chairs across from me. 

"But what if I don't have all the qualifications as your employee?"

 He sighs. "Your making this harder for the both of us jimin. Just shut the fuck up already."

 I roll my eyes feeling annoyed. "Why me? Why did you randomly kidnap me, rape me, and then hire me for a job."

 He leans closer to my face. "I don't know Park.. your rather interesting."

 Interesting? Me park jimin? Interesting? I'm just me, plain old me.

What could he find so interesting about me that he just swoops me up from the café. There has to be another reason, but he's not telling me. "I don't believe you.." 

I hear him chuckle and then stands up from his chair and walks around the black room. "Okay, Park." It was silent for a couple of seconds but curiosity got the best of me.

 "You know it will be more professional if you just interview me."

 He sighs "Fine, if you really want me too." I hear some rummaging and then I hear a loud thud. I look in the direction of the thud and see a figure on the floor. 

"Ow" He says quietly. Jungkook fell. I snorted and quietly laughed.

After a few seconds of my laughing I felt hands around my throat, restricting my airways. I gasp for air. 

"You think that's funny Park?" Jungkook whispers in my ear. I still gasp for air as he holds on my neck tightly.

 "N-no" I throw my head back and his his hand gets tighter around my throat, everything starts to get dizzy. He chuckles.

 "You know what would be funny? Me seeing your cold, lifeless, blood- covered body laying on the floor Beside me."

I roll my eyes to the back of my head as I was about to pass out. The hands release its grip from my neck. I gasp in relief and cough trying to get the air back in my lungs. The figure stares at my week body as I continue to cough. He laughs like an absolute maniac. I stop coughing and look at him in fear, He's a fucking lunatic. I can't believe I made a deal with him and all because I was horny and wanted to come.

What the fuck was I thinking. I get up from my chair and walk around in the dark trying to find a door, I just wanted to get away from him, I have no idea what I'm doing, I probably look ridiculous right now swaying my arms around trying to find a door or some sort of weapon to protect me from the psychopath in the room with me.

Suddenly I felt two arms around my waist and I choke on my own breath. I don't dare to make a single noise or move an inch. He rubs on my waist, "let's continue our little interview, shall we?"

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