The guest

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Jimin takes one last glance in the mirror and walks out the bathroom. He sees Hwansoo leaning against the wall in front of him, she looks up and smiles brightly.

"Let's get going! Jungkook is waiting your arrival." jimin nods and they both walk down the red carpeted hallways. Jimin steals glances at some of the painting on the walls, some are very detailed and others are the bare minimum. Did jungkook buy these? or has he painted them..

Jimin looks at all the assortment of colors, the underlying streaks of paint, the shading skills, the light, the dark. He admires each art work.

They stop in front of a big black door, leading to the dining room. Hwansoo turns to face jimin, "I beg of you to listen to all of jungkook's commands, i do not want you to get hurt jimin." She looks at him and nods and he nods back.

"Good luck, jimin." She turns around again and opens the doors and then walks off. Jimin slowly steps inside the room, all eyes focused on him, he doesn't care though, he doesn't have emotions to feel anyways. Jungkook was at the very front of the long table, the rest of the seats we're filled by people jimin didn't know. He stands in the middle of the room awkwardly.

He watches as jungkook grins and stands up, "Everyone.. this is Jimin, my pet." He says smugly. All the men look at jimin and chuckle.

"Very pretty, isn't he?" Jungkook grins, leaning his hands on the table. The man nod in agreement.

Pretty? must be some sick joke, jungkook said himself he was ugly, he must have said jimin was pretty to make him look good in front of the guests. Jimin shifts around uncomfortably when the men stare at him hungrily. What would they want from an ugly person like jimin? 

"Well don't be shy doll, come sit." Jungkook sits back down and gestures to his lap. Jimin walks across the side of the long table and sits on jungkook's lap shyly, The edge of his bum is on jungkook's knee. Jungkook turns jimin to the side and pulls him closer, jimin gasps lightly and his arms find his way around jungkook's neck, his legs to the side, jungkook is holding him like a baby.

Jimin hides his face in the crook of jungkook's neck in embarrassment. The men around the table, including jungkook all laugh at the action.

"I bet he's very well behaved." One of the men state. 

"Very. Isn't that right darling?" Jungkook's hand rubs up and down jimin's thigh, finding it's way to slip underneath jimin's loose shirt, the cold skin against jimin's warm skin makes jimin flinch. He nods lightly.

"Words." Jungkook says softly.

Jimin doesn't say anything, he refuses to talk to him, no matter what.

Big mistake.

Jungkook's hand retreats from underneath jimin's shirt and grabs jimin's bruised wrist tightly. Jimin mewls and jungkook brings his face closer to jimin's ear. 

"I swear to god jimin, talk, or i'll break your wrists." He growls harshly in jimin's ear. 

Jimin tears up "Y-yes sir." Jimin's soft voice whispers out.

Jungkook smiles and let's go of jimin's wrist and jimin rubs it softly.

"He is need of some disciplining at times." Jungkook chuckles. The men laugh, 

"I could always help disciplining him, isn't that right, princess?" One of the men lean closer in their seats. 

"Jimin would love that." Jungkook grins. Jimin hides his face once again in jungkook's shirt and feels warm tears stain the fabric. 

The whole night went on with them talking about business agreements and propositions. Jimin stayed quiet the whole time and only spoke when forced to. Hours go by and the guests finally leave the room.

Jimin attempts to get off jungkook's lap but jungkook keeps a harsh grip on his waist.

 "I didn't say you could leave." He boldly states. Jimin frowns but stays quiet, the position on his lap changed, jimin is now straddling the male and their face to face. Jimin's again emotionless eyes stare into jungkook's. Jimin blinks every other second.

"You need to listen to me in front of guests, got it?" Jungkook says.

Jimin nods.

"Remember your a pet, nothing else, don't be fucking giving me attitude."

Jimin nods once again.

"Words, jimin."

"Yes sir." Jimin's voice is laced with no concerns or feeling. Jungkook finds it strange, he doesn't act feisty anymore. Or rolls his eyes or anything. Jungkook really did break him.

Jungkook clears his throat, "Are you hungry."

"No, sir." Jimin is starting to freak jungkook out a little, his eyes look so plain and his voice doesn't sound the same sarcastic and bitchy way.. just.. a blank canvas.

"How are you feeling." Jungkook asks.

"Fine, sir."

"Are you sleepy?"

"No, sir."

"You want to go out?"

Jimin shrugs. Jungkook sighs at the boring responses.

"Did you enjoy your bath?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do your wrists hurt?"

"No, sir."

That was a lie, jimin's wrists hurt like hell, but what was the point in complaining? Jimin closes his eyes. The past words of jungkook repeated in his mind like a broken record player, every moment until now flashes in jimin's eyes. Every dinner, every night, every morning, every moon, every sun, every meal he's had, every person he's seen, every mark he's gotten. Was it all worth nothing? If he could turn back time and bet against the odds, would anything really change. It's time to let go jimin, let go of everything you once had, let go of all memories, all emotion, all connections to happiness. It was nothing.. it's a game, It's time to be what everyone else wants you to be, what you need to be. 

"Jimin? jimin can you hear me?" jungkook's voice ringed into his head, faded.

What you are.

"Jimin!" Jimin flashes his eyes open. "Yes sir?" He asked.

"I asked if your mad at me" Jungkook says, confused to why jimin just zoned out like that.

Jimin smiles brightly, "I could never be mad at you sir." He kisses jungkook's lips deeply and jungkook's eyes widen.

What you are.


Jimin's gone guys ;(

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