Regretful sex

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So there they were. Parked in the back of a movie cinema in a sketchy black van, hobi munching on chips, yoongi half awake, Namjoon revising the plan for the umpteenth time, Tae taking selfies, Jin writing down jokes so he doesn't forget, Jimin kicking Jungkook's leg and Jungkook repeatedly telling him to stop but he ignores him.

"GOD DAMN IT I SAID STOP JIMIN." Jungkook yells but Jimin just kicks harder and faster while giggling.

"That's it." Jeongguk claims, He reaches over to grab Jimin and the rest of the members groan when Jungkook's muscular body leans over all of them in order to reach Jimin at the other end of the car. "Hey, move!! I'm gonna spit chip crumbs on your ashy ass." Hoseok mumbles.

Jungkook grabs Jimin and Jimin continues giggling, His giggles come to an erupt stop when Jungkook bends Jimin over his lap and spanks him, 

Really fucking hard.

Jimin whimpers loudly and hides his face in his hands to avoid the other members judgmental looks.

Jungkook continues spanking Jimin for minutes, Jimin's whimpers and 'i'm sorry's' thrive him to keep on going. Jimin groans and shakes on Jungkook's lap.

"Will you annoy me more?" Jungkook asks Jimin and he shakes his head quickly. "N-no"

Jungkook gives him one last spank and Jimin gets off his lap. He sits down far away from Jungkook and winces at the pain.

"Okay, so when are they coming out?" Hoseok asks while glancing over at the cinema which flashes blue and red lights around the perimeter. 

"Soon." Namjoon says while checking the plan once again.

After a few minutes of bickering and revising a group of 4 men come out with bags of powder, presumably drugs. 

"There's our targets!" Yoongi yells out.

Hoseok jumps at the sudden voice, "What the hell bitch?? i thought you we're asleep."


"ANYWAYS" Namjoon interferes "We have to get those bags before they deliver them to people. Jimin this is your first mission and your going in yourself, okay?"

Jimin looks back at Namjoon and gasps, "But my ass hurts!" he exclaims and the rest of the boys roll their eyes.

"Jimin stop being a pussy, all you have to do is get out the car, hold a gun so they'll surrender and then take the bags from them." Tae says calmly.

"What if they have a weapon?" Jimin frowns.

"Well then ya die i guess." Jin shrugs.

Jimin gasps once again and Namjoon rolls his eyes while handing Jimin a gun, "If they have a weapon then do as we practiced."

Before Jimin could say anything the door opens and Jimin gets shoved out the car and unto the ground.

"Good luck!" Tae yells and slams the door shut.

Jimin scoffs and gets up while dusting his clothes clean. He looks about and spots the 4 men loading the drugs into their drunk while talking among themselves.

Jimin puts the gun into his pocket and slowly walks up to the group of men. He stops in front of them and the men halt their actions and look up at the small silver haired boy.

"Can we help you..?" One of the men said after a while of awkward staring, his voice was raspy and groggy. Jimin just looked at him, he stumbled on his words. "U-uhm.." His voice slightly cracked and he cleared his throat. "W-what are you guys up to..?" Jimin asks, fiddling with his fingers, trying his best to stand at an angle in which his gun can't be detected. 

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