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"I have to use the bathroom" jimin says, both of them walk out of the closet and into the empty store, the mall is closing soon so not many people are left in it. Some of the windows are open causing a drafty wind to gush out in the store. Quiet chatters is all that can be heard from the last workers and teens walking out of the stores in a hurry. Jimin and Jeongguk were the only ones left in the mall. Jimin walked further into the store, bumping into some hangers that are hanged up on racks along the way.

"You're crazy if you think i'm letting you go alone, i'm not stupid jimin."

Jimin scoffs, "I never said you were. Fine go ahead and come with." jimin storms off.

Jeongguk slightly rolls his eyes and follows after him into a hallway with multiple doors. Most were supply closets, probably where they held extra clothes or cleaning supplies. Jimin stops in front of the bathroom that said "Men" and walked into it. Before he closed the door he saw jungkook lean against the wall beside the bathroom door and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. Jungkook gave him a warning glare and that's all jimin saw before he fully closed the door. 

Jimin closes the door and leans against it letting out a deep exhale. 

You've got this jimin he thinks to himself. He nods his head in confirmation to the little voice is his head. He looks around the bathroom, stalls, sinks and more stalls. 

His pupils dilate when his eyes spot a window big enough for him to sneak through. He laughs in relief silently and runs towards the window opening it as quietly as possible. All he can do is hope that jeongguk doesn't know what's going on, on the other side of that door. 

His fingers slide underneath the white tiling of the window and he musters up all his strength in pulling the rest of the rusty window up. He feels weak enough as it is.

The window is finally opened up all the way and tears brim up in his eyes.

This is it.

He's finally gonna make it.

He's finally free from jungkook's grasp. Finally free from all the shit that he's put him through, this "love-hate relationship" that he swore was real was all bullshit and he wouldn't even look back at it if he had the choice. Jungkook has used him like a puppet for way too long, blackmailing and locking him up and making him feel as if he was nothing at all. If he were to stay any longer he would have breaked.

But.. why isn't he leaving?

He has an open window right in front of him, the outside world calling out..

yet a tiny voice tells him to fall right back into jungkook's arms. That fake sense of love and safety slowly sweeping up inside of him until it's all he can feel. It's lie he's breathing in the fake sense of security that jungkook gives to him.

jimin's small hands tremble on the edges of the opened window.

Why isn't he leaving?

His mind screams at him, telling him to get the fuck out of there while he still can.


He slams his fists onto the wall and sobs. His mind is swarming with different thoughts and it's driving him into insanity. He can't leave jeongguk no matter how much he wants to, Jungkook is his home and there's nothing he can do about it, he fell right into his trap and he can't get the fuck out. His heart burns at the thought of having jungkook so far away from him.

He slowly stands up on wobbly legs and rushes to the door and opens it. 

Jungkook tears his gaze away from his phone and looks up to see a crying jimin. He looks into the bathroom and sees an open window. Jimin hugs him and apologizes like a repeating mantra.

"I-im sorry i tried to leave" Jimin sobs into the crook of jungkook's neck and jungkook chuckles lightly and smooths a hand over his back. He shushes him softly and lifts his head up, hooking a finger under his chin and looks into his pretty teary eyes. He leans in and softly kisses his lips. Jimin stumbles a little but hooks his arms around jungkook's neck and leans closer into him, feeling so safe and warm in his arms. He wishes he could kiss jungkook's soft lips forever. Jungkook detaches his lips, smiling at jimin's attempt to move in closer, not wanting to end it. 

"i told you jimin. You need me." Jungkook says softly while caressing jimin's head

And for the first time in a while, jimin smiles so brightly and nods his head quickly, showing that the poor boy has clearly lost it, and has fell in love with his kidnapper. The false sense of love rings inside of him. His mind, his soul, his own thoughts all belong to jeongguk now. His whole life is hanging on by a thin thread and he'll do anything to let jungkook have his way with him. 

"I need you." he says softly, leaning in to kiss jungkook again.

He's gone.



And that's the end. This was fun to write and i promise ill improve on my writing. I'm deciding whether or not to do a part 2, where jimin might finally find himself again.

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