unfamiliar man

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Jimin limps into his and jungkook's shared bedroom, jungkook had just told him to go rest and that he has some unfinished work. With each step jimin could practically feel his ass tearing up, the pain is excruciating but also hot knowing that jungkook did this to him.

He walks into the bedroom and into the bathroom looking at his reflection in the mirror. The man who he sees in the mirror looks so.. distant, so far away from home, he lost his way didn't he? Jimin tilts his head and examines himself, he hasn't drastically changed physically no.. it's something about his eyes, the way they don't shine anymore, the way the glimmer that held him apart is gone, the way their so dull and lifeless they resemble as nothing important anymore. It's sad knowing jimin could've picked another way to turn his life but of course he had to steer wrong.. right into jungkook's arms.

He takes one last glance into the mirror and then limps off into the bedroom once more, he lays down on the plump bed, resting his head on the soft pillow. He was turned to his side, his cheek on the pillow, his body facing the door.

He feels so different.. it's like a whole other mist is suffocating his body, his aura has changed completely.  


Jungkook sighs and finishes off his work on his computer. Jungkook's work place is quite far from the rest of the city, and it's also disguised and set as a plain old factory in the city system.  

Jungkook shuts his computer and walks off into the hallways and into the bedroom he and jimin shared.

He spotted jimin laying on the bed with his cheek mushed up against the pillow, a evident pout on his pink plump lips.

Jungkook closes the door and sits on the bed beside jimin, caressing his waist.

"What's wrong beloved?" Jungkook's delicate voice rings in his head.

Jimin traces his fingertip on the fabric of the white pillow. He feels oddly.. calm, he doesn't feel much, is that the reason why? He feels the emptiness crawl inside his veins. He built a wall and jungkook practically smashed it with a ball and chain. 

Jimin then picks up a memory of his mom. His mom always used to take him out to look at the lake and watch the tiny birds pick at food wasted on the floor. How the lake always splashed delicately on top of the concrete. 

Jimin smiled lightly at the thoughts, for the first time in a few hours he finally felt.. something. A sense of tranquility and something else.. something he can't detect.

Jungkook doesn't seem bothered at the lack of response, instead he wants jimin to take his time. He doesn't have to respond to jungkook at all, he has every right to be mad at the taller. And sadly.. jungkook knows that.

Jimin breathes in audibility and slightly rests on his elbow, leaning up looking at jungkook.

"When i first arrived here, I saw a fountain with a pretty garden around it in the front yard. Could you take me take me there? I want to see it properly tonight."

Jungkook listens to jimin's request and nods slowly. "Let's go."

Jimin offers a light smile and gets up with jungkook.

 They both walk down the corridors and into the front yard. Jimin walks up to the pretty fountain and watches how the water delicately flows out of the streams.

 He looks at the pond and how the lights reflected onto it. The yellow flowers dance in the night wind, they match the whole scene. He watches the blue underlying in the water, how the pretty clear color reflects on how all peaceful this moment feels. Jungkook follows behind him, slowly stepping into the middle of the 2 gardens, not wanting to make jimin feel uncomfortable. He steps beside jimin. Jimin looks to the side and sees how beautiful jungkook looks when the moonlight reflects upon on his face, giving his eyes a glimmer he's never seen before. Jungkook looks down and hesitantly holds jimin hand, molding his into jimin's. Jimin gasps at the sudden motion but then soothes down when jungkook's thumb caresses his knuckles softly. They both look down to their hands and then look back at each other. Sending a little smile. They both look back to the fountain. The stars look beautiful in the dark blue sky, The lights in the water dazzle in the scene making it all the more breathtaking. 

Jimin feels the chamber of feelings trying to get out of him, just waiting for the right moment to reveal itself. Jimin knows he lost something today, he lost every connection to happiness. But why does he feel happy right now? Why does he feel like he's meant to be here right now? Hand to hand with jungkook under the stars. He knows jungkook doesn't love him but right now jungkook is the only person jimin can love at the moment.

Jimin's supposed to be feeling dull and empty, but what if he's starting to get his emotions back? What if certain things make him feel a way that nobody else could make him feel.

"I am so, so sorry Park Jimin." Jungkook's smooth voice suddenly interrupts his thoughts. Right now there is no need for words. 

Jimin immediately bursts into tears and rests his head on top of jungkook's shoulder, Jungkook brings his arm around jimin and softly caresses jimin's side. Resting his head on top of jimin's.

"I'm sorry i did this to you. But please.. i just want your old self.. feel something jimin. Feel for me beloved. Let it out." Jungkook whispers against jimin's head planting a light kiss on the boy's head. Jimin's cries settle down after a few moments, they both stay, bodies warm against each other, feeling safe in the other's arms. Looking at the fountain under the stars.

Jungkook wants to help Jimin.

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