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I look around the beige walls that mock me with it's serenity. My body weight shifts on the king-sized bed as I turn on my stomach dangling my legs in the air. My mind is filled with the one and only.

Jeon jungkook.

I sigh deeply and rest my chin on the palm of my hand. He loves me, jeon jungkook loves me.  He cut himself yesterday because he was mad at himself for harming me. He cried in front of me. He said I make him smile everyday.

It's still hard for me to forgive him tho. Love is bitter and sour, but I wanna forgive him. I can teach him how to love, I can help him with his issues. I wanna give him a second chance because everyone deserves one.

I nod at my thoughts and get off the bed.

"JUNGKOOOOOK" I yell from the top of my lungs. My legs are still sore so I ain't walking.

Soon after I see Jungkook furrowing his eyebrows while walking down the hallway passing my room. He looks at me and walks in.

He keeps a distance and stuffs his hand into his grey hoodies pocket.

"Yes?" He bites his bottom lip.

"Come here." I say, reaching my arms out, wanting him to cuddle beside me.

"W-what? Jimin are you su-"

"Shut up and come here." I pout and he snickers, walking up to me and laying down.

I smile and hide my face into his chest, I inhale his cologne, His smell is intoxicating.

He hesitatingly reaches his hand over, wanting to caress my hair and I nod softly Urging him to continue.

He gracefully lands his hand on my head and plays with my grey locks.

I snuggle up more close to him and inhale his intoxicating aroma.

"I forgive you.." I whisper.

He looks down on me, his eyes shining.

"R-really..?" He says shocked.

I giggle and nod. "Yes. I'm willing to give you a second Chance." Jimin says.

Jungkook smiles but that smile turns into a frown. "B-but jimin.. I don't know about this because when I'm angry i can't control my feelings and I don't wanna hurt you." Jungkook says, still frowning.

I sadly smile at him. "I trust you Jeongguk. You showed me that you truly care for me and that's the last thing I could ask for. How about we have a code word? If you get angry and try to do something I'll say the word and you have to snap out of it, okay?" At this Jungkook smiles and nods.

He wraps his arms tighter around my waist and places a kiss on my cheek.

"What do you want our word to be baby?"

I blush madly at the nickname, and it didn't go unnoticed. "Hm.." I ponder. "Maybe.. strawberry?" Jimin says while pouting.

Jungkook coos and places kisses all over my face as I giggle.

"Mm sure baby" he mumbles in between the sweet kisses.

We cuddle for god knows how long and the whole way he gave me sweet kisses all over my face.

I can't help to feel that it's all an act, a part of me is yelling to get out of this place, but the other part is begging me to stay.


Jimin was sitting in the living room reading a book when a loud ass alarm blared around the room and res lights flickered on and off.

He jumped up and looked around.

What the fuck was happening? Suddenly an arm grabbed his and he was being pulled out of the room.

"What's happening Jin? Are we all gonna die?!" Jimin asked worriedly.

Jin looked back and scoffed. "What? No. We're just having a group meeting."

Jimin frowned. "Oh? Then what's up with the alarm and red lights."

Jin shrugged. "We like being dramatic. Fight me."

Jimin rolled his eyes and continued following Jin into the meeting room.

Jeongguk, Tae, Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon we're seated at the table.

They turned their hands and Jimin smiled nervously.

Jin say down and cleared his throat. Jimin stood where he was and looked around, frowning.

"Well sit down!" Namjoon snapped.

"I can't! There's no more chairs."

A loud snicker could be heard and everyone turned their heads.

Jungkook looked at Jimin with a grin.

"Just sit on my lap darling." He said.

Jimin bit his lip nervously and nodded.

He made his way to Jungkook slowly and sit on the edge of his knee. Jungkook rolled his eyes and pulled Jimin closer. Jimin's hands gripped Jungkook's shirt and formed into fists. He cuddled his head into Jungkook's cheat and Jeongguk cood internally.

"Okay enough flirting jeez" Namjoon shakes his head while straightening out the papers.

"Shut your whore mouth." Jungkook's arms secure around Jimin's tiny waist.

Namjoon gasps and everyone let's out fits of giggles.

"Okay we need Jimin for the next mission, hopefully he doesn't fuck up." Yoongi says while taking a sip of his iced coffee.

"Wow thanks." Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Okay suit up peeps. We're going—"

"ON A TRIP TO OUR FAVOURITE ROCKET SHIP." Hoseok stands on the table and starts hip thrusting.

We all look away and groan.

"Sit the fuck down hobi. No we're going on a mission dumbass." Namjoon spits out.

Oh shit.. this oughta be fun.


This was kinda boring yikes.. next chapter won't be tho.

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