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Breathless whimpers and whines echo across the white tiled room, jimin leans both his hands on the mirror, letting his shaky breaths fog a small patch on the mirror.

Jungkook stands behind him thrusting into him at a slow yet admirable pace, his tattooed slender fingers grip onto jimin's silver locks from behind lightly as his other hand keeps a firm hold on jimin's tiny waist, leaving a red mark behind, left for everyone to see.

They were meant to be trying on clothes but jungkook always has ways to lure jimin in and make him all hot and bothered. So here they are, fucking in a medium sized changing room, hoping nobody hears them.

Jungkook quickens his pace and his cock nudges right against jimin's prostate making jimin squirm and squeal in pleasure beneath him. A few minutes later jungkook's thrusting brutally in jimin, hitting his prostate repeatedly making jimin roll his eyes back in pure ecstasy. Jungkook groans when he looks up and sees jimin's sinful face in front of the mirror. Breathy pants leave his cherry swollen-kisses lips, his cheeks the prettiest shade of red making his expression look like a fallen angel, an angel who's being fucked into oblivion. His hair wet and sweaty sticking to his forehead. Jungkook can hear whines and mewls falling ever so delicately out of his pretty, pretty mouth, drool cornered at his stunning pink lips dripping down his chin a little.

"Look at you baby," Jungkook squishes jimin's cheeks together, making his lips into a pouty beak like expression and forces his head up to look at himself in the mirror, "So fucking beautiful droolin' and whinin' all for cock, huh? Such a messy fucking baby for me"

Jimin arches his back at the harsh words and feels jungkook's cock nudge rougher against his sweet bundle of nerves, jimin swears he sees stars as his eyes roll back once again from the overwhelming pleasure and the heat pooling at his stomach.

Jungkook leans forward and catches jimin's lips in his own, groaning at jimin's natural sweet taste, wet and messy as jimins drool still drips from his chin making him look like a sinful mess. Jungkook loves making jimin fall apart just from the simplest of touches. Jungkook slowly devoured jimin's pretty lips and his honey dripped whines and moans, pleased little noises dropping out of jimin's mouth as his walls swallow up jungkook's cock so fucking well. Jungkook pulls away from jimin's addictive and alluring lips.

"So fucking good for me jimin, taking it all like my little cockslut hm?"

Jimin throws his head back with an answering moan, the bone-deep pleasure overtook every sense in his body leaving him gasping for air, rutting his hips back to match every one of jungkook's intoxicating thrusts.

Jimin squeals and arches his back when he feels jungkook rolling his hips in teasing circles against his prostate.

Jimin looks at himself in the mirror and sees how his eyes are unfocused and hazy, he watched as the drool drips down his sinful looking lips as the nerve wracking pleasure overtakes him. His face screaming pure lust.

"You like looking at yourself falling apart from me huh? Being a messy fuckin' slut all for my cock? You like when i fuck you stupid? I'll show you how dumb whores like you can't live without cock."

Every one of jungkook's filthy words just bring him closer and closer to the edge, the feeling in his stomach about to explode,

"C-close jeongguk, p-please more" Jimin breaks out in whiny gasps and mewls, his thighs shake from the simulation and he would barely manage to keep himself up if it weren't for jungkook's deathly grip on his waist.

"God-- fuck." jimin throws his head back and arches against jungkook as he roughly sets his pace right where jimin wants it, the nice, deep and sloppy sounds of his thrusts fill the room and jimin's whines make it all the more better.

"Yes yes yes yes-- fuccck"

jimin whines and writhes underneath him as jungkook simply pounds into jimin from underneath, wrecking him as he begs so prettily.

Jimin's spine curved in pure ecstasy from how jungkook ruins him so perfectly. He feels jungkook lean down and nip at his already bruised and kissed neck, jimin's small hands brought his mouth in closer as jungkook sucked and kissed at every right part of his neck, he then softly bit into jimin's neck and lapped at it afterwards apologetically. He felt hands tugging at his hair attempting to pull his mouth back with an impatient moan.

Jungkook releases his mouth from jimin's neck with a stubborn pout on his pink swollen lips, he grinds against jimin's prostate in reprimand for interrupting him, smug pride rising at the winded whine jimin let out from his cock head pressing roughly against the abused gland.

"G-gonna come" Jimin whines out as his hands grip onto the edge of the mirror for dear life. Hearing this, jungkook grips onto jimin's waist with both hands and rams brutally into the mess of a man underneath of him. Jimin's screaming bloody murder at this point, the mirror rattling against the wall from jungkook's rough treatment, tears fall from jimin's eyes as his eyes roll back, he almost falls into the mirror but jungkook isn't having any of it as he pulls jimin's hips into meeting his brutal thrusts halfway, he's basically manhandling jimin and using him like a rag doll and jimin loves every fucking second of it.

The whole world is shaking for jimin as he can feel his bones rattling and he sees stars, the mirror rattling loudly as well as the sound of jungkook's wet and sloppy thrusts,

"Go ahead and come for me baby, my sweet darlin' little baby"

"Yes-- god fuckfuckfuck 'm g-gonna come" jimin slurs out, he's blaring incoherently in breathy words and pants that the both of them can barely understand. Just goes to show how completely and utterly wrecked jimin is.

Jimin opens in his mouth in a silent scream as he comes so hard his vision goes completely white for a few seconds and all he can hear is a faint ringing sound as well as a distant sounding groan coming from jungkook as he releases his load into jimin's puffy abused hole. Jimin's hips jerk as he comes down slowly from cloud nine as his thighs shake from pure pleasure.

Quiet pants fill the room as jungkook and jimin both come down from their high. Jungkook chuckles lightly when he hears the breathless giggles from jimin. He's completely lost it. Jungkook leans forward to place a messy kiss on jimin's sweet pink lips and then pulls out of jimin's puffy hole.

He still keeps a grip on jimin, worried that he'd fall even if he lets go for a second.

He cleans them both up with a cloth and struggles to put on jimin's clothes, jimin himself not being of any help as he just sits and watches jungkook pull his pants up to his waist.

He looks at jungkook with admiration even though he knows he shouldn't be. The thought of escaping completely flied out of jimin's mind until just now.

There's times where he actually thinks jungkook might.. love him. Of course it's not true though.. you don't hurt people you love. Do you?

When his glance crosses jungkook's in the mirror, he can almost swear he sees jungkook looking at him the same way too.

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