Stop fucking acting

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The sound of birds tweeting could be heard in the room. Jimin sighs and slowly open my eyes, Jimin's in a different room, this one has white see through curtains and a white bed, looks like a normal room. My hands had no cuffs and I wasn't tied up by ropes anymore. I look around.

I'm alone.

I groan and slowly lift my back an inch from the bed but I cry as a sharp pain surrounds my whole body. My thighs, my ribs, my ass and my back feel as if their about to fall off.

I lay there in bed sobbing at the pain I feel everywhere. I can't move, I can't fucking move.

A figure enters the room but i can't see him through my blurry tear filled eyes.

"Oh my god jimin." The figure says.

"W-who are you?!" I yell in a sob

"I-it's me it's me hobi" he says as I feel the bed sink beside me.

"H-hobi please it h-hurts so bad" I Choke out.

"I know I know I'm so sorry I'll go and call jin, he majored in medical." With that he ran out the room to go call Jin.

Memories of last night came flooding back into my mind, nightmare worth memories. I don't dare to look back at all the disturbing details.

Two males rush into the room. Jin and hobi.

"Hey jimin.. jungkook told me to check up on you last night.. you have a few bruises and your lower region seems to be extremely sore, but overtime you'll heal" he gives a small smile.

Jungkook told him to check on me? He's the one who fucking did this to me.

"Do you not realize your psychotic boss just fucking raped me??" I spit out.

Both Jin and hobi looked at each other as if their trying to figure out what to say.

"We're sorry jimin but he's not all that bad.."

I furrow my eyebrows and scoff. I shuffle on the bed groaning in pain. I finally manage to get my back leaned on the bedpost. I look at them in disbelief. "Not all that bad? You wouldn't be saying that shit if you got tied to a bed and got fucked multiple times. Something like that can give someone Ptsd or panic attacks, it's traumatic so don't come up to me fucking saying he's not all that bad because he fucking RUINED MY LIFE."

Both men started at me, months agape.

I pant finally taking a breath.

"I-i know.. okay we know. Jungkook was rude to us too but we judged him too quick, he usually has his reasons for doing bad things like Th-" hobi started

"Shut up. I don't wanna hear it. Please leave me." I cut him off

Both of them nodded and left the room leaving me with my thoughts.

A few seconds after I hear a knock on the door. "I said go away!" I shout.

The door opens revealing,


I take one glance at the man and all the panic hits me like a brick. It feels as if the pain is slowly clinging on to my body and one poke at it can send my entire mental state tumbling down. The source of my pain standing in front of me, the man I used to be fond of turned into a monster right in front of my own very eyes.

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