office sex

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This chapter has a lot of references from fake love bc who doesn't love that song.


Jimin's soft and plump lips land on jungkook's, jungkook widens his eyes and his breath hitches. He immediately melts into the kiss and his hands squeeze jimin's waist. Jimin moans when the kiss gets deeper. Jungkook's tongue swipes over jimin's bottom lip and jimin opens it widely letting the wet muscle adore his cavern. Jimin throws his arms around jungkook's shoulders and starts grinding lightly over jungkook's hardening dick. 

Jungkook groans lightly and breaks the kiss, "After an hour come to my room, i haven't shown you who you belong to in a while.." Jungkook states. He was about to push jimin off but jimin refused.

"Why can't we do it now sir?" Jimin whispers in jungkook's ear teasingly.

Jungkook grins, "As much as i would love that, i need some work to do in my office." Jimin was about to protest again but jungkook slides him off of his lap and sets him down on the seat. Jimin watches as jungkook walks off, his polished shoes clacking against the dark wood.

"And don't do anything that will land you in trouble angel." He yells before closing the big solid doors. Leaving jimin alone in his manipulated state.

Jimin looks at the ground with his hands placed in his lap. He feels nothing, absolutely fucking nothing. It's as if the soul has been sucked out of him with no trace of coming back. The feelings he once felt are no longer there, just history now.

He gets up from his seat and looks around the empty dining table, the plates that we're scattered on the table we're all discarding food, there we're some empty glasses and some half empty glasses, the clock on the wall read half after 5. The table cloth was the darkest shade of red with flower patterns engraved in the thick fabric, the floor tiles were colored black and white reminding jimin of a checkers board. The light beige walls have expensive looking frames with even more priceless pictures inside of them, it must have cost a fortune for this room, no this house. Jimin walks out of the big doors and into the hallway. He can't..

feel anything.. no anger, no misery, no anguish. Where has all of his feelings run off to? Why does he feel so dull and empty on the inside. Why does he feel something hidden inside of him, like a chamber of something meant to be locked away for good, the chamber of memories and trauma that hid away in whereabouts of his body. The pain and animosities he felt left without a trace. The chamber of secrets lies deep within him and it longs to show itself.

Jimin feels as if he's been swallowed by nothingness itself, he's swarming and swimming through the profanities of the dark and bottomless caverns that trap his heart and soul in the very median. Where he is doesn't matter anymore, fuck he can't even figure out who he is.

Why can't jimin feel anything, where did that raging anger for the boy go? Why does he feel as if this is actually who he's meant to be. He actually is nothing but a doll for jungkook. He needs to erase himself to become someone who jungkook can admire, to make his body run off but his soul dreading off into the void of emptiness that seeks to stay by his side no matter what. If it's jungkook he could pretend to be happy when he's miserable. He can pretend to strong when he's hurting, all his flaws could be hidden inside of him so they couldn't be shown to the outside world. He created a deep dark oasis where the monster inside of him lives, a monster that feeds off of manipulation and guarded lies. The dark monster is fed so much of that same anguish that he finally explodes into a million shards that find it's way into jimin's mind, soul and heart. That same monster that jimin can't see but he can feel. Jimin has lost, he's lost the battle to the monster, he let it overrun him. He lost himself and he can't find the route he chose to get here. 

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