Café latte

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Jimin got up absolutely exhausted from yesterday, He spent all day at the café yesterday, cleaning up and taking care of customers all because his  co-workers called in "sick" sick his ass, but he guess he should be used to it by now, they get special treament and get to spend the day however they wish while jimin is treated like a dog, running errands for people. He got up from His bed yawning. He had college at 10 today, and then had a shift at 4. He walked into His bathroom doing his usual morning routine. He wore a pretty loose blue turtle neck and black ripped jeans with some timberlands.

He walked into the kitchen and sat on one of the bar stools, filing his mouth with scrambled eggs, he sighs as he looks around the room. Just me, myself and I. Truth is his dad murdered his mother when he was little. He was heartbroken, frozen as he saw the lifeless body dead on the ground, blood oozing out from the sides of the corpse. Being the traumatized and scared child he was, he ran away from home and was found and put in a adoption center, they kicked him out once  he was 18 because he wasn't a minor anymore. They sent him to go live with his aunt but she bought him a penthouse. He was shocked to how huge this place was, something he could never afford with the low-paying job he has. Now here he am, a 21 year old loner.

He got his black bag and walked out the house.


He  arrived at college and walked in the beige hallways, he's always despised this place they call school. More like hell. What's so important about math anyways? he wants something more adventurous in his life, something exiting, something that'd make him shit his pants. He walks into Geo class and before he can take a seat he gets tackled.

"JIMINIE HYUNG!" A happy Taehyung jumps on him and he giggles.

 "Get off of me taeee" he pushed him off while they  both chuckled. Kim taehyung a 20 year old man baby.

 "I didn't see you after class yesterday where were you?" they both got up from the floor.

 "Oh I had work and then went home." jimin replied.

 "Ah, I see" 

they both sat down and then he noticed something on taehyung's neck. It was purple and rather large. He leaned into tae's ear and whisper shouted, "is that a hickey?!" Tae gasped from the sudden wind that blew pass his ear. He looked at him and then placed a hand on his neck,

 "o-oh Yeah, Yeah it is." 

Jimin scoffed, "Did you seriously go to that rusty club again?!" Tae grinned a little, and then pulled several pieces of paper from his pocket,

 "and got numbers" Tae said. 

Jimin sighed, "to be honest I'm not even surprised Tae" he sat back down in his chair and listened to the professor blabber.

their class ended and he checked his phone and saw that it was 3:43. shit. he mentally cursed at himself, he ran out the college and onto the bus

He rushed into the café and eyed the store. His boss walked in from the staff room, "20 minutes late park jimin" Jaehyun death glared him.

 "Ah, Im so sorry sir, you see I was in college an-"

 "I don't wanna here it park, next time your late I won't have a doubt in firing your ass" Jaehyun cut him off and left the café. He sighed and put on a small apron and got to work, about an hour later this handsome man walked in, he was pretty tall. Who is he kidding he wasn't handsome he was ETHEREAL! He was so fucking beautiful, jimin can appreciate real beauty when he sees it.

He flinched when the man waved his hand in front of his face.

 "Yeah? Staring is creepy." He said as jimin let out a nervous chuckle. 

"S-sorry sir, what could I get you?" he asked trying not to scream in front of his face right now. He looked up at the menu while jimin got time to look at his beautiful features.

"Uh, I'd like a iced coffee" he nods and wrote it down,

 "anything else" he tries to act as calm as possible. 

"Hmm, are you on the menu?" Jimin looked up uncertain of what just came out of those beautiful lips of his. 

"Uh, sir?" he responded looking confused.

 He clicked his tongue "I don't repeat myself love"

 He looks around trying to look for something or someone to help him with this awkward atmosphere. "Sir if this is your way of flirting, it's not working. If you don't want anything else your total comes to 1.55."

 The man in front of him sighed with a deathful glare in his eyes. He took out his wallet and slammed the money on the table. 

Jimin looks at him and scoffs while sliding the money over to his side of the counter and put it in the cashier. He walks into the staff room to go make his coffee. While he was making it he suddenly feels two muscled arms around his waist. 

he gasps and slowly turn around,

there he is.

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