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It's been 2 hours, at least that's what jimin thinks. Namjoon said to be on his best behavior when jungkook arrives but does jimin really care about how pissed jungkook is? No, No he does not. He doesn't care about anything anymore, only that life is pain, and you can't escape from pain, trust him he's tried.

Jimin has stopped crying, he's stopped screaming, stopped trying to free his arms from the metal restraints that still dig into his flesh. Only thing he hasn't yet completed is to stop breathing.

The pain in his stomach and wrists in unbearable, maybe he deserves all this pain? Who knows. He thinks of his mother this whole time, does she really not love him? is it possible that she could have never wanted a child, is it possible all the times they spent together, smiling was all being forced only because his mother had to. Then who did really love him? Nobody?

The metal door opens letting the bright light shine in, jimin simply looks away. His knees are brought up to his chest and his head leans against the wall slanting downwards.

He hears footsteps march towards his direction but he doesn't spare a glance. "Look at me." The voice says, jimin recognizes it immediately. Jimin figures there's no point in fighting anymore, he looks up obligingly looking at jungkook's face. He looked fancier then usual, a all black suit with hair gel in his hair making it look shiny and new. Jimin has no expression on his face, he doesn't mean to do it, but after having every ounce of love squeezed out of you, your nothing but a pile of flesh and bones. Jimin feels nothing, he is nothing.

Jungkook sighs and looks at jimin, his complexion is sickly pale, his eyes are red, there's bags under his eyes, his wrists all bloody, his expression is plain. Jungkook doesn't know why but for the past few night he always leaned against the metal door from the outside, hearing jimin's muffled sobs and cries. It pained him in a odd way.. was it remorse? guilt? Did he actually feel bad for what he had done to jimin? What was supposed to be locked deep in his soul has suddenly bloomed when he first met jimin. As if it started a fire inside of him, that spread everywhere even though it was unpredictable. Why did his emotions have to come out suddenly? he was supposed to not feel, not care, give the bad boy aura so people could fear him. What happened? why did he feel soft with jimin?

"You look like shit." Jungkook chuckles lightheartedly. He expected maybe an eye roll or a light smile but.. nothing.

Jimin just stares at him the same way...

Jungkook clears his throat and bends down and unties jimin's hands, jimin brings them close to his body and rubs them to soothe the pain a little. He leans closer and grabs jimin's chin lightly, "how are you feeling?" his voice laced with worry.

Again no respond, jimin just stares into his eyes with a bland face. His eyes no longer hold the shine they once did, they we're just plain black orbs that held no sign of anything. Jungkook releases jimin's chin a little to harshly. He gets up and signals his men inside the room.

"We're having guests over soon so we need to get you cleaned up." One of the men lean down and throws jimin over his shoulder, jimin doesn't react, he simply just follows along with anything.

The lack of speech makes jungkook kinda pissed, who the fuck does he think he is.

"Tell the maids to clean him and then send him down." Jungkook states bluntly and walks the opposite direction the man was carrying jimin.

Jimin closes his eyes and leans his chin onto the man's shoulder, he hasn't gotten sleep in days, he's really fucking tired. A few hallways later, the man drops jimin off in a nice bathroom that smelled like roses, a bunch of nice-looking maids we're inside the room as well. They all smiled at jimin but jimin does nothing back. The men who carried him here walks off.

"We will turn away when you get into the bath don't worry." one of the maids giggle, "Hi, i'm hwansoo." The girl reaches her hand out in front of jimin but jimin just simply stares at the hand. The girl smiles and retreats her hand. "That's alright, you must be tired, we will try to make the bath experience as relaxing as ever." The girl gives one last bright smile. Jimin looks to the side and sees a big bath filled with bubbles and rose petals, he would have smiled, that is if he didn't feel the need to. He did think it was nice in his head, his body just didn't react though, it's as if his mind isn't compatible with his body anymore.

The girls all turn away and look at the wall. "You can strip and hop in the bath." Hwansoo says, still facing the wall.

Jimin looks down at his messy attire and slowly strips, hissing at the pain in his tense muscles and bruised, bloody wrists. He's finally fully nude and he walks slowly to the bath, stepping inside. He makes sure not to let his hands in the bath, he doesn't want to bloody the water.

The bubbles cover his slim form, he had lost a drastic amount of weight within the past few days. The warm water sends jimin into a bliss. The girls all turn back and see jimin in the bubbly bath, one of the girls walk to the side of the tub and grabs a first aid kit. 

"Can i see your wrists please?" The girl offers a warm smile, jimin shows her his wrists and the girl frowns while gently taking them.

She grabs a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol and gently rubs the cuts, jimin hisses slightly at the sting. She continues and wipes all the blood off, she then bandages jimin's wrists. 

"The bruises and cut will heal soon." She gives the wrists a little pat. Another girl pours some shampoo in her hands and sits behind jimin on the stool, washing jimin's hair. The cleaning part of the bath was done and jimin felt relieved to be nice and fresh again. 

"We will leave you to rest a little" Hwansoo says while her and the other girls walk off. Jimin watches as the door closes. The warm water that had the aroma of roses hugged every inch of his body, he hugged his body and slowly sinked down in the tub, letting out a sigh of relief. The petals float on top of the water, looking ever so delicate. Jimin felt at ease for a little while, but he knew that soon enough his happiness will be long gone, banished from the face of the earth.

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