First day

377 11 4

What a good way to start the day,
The sun shines into the room through the curtains giving the room a shade of light. I slowly peel my eyes open and see the beige ceiling above of me. I turn just to face a beautiful man who's still sleeping. His pink lips slightly parted, while his bed hair swings off the side of his forehead. He looks so peaceful while sleeping.

A loud knock interrupts my thoughts as I swing my head to the noise. I see a beautiful brunette open the door as he skips inside the room.
"O-oh hello!" I was about to stumble out of bed but then remembered I was only in my boxers. I decide to stay put in the bed while resting my head on the wall behind it.

"Hi" the jumpy man said.

He looks.. happy?
"I'm Hoseok but call me hobi! Nice to meet you!" He reaches out his hand, as I shake it.

What a hyper person.

"My name is jimin, nice to meet you too"

The man smiles once again and sits on the bed beside my legs and shakes the sleeping man beside me.

"Jungkook! Wake up" he shakes the man aggressively as he suddenly flings his head up and punches the hyper man.

I cover my mouth with my hand as the hyper flies off the bed.

"OW!!" The man sits on the floor with his hand to his jaw.

The sleepy man yawns and stretches his arms in the air.
"Mm sorry Hoseok" he says in his deep raspy bed voice.

Little did they both know I was laughing uncontrollably under the palm of my hand.

The hyper man gets off from the floor and wipes his clothes off. "Yeah, whatever. Anyways Namjoon is calling us downstairs, and bring your little sex buddy too."

He nods softly while his eyes still closed as I roll my eyes and take the palm off my face.

"Sleep well princess?" He lays us both back on the bed as he kisses my forehead.

I smile softly at the gesture and nod.

"Yes" I say.

He scrunches his nose. "Mm, bed breath."

I giggle and shake my head.

"Yeah, well you too!" I hit his side playfully.
He chuckles and we both get off the bed. "Come on my beloved let's start our day, hm?"

We both get ready.


Annoying ass:

Hey yoongi!

Why the fuck are you texting me hobi? We're sitting 3 meters away from each other!

Annoying ass:
Yeah I know, but namjoon hyung gets mad when we talk in meetings 🤷‍♀️

Probably bc you never shut up 🤦‍♂️

Annoying ass:
Hey I have feelings yk 😞

I didn't ask yk

Annoying ass:
Wow Chile anyways, wanna go out for ice cream together?

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